
9-letter words containing l, e, i, s, h

  • shale oil — petroleum distilled from oil shale.
  • shalelike — having the properties or appearance of shale
  • sharklike — any of a group of elongate elasmobranch, mostly marine fishes, certain species of which are large, voracious, and sometimes dangerous to humans.
  • shaveling — Older Use: Disparaging. a clergyman with a shaven or tonsured head.
  • shavetail — U.S. Army. a second lieutenant.
  • she-devil — a woman who resembles a devil, as in extreme wickedness, cruelty, or bad temper.
  • sheaflike — resembling a sheaf
  • shearling — Chiefly British. a yearling sheep that has been shorn once.
  • sheeplike — any of numerous ruminant mammals of the genus Ovis, of the family Bovidae, closely related to the goats, especially O. aries, bred in a number of domesticated varieties.
  • sheetlike — resembling a sheet
  • sheffield — a city in South Yorkshire, in N England.
  • shelf ice — ice forming part of or broken from an ice shelf.
  • shelflist — a record of the books and other materials in a library arranged in the order in which the materials are stored on shelves.
  • shellfire — the firing of explosive shells or projectiles.
  • shellfish — an aquatic animal having a shell, as the oyster and other mollusks and the lobster and other crustaceans.
  • shielding — a broad piece of armor, varying widely in form and size, carried apart from the body, usually on the left arm, as a defense against swords, lances, arrows, etc.
  • shiftable — able or designed to be shifted, changed, or removed: shiftable furniture.
  • shiftless — lacking in resourcefulness; inefficient; lazy.
  • shillaber — a shill or someone who poses as a satisfied customer in order to encourage other buyers or participants
  • shineless — lacking shine or brightness
  • shippable — being in a suitable form or condition for shipping1 .
  • shirralee — a load, pack, or bundle
  • shirtless — a long- or short-sleeved garment for the upper part of the body, usually lightweight and having a collar and a front opening.
  • shit-hole — a very bad place; a disgusting place
  • shlimazel — an inept, bungling person who suffers from unremitting bad luck.
  • shoalwise — in shoals or large groups
  • shoreline — the line where shore and water meet.
  • shoutline — a line of text in an advertisement made prominent to catch attention
  • shoveling — an implement consisting of a broad blade or scoop attached to a long handle, used for taking up, removing, or throwing loose matter, as earth, snow, or coal.
  • shrewlike — a woman of violent temper and speech; termagant.
  • shrillest — high-pitched and piercing in sound quality: a shrill cry.
  • shulamite — an epithet meaning “princess,” applied to the bride in the Song of Solomon 6:13.
  • sidelight — an item of incidental information.
  • sidewheel — either of a pair of paddle wheels on the sides of a vessel.
  • sieg heil — hail to victory: a Nazi salute, often accompanied by the raising of the right arm
  • sighthole — a hole, as on a quadrant, through which to see or to sight.
  • sightless — unable to see; blind.
  • sightline — any of the lines of sight between the spectators and the stage or playing area in a theater, stadium, etc.: Some of the sightlines are blocked by columns.
  • sinhalese — of or relating to Sri Lanka, its native people, or their language.
  • sinophile — a person who admires or has a strong liking for China, the Chinese, or their culture.
  • siphuncle — (in a nautilus) the connecting tube that passes from the end of the body through all of the septa to the innermost chamber.
  • sleighing — a light vehicle on runners, usually open and generally horse-drawn, used especially for transporting persons over snow or ice.
  • sleuthing — a detective. Synonyms: investigator, private investigator; private eye, gumshoe, shamus.
  • slideshow — a presentation of photographic slides, or images on a transparent base, placed in a projector and viewed sequentially on a screen.
  • slightest — small in amount, degree, etc.: a slight increase; a slight odor.
  • slipsheet — a sheet so inserted.
  • slithered — to slide down or along a surface, especially unsteadily, from side to side, or with some friction or noise: The box slithered down the chute.
  • somewhile — at some former time.
  • spherical — having the form of a sphere; globular.
  • stepchild — a child of one's spouse by a previous marriage.
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