
15-letter words containing l, a, t, r, e, u

  • nonmatriculated — not matriculated, not enrolled in an institution, esp a college or university
  • northern parula — any of several American wood warblers of the genus Parula, especially P. americana (northern parula) having bluish plumage with a yellow throat and breast.
  • nuclear reactor — reactor (def 4).
  • nuclear testing — the process of carrying out a test on a nuclear weapon to determine effectiveness, etc
  • obstacle course — a military training area having obstacles, as hurdles, ditches, and walls, that must be surmounted or crossed in succession.
  • obtuse triangle — a triangle with one obtuse angle.
  • one's last hour — the time of one's death
  • outline drawing — a drawing consisting only of external lines
  • outside caliper — a caliper whose legs turn inward so that it can measure outside dimensions, as the diameter of a rod.
  • over-articulate — excessively articulate
  • over-cultivated — to prepare and work on (land) in order to raise crops; till.
  • over-particular — of or relating to a single or specific person, thing, group, class, occasion, etc., rather than to others or all; special rather than general: one's particular interests in books.
  • over-population — to fill with an excessive number of people, straining available resources and facilities: Expanding industry has overpopulated the western suburbs.
  • over-regulation — a law, rule, or other order prescribed by authority, especially to regulate conduct.
  • overcultivation — the act or art of cultivating.
  • overspeculation — the contemplation or consideration of some subject: to engage in speculation on humanity's ultimate destiny.
  • overstimulation — to rouse to action or effort, as by encouragement or pressure; spur on; incite: to stimulate his interest in mathematics.
  • overutilization — to put to use; turn to profitable account: to utilize a stream to power a mill.
  • parent language — an earlier language from which another is derived.
  • partial denture — an artificial replacement of one or several of the teeth (partial denture) or all of the teeth (full denture) of either or both jaws; dental prosthesis.
  • pastel-coloured — pale-coloured; in a shade such as pink or pale blue
  • paurometabolous — designating or of a group of insect orders, as orthopterans or hemipterans, in which metamorphosis to the adult state from the juvenile state is gradual and without any sudden, radical change of body form
  • pearly nautilus — nautilus (def 1).
  • pectoral muscle — muscle of the chest
  • penal servitude — imprisonment together with hard labor.
  • penshurst place — a 14th-century mansion near Tunbridge Wells in Kent: birthplace of Sir Philip Sidney; gardens laid out from 1560
  • perpetual check — a continuing series of checks resulting in a drawn game because they cannot be halted or evaded without resulting in checkmate or a serious disadvantage.
  • phenylketonuria — an inherited disease due to faulty metabolism of phenylalanine, characterized by phenylketones in the urine and usually first noted by signs of mental retardation in infancy.
  • picture gallery — place where art is exhibited and sold
  • picture library — A picture library is a collection of photographs that is held by a particular company or organization. Newspapers or publishers can pay to use the photographs in their publications.
  • pierrot lunaire — a cycle of 21 songs (1912) for voice and instruments, by Arnold Schönberg, written in Sprechgesang style and set to poems of Albert Giraud in German translation.
  • planter's punch — a punch made with rum, lime juice, sugar, and water or soda.
  • plastic surgeon — doctor who performs cosmetic surgery
  • plastic surgery — the branch of surgery dealing with the repair or replacement of malformed, injured, or lost organs or tissues of the body, chiefly by the transplant of living tissues.
  • play favourites — to display favouritism
  • pneumatic drill — a percussive power drill powered by compressed air
  • polyunsaturated — of or noting a class of animal or vegetable fats, especially plant oils, whose molecules consist of carbon chains with many double bonds unsaturated by hydrogen atoms and that are associated with a low cholesterol content of the blood.
  • popular culture — cultural activities or commercial products reflecting, suited to, or aimed at the tastes of the general masses of people.
  • portugal laurel — Prunus lusitanica; type of cherry
  • practical nurse — a person who has not graduated from an accredited school of nursing but whose vocation is caring for the sick.
  • pre-contractual — a preexisting contract that legally prevents a person from making another contract of the same nature.
  • preagricultural — existing or occurring prior to the introduction of agriculture; of or relating to a society existing at this time
  • preequalization — preemphasis.
  • prelate nullius — a prelate having independent jurisdiction over a district not under a diocesan bishop.
  • preternaturally — out of the ordinary course of nature; exceptional or abnormal: preternatural powers.
  • pseudo-critical — inclined to find fault or to judge with severity, often too readily.
  • pseudo-military — of, for, or pertaining to the army or armed forces, often as distinguished from the navy: from civilian to military life.
  • pseudotripteral — having an arrangement of columns suggesting a tripteral structure but without the inner colonnades.
  • puerto vallarta — a city in W Mexico.
  • pulmobranchiate — possessing a pulmobranch
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