
9-letter words containing l, i, t, p

  • palpitate — to pulsate with unusual rapidity from exertion, emotion, disease, etc.; flutter: His heart palpitated wildly.
  • panellist — A panellist is a person who is a member of a panel and speaks in public, especially on a radio or television programme.
  • pantingly — eagerly
  • papillote — a decorative curled paper placed over the end of the bone of a cutlet or chop.
  • paralytic — a person affected with paralysis.
  • parietals — the regulations that govern living within a college
  • partially — being such in part only; not total or general; incomplete: partial blindness; a partial payment of a debt.
  • past life — previous incarnation
  • pastelist — an artist who draws with pastels.
  • pastiglia — a plaster used during the Italian Renaissance for bas-relief ornament of furniture, being applied in layers, molded, carved, and gilded.
  • patanjali — flourished late 2nd century b.c, Indian scholar and philosopher: sometimes regarded as the founder of yoga.
  • patchouli — a plant, Pogostemon cablin, of tropical Asia, that yields a fragrant oil (patchouli oil) used in the manufacture of perfumes.
  • patiently — a person who is under medical care or treatment.
  • patriliny — the tracing of descent exclusively through the male members of a family.
  • pearlitic — Metallurgy. a microscopic lamellar structure found in iron or steel, composed of alternating layers of ferrite and cementite.
  • pectineal — of or relating to the pectineus muscle or the pubic bone
  • pectolite — a mineral, hydrous calcium sodium silicate, usually occurring in radiating groups of crystals in rock cavities.
  • pelletierWilfrid, 1896–1982, Canadian orchestra conductor.
  • pelletify — to shape into pellets
  • pelletize — to make or form (concentrated ore) into pellets.
  • pellitory — any of various urticaceous plants of the S and W European genus Parietaria, esp P. diffusa (pellitory-of-the-wall or wall pellitory), that grow in crevices and have long narrow leaves and small pink flowers
  • peltation — having the stalk or support attached to the lower surface at a distance from the margin, as a leaf; shield-shaped.
  • penalties — a punishment imposed or incurred for a violation of law or rule.
  • pentolite — a high explosive consisting of pentaerythritol tetranitrate and TNT.
  • penultima — the next to the last syllable in a word.
  • periblast — the protoplasm surrounding the blastoderm in meroblastic eggs
  • perinatal — occurring during or pertaining to the phase surrounding the time of birth, from the twentieth week of gestation to the twenty-eighth day of newborn life.
  • periplast — the hard and plated cell wall of a single-celled organism
  • peristyle — a colonnade surrounding a building or an open space.
  • pestilent — producing or tending to produce infectious or contagious, often epidemic, disease; pestilential.
  • petechial — pertaining to, resembling, or characterized by petechiae.
  • petillant — slightly sparkling.
  • petiolate — having a petiole or peduncle.
  • petiolule — a small petiole, as of a leaflet in a compound leaf.
  • petit mal — a disorder of the nervous system, characterized either by mild, episodic loss of attention or sleepiness (petit mal) or by severe convulsions with loss of consciousness (grand mal)
  • phacolite — a colorless variety of chabazite.
  • phacolith — a layer of igneous rock, which has the structure of a lens, and which occurs in an invasive position in sedimentary rock
  • phil katz — (person)   The founder of PKWARE, Inc..
  • philately — the collecting of stamps and other postal matter as a hobby or an investment.
  • philistia — an ancient country on the E coast of the Mediterranean.
  • philomath — a person who enjoys learning new facts and acquiring new knowledge
  • phlebitis — inflammation of a vein, often occurring in the legs and involving the formation of a thrombus, characterized by swelling, pain, and change of skin color.
  • pholidota — the order comprising the pangolins.
  • phonolite — a fine-grained volcanic rock composed chiefly of alkali feldspar and nepheline, some varieties of which split into pieces that ring on being struck.
  • photalgia — pain, as in an eye, that is caused by intensity of light.
  • photophil — an organism, such as a plant, that seeks, thrives on and requires strong light
  • phthalein — any of a group of compounds formed by treating phthalic anhydride with phenols, from which certain important dyes are derived.
  • phthiocol — a yellow crystalline substance, C 1 1 H 8 O 3 , produced by the human tubercle bacillus, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, having antibiotic and blood-clotting properties.
  • phylactic — defending or protecting, especially from disease.
  • phyletics — phylogenetic classification.
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