
9-letter words containing l, i, n, a

  • antilifer — a person in favour of abortion
  • antimonyl — of, consisting of, or containing the monovalent group SbO-
  • antimoral — Opposing or countering moral behaviour.
  • antinodal — the region of maximum amplitude between two adjacent nodes in a standing wave.
  • antinovel — a type of prose fiction in which conventional or traditional novelistic elements are rejected
  • antipapal — opposed to the pope
  • antipedal — (in a mollusk) located opposite the foot.
  • antiplane — (mechanics) Being or pertaining to a special class of deformation where the displacements in the body are zero in the plane of interest but non-zero in the direction perpendicular to that plane.
  • antiplant — Designed to kill plants; herbicidal.
  • antipodal — of or relating to diametrically opposite points on the earth's surface
  • antipolar — of or relating to the North or South Pole.
  • antiquely — in an antique manner
  • antiroyal — opposed to the monarchy
  • antisleep — acting to prevent sleep
  • antisolar — facing in the opposite direction to the sun
  • antistyle — a style that rejects or subverts conventional style
  • antiulcer — acting against ulcers
  • antiviral — inhibiting the growth of viruses
  • antiworld — a hypothetical or supposed world or universe composed of antimatter
  • antlerite — an emerald to blackish-green mineral, hydrous copper sulfate, Cu 3 (OH) 4 SO 4 , a major copper ore in Chile.
  • anxiously — full of mental distress or uneasiness because of fear of danger or misfortune; greatly worried; solicitous: Her parents were anxious about her poor health.
  • aplanatic — (of a lens or mirror) free from spherical aberration
  • aplanetic — (esp of some algal and fungal spores) nonmotile or lacking a motile stage
  • appalling — Something that is appalling is so bad or unpleasant that it shocks you.
  • appealing — Someone or something that is appealing is pleasing and attractive.
  • appletini — a cocktail consisting of vodka and apple juice with apple cider, apple brandy, or apple liqueur, and sometimes vermouth
  • appliance — An appliance is a device or machine in your home that you use to do a job such as cleaning or cooking. Appliances are often electrical.
  • applicant — An applicant for something such as a job or a place at a college is someone who makes a formal written request to be given it.
  • apronlike — resembling an apron
  • apse line — the major axis of an elliptical orbit.
  • arational — Not based on or governed by reason.
  • arecoline — a drug derived from betel nuts and producing a range of effects, including increased salivation, body temperature, and heart rate
  • argan oil — a yellow nutty-flavoured oil extracted from the ripe green olive-like fruits of the argan tree, Argania spinosa of SW Morocco, and used in cooking, medicines, and cosmetics
  • arlington — a county of N Virginia: site of Arlington National Cemetery
  • arsenical — of or containing arsenic
  • articling — a written composition in prose, usually nonfiction, on a specific topic, forming an independent part of a book or other publication, as a newspaper or magazine.
  • artisanal — pertaining to or noting a person skilled in an applied art: The men were taught artisanal skills such as bricklaying and carpentry.
  • arylamine — any of a group of amines in which one or more of the hydrogen atoms of ammonia are replaced by aromatic groups.
  • arylation — to introduce one or more aryl groups into (a compound).
  • ashlaring — ashlars collectively
  • asian flu — a type of influenza recurring in worldwide epidemics, caused by a virus (A2 strain or subsequent antigenic variants), which apparently originated in China in 1957
  • asininely — In an asinine manner; very irrationally.
  • asplenium — any fern of the very large genus Asplenium, of worldwide distribution. Some, esp the bird's nest fern (A. nidus), are grown as greenhouse or house plants for their decorative evergreen fronds: family Polypodiaceae
  • assailant — Someone's assailant is a person who has physically attacked them.
  • assailing — to attack vigorously or violently; assault.
  • assoiling — Present participle of assoil.
  • athelings — Plural form of atheling.
  • atonalism — atonality.
  • atonalist — a composer who composes without knowingly or being aware of alluding to a particular tone or scale
  • atonality — absence of or disregard for an established musical key in a composition
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