
15-letter words containing i, s, o, a, m, n

  • comrade in arms — a fellow soldier.
  • comrade-in-arms — A comrade-in-arms is someone who has worked for the same cause or purpose as you and has shared the same difficulties and dangers.
  • confessionalism — the belief that a religion, esp Christianity, should have a set of essential doctrines to which members of that religion must adhere
  • conglomerations — Plural form of conglomeration.
  • conservationism — A movement that supports conservation, especially that of natural resources.
  • consumption tax — a tax, as a sales tax, levied on consumer goods or services at the time of sale.
  • contrast medium — a radiopaque substance, such as barium sulphate, used to increase the contrast of an image in radiography
  • conventionalism — advocacy of or conformity to that which is established
  • conversationism — a colloquialism
  • cooley's anemia — a form of thalassemia characterized by severe anemia, growth retardation, etc. and usually resulting in death at an early age: the genes causing this condition are inherited from both parents
  • cosmopolitanism — free from local, provincial, or national ideas, prejudices, or attachments; at home all over the world.
  • cosmopolitanize — to make cosmopolitan.
  • costermansville — former name of Bukavu.
  • coumarone resin — any of the group of thermosetting resins derived by the polymerization of mixtures of coumarone and indene: used chiefly in the manufacture of paints, varnishes, and printing inks.
  • craftswomanship — The body of skills, techniques, and expertise of (a) feminine craft(s).
  • criminalisation — (chiefly, British) Alternative form of criminalization.
  • crimson rosella — an Australian parrot, Platycercus elegans, often kept as a cage bird
  • cum grano salis — with a grain of salt; not too literally
  • customer-facing — interacting or communicating directly with customers
  • deal someone in — to occupy oneself or itself (usually followed by with or in): Botany deals with the study of plants. He deals in generalities.
  • decision-making — the act or process of making decisions
  • decompositional — Of or pertaining to decomposition.
  • delmonico steak — club steak
  • demagnetisation — (British spelling) Alternative form of demagnetization.
  • demassification — to cause (society or a social system) to become less uniform or centralized; diversify or decentralize: to demassify the federal government.
  • democratisation — Alternative spelling of democratization.
  • demonstrability — The quality of being demonstrable.
  • demonstrational — the act or circumstance of proving or being proved conclusively, as by reasoning or a show of evidence: a belief incapable of demonstration.
  • demonstratively — characterized by or given to open exhibition or expression of one's emotions, attitudes, etc., especially of love or affection: She wished her fiancé were more demonstrative.
  • demulsification — to break down (an emulsion) into separate substances incapable of re-forming the emulsion that was broken down.
  • demystification — to rid of mystery or obscurity; clarify: to demystify medical procedures.
  • diamine oxidase — an enzyme, occurring in the digestive system, that inactivates histamine by removal of its amino group
  • dichotomisation — Alternative spelling of dichotomization.
  • diomede islands — two small islands in the Bering Strait, separated by the international date line and by the boundary line between the US and Russia
  • disambiguations — Plural form of disambiguation.
  • disappointments — Plural form of disappointment.
  • disassimilation — The decomposition of complex substances, within an organism, into simpler ones suitable only for excretion, with the release of energy; a normal nutritional process that is the reverse of assimilation.
  • disconfirmation — to prove to be invalid.
  • discount market — a trading market in which notes, bills, and other negotiable instruments are discounted.
  • discriminations — Plural form of discrimination.
  • domain analysis — (systems analysis)   1. Determining the operations, data objects, properties and abstractions appropriate for designing solutions to problems in a given domain. 2. The domain engineering activity in which domain knowledge is studied and formalised as a domain definition and a domain specification. A software reuse approach that involves combining software components, subsystems, etc., into a single application system. 3. The process of identifying, collecting organising, analysing and representing a domain model and software architecture from the study of existing systems, underlying theory, emerging technology and development histories within the domain of interest. 4. The analysis of systems within a domain to discover commonalities and differences among them.
  • domain calculus — (database)   A form of relational calculus in which scalar variables take values drawn from a given domain. Examples of the domain calculus are ILL, FQL, DEDUCE and the well known Query By Example (QBE). INGRES is a relational DBMS whose DML is based on the relational calculus.
  • domain squatter — (web)   An unscrupulous person who registers a domain name in the hope of selling it to the rightful, expected owner at a profit. E.g. http://foldoc.com/.
  • domestic animal — an animal, as the horse or cat, that has been tamed and kept by humans as a work animal, food source, or pet, especially a member of those species that have, through selective breeding, become notably different from their wild ancestors.
  • doubting thomas — a person who refuses to believe without proof; skeptic. John 20:24–29.
  • dual admissions — a system whereby students attaining less good marks than what is required are offered a place provided they successfully complete another course first to improve some aspect of their work
  • dynamic scoping — dynamic scope
  • early admission — a plan for admission to colleges in the US, in which students apply to colleges earlier in the year than is customary and receive their results earlier too
  • echinodermatous — belonging or pertaining to the echinoderms.
  • electrodynamics — The branch of mechanics concerned with the interaction of electric currents with magnetic fields or with other electric currents.
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