
17-letter words containing l, a, e, t

  • continental slope — a steep slope separating a continental shelf and a deep ocean basin.
  • contingency table — an array having the frequency of occurrence of certain events in each of a number of samples
  • contraflow system — a system of traffic lanes whose normal direction is reversed to allow traffic to move during repairs or an accident
  • contrasuggestible — responding or tending to respond to a suggestion by doing or believing the opposite
  • control character — a character in a data stream that signals the device receiving the data to perform a particular control function, as changing the line spacing on a printer from single to double-spaced.
  • controlling image — a literary device employing repetition so as to stress the theme of a work or a particular symbol.
  • controversialness — The state or quality of being controversial.
  • conventionalities — Plural form of conventionality.
  • conversationalist — A good conversationalist is someone who talks about interesting things when they have conversations.
  • coordinate clause — one of two or more clauses in a sentence having the same status and introduced by coordinating conjunctions
  • corel corporation — (company)   A software publisher best known for the CorelDraw application. Founded in June 1985 by Dr. Michael Cowpland, Corel Corporation was originally a systems integration company. In January 1989, however they entered the software publishing market with the introduction of CorelDraw. Corel became the second largest maker of personal productivity software in January 1996 when they purchased the WordPerfect family of software from Novell, Inc..
  • corporate culture — the distinctive ethos of an organization that influences the level of formality, loyalty, and general behaviour of its employees
  • corporate village — an area close to the workplace where many everyday facilities are provided for a company's workers
  • correlation ratio — the ratio of the variance between arrays of data within a sample to the variance of the whole sample.
  • counter-complaint — an expression of discontent, regret, pain, censure, resentment, or grief; lament; faultfinding: his complaint about poor schools.
  • counterchallenges — Plural form of counterchallenge.
  • country gentleman — a rich man with an estate in the country
  • credit facilities — a type of loan made by a bank
  • criminal contempt — any seriously disrespectful act committed against the dignity or authority of a court.
  • critical pressure — the pressure of a gas or the saturated vapour pressure of a substance in its critical state
  • cross-correlation — the correlation between two sequences of random variables in a time series
  • cruciate ligament — A cruciate ligament is either of a pair of ligaments that cross at the knee.
  • cryptocrystalline — (of rocks) composed of crystals that can be distinguished individually only by the use of a polarizing microscope
  • cultural exchange — an exchange of students, artists, athletes, etc., between two countries to promote mutual understanding.
  • culture-fair test — a test, usually for intelligence, that does not put anyone taking it at a disadvantage, esp regarding material or cultural background
  • cumulative voting — a system of voting in which each elector has as many votes as there are candidates in his constituency. Votes may all be cast for one candidate or distributed among several
  • customs clearance — the permission to take goods into or out of a country once customs requirements have been satisfied
  • cyclooctatetraene — a colorless, flammable liquid cyclic hydrocarbon, C 8 H 8 , used in organic research.
  • cylinder capacity — the cylinder volume that is swept by the pistons of an internal-combustion engine
  • cyrillic alphabet — the alphabet derived from that of the Greeks, supposedly by Saint Cyril, for the writing of Slavonic languages: now used primarily for Russian, Bulgarian, and the Serbian dialect of Serbo-Croat
  • cytomegaloviruses — Plural form of cytomegalovirus.
  • dagestan republic — a constituent republic of S Russia, on the Caspian Sea: annexed from Persia in 1813; rich mineral resources. Capital: Makhachkala. Pop: 2 584 200 (2002). Area: 50 278 sq km (19 416 sq miles)
  • damage limitation — Damage limitation is action that is taken to make the bad results of something as small as possible, when it is impossible to avoid bad results completely.
  • dante (alighieri) — (born Durante Alighieri) 1265-1321; It. poet: wrote The Divine Comedy
  • daughter language — a language that has evolved from another specified language.
  • david livingstoneDavid, 1813–73, Scottish missionary and explorer in Africa.
  • de-specialization — the act of specializing, or pursuing a particular line of study or work: Medical students with high student loans often feel driven into specialization.
  • dead to the world — unaware of one's surroundings, esp fast asleep or very drunk
  • deadly nightshade — a poisonous Eurasian solanaceous plant, Atropa belladonna, having dull purple bell-shaped flowers and small very poisonous black berries
  • deathwatch beetle — a beetle, Xestobium rufovillosum, whose woodboring larvae are a serious pest. The adult produces a rapid tapping sound with its head that was once popularly supposed to presage death
  • decellularization — (biology, medicine) The loss of cells from tissue.
  • decontextualizing — to remove (a linguistic element, an action, etc.) from a context: decontextualized works of art displayed in museums.
  • decriminalisation — (chiefly, British) Alternative form of decriminalization.
  • decriminalization — to eliminate criminal penalties for or remove legal restrictions against: to decriminalize marijuana.
  • deductible clause — a clause in an insurance policy stipulating that the insured will be liable for a specified initial amount of each loss, injury, etc., and that the insurance company will be liable for any additional costs up to the insured amount.
  • deductive tableau — (tool)   A theorem proof system consisting of a table whose rows contain assertions or goals. Variables in assertions are implicitly universally quantified and variables in goals are implicitly existentially quantified. The declarative meaning of a tableau is that if every instance of every assertion is true then some instance of at least one of the goals is true.
  • defamiliarisation — (arts) The representation of objects anew, in a way that we do not recognize, or that changes our reading of them.
  • defamiliarization — Art, Literature. a theory and technique, originating in the early 20th century, in which an artistic or literary work presents familiar objects or situations in an unfamiliar way, prolonging the perceptive process and allowing for a fresh perspective.
  • definite integral — the evaluation of the indefinite integral between two limits, representing the area between the given function and the x-axis between these two values of x
  • dehospitalization — hospitalization insurance.
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