
12-letter words containing l, o, n, r, t

  • scrutinously — in a scrutinous manner
  • sea lungwort — a plant, Mertensia maritima, of the borage family, growing on northern seacoasts and having leaves with an oysterlike flavor.
  • self-control — control or restraint of oneself or one's actions, feelings, etc.
  • self-torment — an act or instance of tormenting oneself, as with worry or guilt.
  • seropurulent — composed of or containing both serum and pus
  • servocontrol — control by means of a servomechanism.
  • short column — a column whose relative dimensions ensure that when it is overloaded it fails by crushing, rather than buckling
  • signal tower — a tower from which railway signals are controlled or displayed
  • silver point — the melting point of silver, equal to 960.8°C, used as a fixed point on the international temperature scale.
  • skeleton car — a freight car essentially consisting of a central longitudinal girder fastened to the trucks, sometimes supplemented by one or more pairs of cross cantilevers: used for carrying logs or containers.
  • skeletonizer — any of numerous insect species that reduce leaves to a skeleton
  • slow neutron — a neutron with low kinetic energy, especially one slowed by the moderator in a nuclear reactor.
  • smotheringly — in a smothering manner
  • snollygoster — a clever, unscrupulous person.
  • snow crystal — a crystal of ice sufficiently heavy to fall from the atmosphere.
  • solenogaster — any of a group of wormlike mollusks, class Solenogastres (formerly Aplacophora), inhabiting deep ocean layers and having fine limy spicules on the covering mantle.
  • solitariness — alone; without companions; unattended: a solitary passer-by.
  • spin control — Slang. an attempt to give a bias to news coverage, especially of a political candidate or event.
  • stenothermal — (of animals or plants) able to exist only within a narrow range of temperature
  • sternocostal — of, relating to, or situated between the sternum and ribs.
  • stone circle — a circle of standing stones erected in prehistoric times
  • stone curlew — thick-knee.
  • stone roller — an American minnow, Campostoma anomalum, named from its habit of moving stones as it feeds.
  • storm signal — a visual signal, as a flag, giving advance notice of a heavy storm, used especially along coastal areas.
  • stormfulness — the quality or state of being stormful
  • storytelling — the telling or writing of stories.
  • stranglehold — Wrestling. an illegal hold by which an opponent's breath is choked off.
  • streptolysin — a type of hemolysin produced by certain species of streptococcus.
  • streptosolen — a type of South American shrub grown for ornamental purposes, with orange trumpet-shaped flowers
  • string along — a slender cord or thick thread used for binding or tying; line.
  • stringholder — an oblong piece of wood at the lower end of the body of a viol or other stringed instrument to which the strings are attached.
  • strobilation — asexual reproduction by division into segments, as in tapeworms and jellyfishes
  • strongsville — a town in N Ohio.
  • strongylosis — a disease, especially of horses, caused by an infestation by strongyles and characterized in serious cases by weakness and anemia.
  • superfrontal — a piece of cloth placed over an altar and frontal and hanging down a few inches over the front of the altar
  • supportingly — to bear or hold up (a load, mass, structure, part, etc.); serve as a foundation for.
  • surmountable — to mount upon; get on the top of; mount upon and cross over: to surmount a hill.
  • technicolour — brightly, showily, or garishly coloured; vividly noticeable
  • telanthropus — a genus of fossil hominids, known from two fragmentary lower jaws found in the region of Swartkrans, near Johannesburg, South Africa.
  • telegraphone — an early magnetic sound-recording device for use with wire, tape, or disks.
  • teleosaurian — of or relating to the teleosaur
  • telharmonium — a musical keyboard instrument operating by alternating currents of electricity which, on impulse from the keyboard, produce music at a distant point via telephone lines.
  • tenuirostral — pertaining to a group of birds Tenuirostres which have slender bills
  • tetrapolitan — of or related to a tetrapolis
  • theory-laden — (of an expression) capable of being understood only within the context of a specific theory, as for example superego, which requires the apparatus of Freudian theory in explanation
  • thermohaline — relating to both the temperature and salinity of ocean water
  • through-line — a theme or idea that runs from the beginning to the end of a book, film, etc
  • thundercloud — cumulonimbus.
  • timbale iron — a metal mold made in any of several shapes and usually provided with a long handle, for deep-frying timbales.
  • tin-fluoride — stannous fluoride.
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