
11-letter words containing l, a, b, t

  • portability — the state or quality of being portable.
  • postcubital — Anatomy, Zoology. pertaining to, involving, or situated near the cubitus.
  • postorbital — located behind the orbit or socket of the eye.
  • potableness — the quality of being potable or drinkable
  • pourability — to send (a liquid, fluid, or anything in loose particles) flowing or falling, as from one container to another, or into, over, or on something: to pour a glass of milk; to pour water on a plant.
  • practicable — capable of being done, effected, or put into practice, with the available means; feasible: a practicable solution.
  • preambulate — to make a preamble, to give an introduction
  • predictable — able to be foretold or declared in advance: New technology allows predictable weather forecasting.
  • predictably — able to be foretold or declared in advance: New technology allows predictable weather forecasting.
  • prelibation — a foretaste.
  • prepubertal — the period of life just prior to sexual maturation.
  • presbyteral — of or relating to a presbyter or presbytery
  • presentable — that may be presented.
  • preventable — to keep from occurring; avert; hinder: He intervened to prevent bloodshed.
  • probability — the quality or fact of being probable.
  • probational — the act of testing.
  • problematic — of the nature of a problem; doubtful; uncertain; questionable.
  • projectable — something that is contemplated, devised, or planned; plan; scheme.
  • protectable — to defend or guard from attack, invasion, loss, annoyance, insult, etc.; cover or shield from injury or danger.
  • protestable — an expression or declaration of objection, disapproval, or dissent, often in opposition to something a person is powerless to prevent or avoid: a protest against increased taxation.
  • publication — the act of publishing a book, periodical, map, piece of music, engraving, or the like.
  • quotability — The degree to which a person, literature, or a speech is useful or relevant for being quoted.
  • rabbit ball — a lively baseball, especially the ball used in present-day baseball: The pitchers keep complaining about the rabbit ball.
  • rabbit hole — opening of a rabbit's burrow
  • racquetball — a game similar to handball, played on a four-walled court but with a short-handled, strung racket and a larger, somewhat softer ball.
  • radiability — to extend, spread, or move like rays or radii from a center.
  • rambouillet — one of a breed of hardy sheep, developed from the Merino, yielding good mutton and a fine grade of wool.
  • range table — one of a number of identical small tables that can be used together to form a single table.
  • rattle-bush — blue false indigo.
  • rattlebrain — a giddy, empty-headed, talkative person.
  • readability — Also, readableness. the state or quality of being readable.
  • recalibrate — to determine, check, or rectify the graduation of (any instrument giving quantitative measurements).
  • recreatable — to create anew.
  • recruitable — a newly enlisted or drafted member of the armed forces.
  • rectifiable — able to be rectified.
  • redoubtable — that is to be feared; formidable.
  • reestablish — to found, institute, build, or bring into being on a firm or stable basis: to establish a university; to establish a medical practice.
  • registrable — a book in which records of acts, events, names, etc., are kept.
  • regrettable — causing or deserving regret; unfortunate; deplorable.
  • regrettably — causing or deserving regret; unfortunate; deplorable.
  • reliability — the ability to be relied on or depended on, as for accuracy, honesty, or achievement.
  • relocatable — constructed so as to be movable; portable, prefabricated, or modular: relocatable classroom units.
  • relubricate — to lubricate again or with new lubricant
  • rentability — a payment made periodically by a tenant to a landlord in return for the use of land, a building, an apartment, an office, or other property.
  • repatriable — to bring or send back (a person, especially a prisoner of war, a refugee, etc.) to his or her country or land of citizenship.
  • respectable — worthy of respect or esteem; estimable; worthy: a respectable citizen.
  • respectably — worthy of respect or esteem; estimable; worthy: a respectable citizen.
  • restabilize — to stabilize again
  • restartable — capable of being restarted
  • retraceable — to trace backward; go back over: to retrace one's steps.
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