
12-letter words containing i, s, m, a, l

  • miscellanies — a miscellaneous collection or group of various or somewhat unrelated items.
  • miscellanist — a person who writes, compiles, or edits miscellanies.
  • mischallenge — an improper challenge
  • mischanceful — unlucky
  • misconstrual — A misinterpretation of the meaning of something.
  • miserabilism — Gloomy pessimism or negativity.
  • miserabilist — One who is unhappy, or extols being miserable as a virtue; a philosopher of pessimism.
  • misleadingly — In a misleading manner.
  • misplacement — to put in a wrong place.
  • mispleadings — Plural form of mispleading.
  • misportrayal — the act of portraying.
  • missile base — a military base used for storing and firing missiles
  • mistranslate — Translate (something) incorrectly.
  • mitrailleuse — a machine gun.
  • mobilisation — The act of mobilising.
  • monastically — In a monastic manner.
  • monosyllabic — having only one syllable, as the word no.
  • monsignorial — having the ecclesiastical title of a Monsignor
  • moralisation — Standard spelling of moralization.
  • morphallaxis — Biology. the regeneration of a destroyed body part by the reorganization of its remaining cells.
  • mosaic glass — glass having a polychrome pattern made by fusing colors or variously colored canes, rods, strips, or squares together.
  • motor sailer — a yacht having sails and an engine as an alternative or auxiliary means of propulsion.
  • mouse trails — (operating system)   A feature (usually of Graphical User Interfaces) which causes the mouse pointer to leave a trail across the screen. This is done by keeping track of the last eight or so (maybe configurable) pointer positions, and only erasing the oldest. This means that at any time, there may be up to eight pointers on the screen, but if the mouse is still, they will all be in the same position, and so only one will be visible. When the mouse moves, it appears to leave a trail of pointers behind it, and this can dramatically increase the visibility of the pointer when using LCD screens. The older ones had such long persistence that a single mouse pointer, when moving, tended to be completely invisible, and on a cluttered screen, was very difficult to find.
  • mucilaginous — of, relating to, or secreting mucilage.
  • multi-pascal — An extension of Pascal-S with multiprocessing features. Used in "The Art of Parallel Programming", Bruce P. Lester, P-H 1993.
  • multicasting — the act or process of a person or thing that casts.
  • multicostate — having several costae or ribs
  • multifarious — having many different parts, elements, forms, etc.
  • multinomials — Plural form of multinomial.
  • multiseptate — having several septa or chambers
  • multiseriate — arranged or occurring in one or more series.
  • multisulcate — having many grooves or furrows
  • multitaskers — Plural form of multitasker.
  • multitasking — Computers. (of a single CPU) to execute two or more jobs concurrently.
  • multivarious — Many and various.
  • municipalism — the principle or system of home rule by a municipality.
  • museological — Pertaining to museology.
  • musical ride — a display by riders on horseback of manoeuvres to music, esp by members of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police
  • mutable sign — any of the four astrological signs, Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, or Pisces, that are grouped together because of their placement at the end of the seasons and characterized by the attribute of adaptability to circumstances.
  • myofilaments — Plural form of myofilament.
  • mystagogical — someone who instructs others before initiation into religious mysteries or before participation in the sacraments.
  • nasolacrimal — of or relating to the lacrimal structures and the nose.
  • nationalisms — Plural form of nationalism.
  • nematologist — One who studies nematology.
  • neofeudalism — A theorized contemporary rebirth of policies of governance, economy and public life reminiscent of those present in many feudal societies.
  • neoplatonism — a philosophical system, originated in the 3rd century a.d. by Plotinus, founded chiefly on Platonic doctrine and Eastern mysticism, with later influences from Christianity. It holds that all existence consists of emanations from the One with whom the soul may be reunited.
  • neotribalism — Ideology that humans have evolved to live in a tribal, as opposed to a modern society.
  • noctambulism — somnambulism.
  • noctambulist — somnambulism.
  • nominalistic — (philosophy) Having a nominalist character.
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