
17-letter words containing l, o, n, r, t

  • stenothermophilic — growing best within a narrow temperature range.
  • stolen generation — Aboriginal children removed from their families and placed in institutions or fostered by White families between 1910 and 1970
  • strawberry blonde — woman: with reddish fair hair
  • stress relaxation — Stress relaxation is a gradual reduction in stress with time at constant strain.
  • stretch limousine — a limousine that has been lengthened to provide extra seating accommodation and more legroom
  • super-nationalism — an extreme or fanatical loyalty or devotion to a nation.
  • superalimentation — nourishment; nutrition.
  • supercolumniation — the placing of one order of columns above another.
  • supra-nationalism — outside or beyond the authority of one national government, as a project or policy that is planned and controlled by a group of nations.
  • surrender to bail — to present oneself at court at the appointed time after having been on bail
  • synchronistically — coincidence in time; contemporaneousness; simultaneousness.
  • tabernacle mirror — a mirror of c1800, having columns and a cornice, usually gilt, with a painted panel over the mirror.
  • taiping rebellion — a movement of religious mysticism and agrarian unrest in China between 1850 and 1864 which weakened the Manchu dynasty but was eventually suppressed with foreign aid
  • technical support — an advising and troubleshooting service provided by a manufacturer, typically a software or hardware developer, to its customers, often online or on the telephone.
  • teething problems — If a project or new product has teething problems, it has problems in its early stages or when it first becomes available.
  • teething troubles — Teething troubles are the same as teething problems.
  • telephone numbers — extremely large numbers, esp in reference to salaries or prices
  • telephone service — a company or public utility that provides a telephone-operating service
  • television rights — the rights to televise something, such as a sporting event
  • television screen — the flat vertical surface in a television set on which pictures are shown
  • tell your fortune — When someone tells your fortune, they tell you what they think will happen to you in the future, which they say is shown, for example, by the lines on your hand.
  • temporomandibular — of, relating to, or situated near the hinge joint formed by the lower jaw and the temporal bone of the skull.
  • terminal operator — A terminal operator is a company that manages a place where oil or petrochemical products are stored.
  • terminal platform — (in the oil industry) an offshore platform from which oil or gas is pumped ashore through a pipeline
  • terminal velocity — Physics. the velocity at which a falling body moves through a medium, as air, when the force of resistance of the medium is equal in magnitude and opposite in direction to the force of gravity. the maximum velocity of a body falling through a viscous fluid.
  • tetrafluoroethene — a dense colourless gas that is polymerized to make polytetrafluorethene (PTFE). Formula: F2C:CF2
  • the black country — the formerly heavily industrialized region of central England, northwest of Birmingham
  • the first line of — If you refer to a method as the first line of, for example, defence or treatment, you mean that it is the first or most important method to be used in dealing with a problem.
  • the lower animals — relatively simple or primitive animals and not mammals or vertebrates
  • the lower regions — hell
  • the underemployed — underemployed people
  • theatricalization — to put into dramatic or theatrical form; dramatize.
  • thermal diffusion — the separation of constituents, often isotopes, of a fluid under the influence of a temperature gradient.
  • thermal expansion — expansion caused by heat
  • thermal pollution — a rise in the temperature of rivers or lakes that is injurious to water-dwelling life and is caused by the disposal of heated industrial waste water or water from the cooling towers of nuclear power plants.
  • thermal radiation — electromagnetic radiation emitted by all matter above a temperature of absolute zero because of the thermal motion of atomic particles.
  • thermocoagulation — the coagulation of tissue by heat-producing high-frequency electric currents, used therapeutically to remove small growths or to create specific lesions in the brain.
  • three-dimensional — having, or seeming to have, the dimension of depth as well as width and height.
  • to a large extent — greatly
  • to lose your mind — If you say that someone is losing their mind, you mean that they are becoming mad.
  • to slip your mind — If something slips your mind, you forget it.
  • tone control knob — a round switch on a radio, record player, etc that is turned to alter the tone control
  • torricellian tube — a vertical glass tube partly evacuated and partly filled with mercury, the height of which is used as a measure of atmospheric pressure
  • traditional logic — formal logic based on syllogistic formulas, especially as developed by Aristotle.
  • traffic policeman — a policeman controlling traffic, esp while stationed at an intersection, or enforcing traffic regulations
  • traffic violation — driving offence
  • transferable vote — a vote that is transferred to a second candidate indicated by the voter if the first is eliminated from the ballot
  • transmission line — a system of conductors, as coaxial cable, a wave guide, or a pair of parallel wires, used to transmit signals.
  • travelling people — Gypsies or other itinerant people: a term used esp by such people of themselves
  • tree of knowledge — the tree whose fruit Adam and Eve tasted in disobedience of God: Gen. 2, 3
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