
7-letter words containing l, a, e, r

  • almeria — a port in S Spain. Pop: 176 727 (2003 est)
  • almoner — In Britain, an almoner is a social worker who works in a hospital.
  • alnager — an inspector of the quality and measurement of woollen cloth
  • already — You use already to show that something has happened, or that something had happened before the moment you are referring to. Speakers of British English use already with a verb in a perfect tense, putting it after 'have', 'has', or 'had', or at the end of a clause. Some speakers of American English use already with the simple past tense of the verb instead of a perfect tense.
  • altered — to make different in some particular, as size, style, course, or the like; modify: to alter a coat; to alter a will; to alter course.
  • alterer — someone or something that alters
  • alterne — a neighbouring but different plant group
  • alvarez — Luis Walter. 1911–88, US physicist. He made (with Felix Bloch) the first measurement of the neutron's magnetic moment (1939). Nobel prize for physics 1968
  • alveary — a beehive
  • angerly — angrily
  • anglers — Plural form of angler.
  • antlers — Plural form of antler.
  • apparel — Apparel means clothes, especially formal clothes worn on an important occasion.
  • applier — to make use of as relevant, suitable, or pertinent: to apply a theory to a problem.
  • apteral — (esp of a classical temple) not having columns at the sides
  • arcella — a genus of freshwater, ameboid protozoa that secrete a hard, umbrellalike shell having a single opening through which the pseudopodia extend.
  • archlet — a small arch
  • ardebil — a town in NW Iran, near the Caspian Sea.
  • ardella — a female given name.
  • areally — from an areal point of view
  • areolae — a ring of color, as around the human nipple.
  • areolar — a ring of color, as around the human nipple.
  • areolas — a ring of color, as around the human nipple.
  • areoles — Plural form of areola.
  • areolet — (zoology) A small enclosed area, especially one of the small spaces on the wings of insects, circumscribed by the veins.
  • argyles — Plural form of argyle.
  • aripple — in ripples
  • arlberg — a mountain pass in W Austria: a winter sports region. Height: 1802 m (5910 ft)
  • armhole — The armholes of something such as a shirt or dress are the openings through which you put your arms, or the places where the sleeves are attached.
  • armless — lacking an arm or arms: The Venus de Milo is an armless statue.
  • armlets — Plural form of armlet.
  • armlike — Resembling an arm (limb) or some aspect of one.
  • arsenal — An arsenal is a large collection of weapons and military equipment held by a country, group, or person.
  • article — An article is a piece of writing that is published in a newspaper or magazine.
  • artless — Someone who is artless is simple and honest, and does not think of deceiving other people.
  • arundel — a town in S England, in West Sussex: 11th-century castle. Pop: 3297 (2001)
  • arylate — to introduce one or more aryl groups into (a compound).
  • askarel — any of the class of synthetic, nonflammable, liquid dielectrics used chiefly for insulation in transformers.
  • atelier — An atelier is an artist's studio or workshop.
  • aurelia — any large jellyfish of the order Acalephae
  • aureola — a radiance surrounding the head or the whole figure in the representation of a sacred personage.
  • aureole — (esp in paintings of Christian saints and the deity) a border of light or radiance enveloping the head or sometimes the whole of a figure represented as holy
  • auricle — the upper chamber of the heart; atrium
  • averbal — Not verbal; without words and speech.
  • avernal — a lake near Naples, Italy, looked upon in ancient times as an entrance to hell, from whose waters vile-smelling vapors arose, supposedly killing birds flying over it.
  • averral — (nonstandard) The act of averring; an assertion of truth.
  • axelrod — Julius. 1912–2004, US neuropharmacologist, renowned for his work on catecholamines. Nobel prize for physiology or medicine (with von Euler and Bernard Katz) 1970
  • azurely — With an azure colour.
  • babbler — a person who babbles
  • baffler — Something that causes one to be baffled, particularly a difficult puzzle or riddle.
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