
15-letter words containing l, o, n, r, t

  • florida current — the part of the Gulf Stream which extends from the Florida Strait to Cape Hatteras.
  • flow of control — control flow
  • flowering plant — a plant that produces flowers, fruit, and seeds; angiosperm.
  • fluoridationist — One who supports the addition of fluoride to the public water supply.
  • fluorine dating — a method of determining the relative age of fossil bones found in the same excavation by comparing their fluorine content.
  • flying fortress — a heavy bomber, the B-17, with four radial piston engines, widely used over Europe and the Mediterranean by the U.S. Air Force in World War II.
  • football ground — an area of land where football games are played
  • fore-topgallant — being a sail, yard, or rigging belonging to a fore-topgallant mast.
  • formal argument — (programming)   (Or "parameter") A name in a function or subroutine definition that is replaced by, or bound to, the corresponding actual argument when the function or subroutine is called. In many languages formal arguments behave like local variables which get initialised on entry. See: argument.
  • formation fluid — Formation fluid is fluid in the pores (=tiny holes) of a rock.
  • formation rules — the set of rules that specify the syntax of a formal system; the algorithm that generates the well-formed formulae
  • formularization — The act of formularizing; a formularized or formulated statement or exhibition.
  • fovea centralis — a small pit or depression at the back of the retina forming the point of sharpest vision.
  • fractional note — a banknote in a denomination smaller than the standard unit of currency
  • fractionalizing — Present participle of fractionalize.
  • fraternal order — men's organization
  • free throw lane — the rectangular area, 19 feet (5.7 meters) long and usually 12 or 16 feet (3.6 m or 4.8 meters) wide, extending from the end line behind each backboard to the foul line and along the sides of which players line up during a foul shot.
  • free throw line — foul line (def 2).
  • french togoland — a former United Nations Trust Territory in W Africa, administered by France (1946–60), now the independent republic of Togo
  • friction clutch — a clutch in which one part turns another by friction between them.
  • frontal cyclone — any extratropical cyclone associated with a front: the most common cyclonic storm.
  • full outer join — outer join
  • funeral oration — a formal speech delivered at a funeral
  • gallant soldier — a South American plant, Galinsoga parviflora, widely distributed as a weed, having small daisy-like flowers surrounded by silvery scales: family Asteraceae (composites)
  • gaming platform — a computer system specially made for playing video games; a console: The new gaming platforms have much better graphics resolution than previous generation consoles.
  • gardening tools — tools used for gardening, such as a trowel, spade, rake, etc
  • gastric balloon — an inflatable rubber bag placed in the stomach to reduce its capacity as an aid to losing weight
  • gastronomically — the art or science of good eating.
  • gender politics — debate about the roles and relations of men and women
  • generalisations — Plural form of generalisation.
  • generalizations — Plural form of generalization.
  • geneva protocol — the agreement in 1925 to ban the use of asphyxiating, poisonous, or other gases in war. It does not ban the development or manufacture of such gases
  • geochronologist — A geologist whose speciality is geochronology.
  • giant sunflower — a composite plant, Helianthus giganteus, of eastern North America, growing nearly 12 feet (4 meters) high and having very large yellow flower heads.
  • glazier's point — a small, pointed piece of sheet metal, for holding a pane of glass in a sash until the putty has hardened.
  • golden starfish — an award given to a bathing beach that meets EU standards of cleanliness
  • golden triangle — (sometimes lowercase) an area of Southeast Asia encompassing parts of Burma, Laos, and Thailand, significant as a major source of opium and heroin.
  • goldenrain tree — a small, deciduous Asian tree (Koelreuteria paniculata) of the soapberry family having small yellow flowers and papery fruit pods
  • governmentalism — the trend toward expansion of the government's role, range of activities, or power.
  • governmentalist — one who promotes the philosophy of governmentalism
  • governmentality — (sociology) The organized practices (mentalities, rationalities, and techniques) through which subjects are governed and influenced.
  • governmentalize — (US) To bring a private entity under government control; to nationalize.
  • grade inflation — the awarding of higher grades than students deserve either to maintain a school's academic reputation or as a result of diminished teacher expectations.
  • gram's solution — (sometimes lowercase) a solution of iodine, potassium iodide, and water, used in staining bacteria.
  • grand old party — G.O.P.
  • grandiloquently — speaking or expressed in a lofty style, often to the point of being pompous or bombastic.
  • granulitization — the process whereby metamorphism acts on a rock and reduces it to crystalline grains
  • gravitationally — As a result of the force of gravity.
  • gravity anomaly — a deviation from the normal value of gravity at the earth's surface, caused by density differences at depth, for example those caused by a buried mineral body
  • great rebellion — English Civil War.
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