
16-letter words containing i, r, e, b, u, t

  • obtuse bisectrix — See under bisectrix (def 1).
  • october surprise — a major event, occurring shortly before a presidential election, which influences the result
  • operating budget — money allocated to a project
  • outboard profile — an exterior side elevation of a vessel, showing all deck structures, rigging, fittings, etc.
  • oversubscription — to subscribe for more of than is available, expected, or required: The charity drive was oversubscribed by several thousand dollars.
  • overurbanization — the act or fact of urbanizing, or taking on the characteristics of a city: Urbanization has led to more air pollution and increasing childhood asthma.
  • oxidation number — the state of an element or ion in a compound with regard to the electrons gained or lost by the element or ion in the reaction that formed the compound, expressed as a positive or negative number indicating the ionic charge of the element or ion.
  • paint-by-numbers — formulaic; showing no original thought or creativity
  • paratuberculosis — Johne's disease.
  • pietermaritzburg — a province in the E part of the Republic of South Africa. 35,284 sq. mi. (91,886 sq. km). Capital: Pietermaritzburg.
  • pit bull terrier — American Staffordshire terrier.
  • pourriture noble — noble rot.
  • powerfully built — (of a person, esp a man) big and physically strong, with large muscles
  • pre-subscription — a sum of money given or pledged as a contribution, payment, investment, etc.
  • public relations — (used with a plural verb) the actions of a corporation, store, government, individual, etc., in promoting goodwill between itself and the public, the community, employees, customers, etc.
  • rambunctiousness — difficult to control or handle; wildly boisterous: a rambunctious child.
  • reaction turbine — a turbine driven by the reactive force of a fluid passing through the rotor blades.
  • rectus abdominis — a long flat muscle that extends along the whole length of both sides of the abdomen. It flexes the vertebral column, particularly the lumbar portion; it also tenses the anterior abdominal wall and assists in compressing the abdominal contents
  • redistributional — a distribution performed again or anew.
  • republican party — one of the two major political parties in the U.S.: originated 1854–56.
  • rich tea biscuit — any of various semisweet biscuits
  • right about face — Military. a command, given to a soldier or soldiers at attention, to turn the body about toward the right so as to face in the opposite direction. the act of so turning in a prescribed military manner.
  • right honourable — (in Britain and certain Commonwealth countries) a title of respect for a Privy Councillor or an appeal-court judge
  • run-time library — (operating system, programming, library)   A file containing routines which are linked with a program at run time rather than at compile-time. The advantage of such dynamic linking is that only one copy of the library needs to be stored, rather than a copy being included with each executable that refers to it. This can greatly reduce the disk space occupied by programs. Furthermore, it means that all programs immediately benefit from changes (e.g. bug fixes) to the single copy of the library without requiring recompilation. Since the library code is normally classified as read-only to the memory management system, it is possible for a single copy of the library to be loaded into memory and shared by all active programs, thus reducing RAM and virtual memory requirements and program load time.
  • saint petersburg — Also called Russian Empire. Russian Rossiya. a former empire in E Europe and N and W Asia: overthrown by the Russian Revolution 1917. Capital: St. Petersburg (1703–1917).
  • security blanket — a blanket or other familiar item carried especially by a young child to provide reassurance and a feeling of psychological security.
  • self-lubricating — to apply some oily or greasy substance to (a machine, parts of a mechanism, etc.) in order to diminish friction; oil or grease (something).
  • self-lubrication — the process of becoming lubricated without external factors
  • semisubterranean — half below the surface of the ground: the semisubterranean houses of some Indian tribes.
  • sodium carbonate — Also called soda ash. an anhydrous, grayish-white, odorless, water-soluble powder, Na 2 CO 3 , usually obtained by the Solvay process and containing about 1 percent of impurities consisting of sulfates, chlorides, and bicarbonates of sodium: used in the manufacture of glass, ceramics, soaps, paper, petroleum products, sodium salts, as a cleanser, for bleaching, and in water treatment.
  • sodium perborate — a white, crystalline, water-soluble solid, NaBO 2 ⋅3H 2 O or NaBO 3 ⋅4H 2 O, used chiefly as a bleaching agent and antiseptic.
  • southern baptist — a member of the Southern Baptist Convention, founded in Augusta, Georgia, in 1845, that is strictly Calvinistic and active in religious publishing and education.
  • sub-postmistress — (in Britain) a woman who runs a sub-post office
  • subsistence crop — a food plant which is grown by a farmer for consumption by himself and his family, leaving little or nothing to be marketed
  • substantive rank — a permanent rank in the armed services obtained by length of service, selection, etc
  • synthetic rubber — any of several substances similar to natural rubber in properties and uses, produced by the polymerization of an unsaturated hydrocarbon, as butylene or isoprene, or by the copolymerization of such hydrocarbons with styrene, butadiene, or the like.
  • take by surprise — to strike or occur to with a sudden feeling of wonder or astonishment, as through unexpectedness: Her beauty surprised me.
  • tertiary bursary — a noncompetitive award granted to all pupils who have passed a university entrance examination
  • the arabian gulf — the arm of the Arabian Sea between SW Iran and Arabia; important for the oilfields on its shores
  • the public purse — money from or controlled by the government
  • the subsidiariat — a collective term for the news sources that would not survive without being subsidized directly (by a government, etc), or indirectly (through sharing a parent company with another more profitable revenue source)
  • to bite your lip — If you bite your lip or your tongue, you stop yourself from saying something that you want to say, because it would be the wrong thing to say in the circumstances.
  • to overabound in — to have or contain too large a quantity or number of something
  • tool builder kit — (tool)   (TBK) A product from IPSYS which allows users to develop CASE tools appropriate to any software engineering methodology.
  • transubstantiate — to change from one substance into another; transmute.
  • tungsten carbide — a very hard, black or gray compound of tungsten and carbon, used in the manufacture of cutting and abrasion tools, dies, and wear-resistant machine parts.
  • turn a blind eye — pretend not to see sth
  • twin-carburettor — (of an engine) having two carburettors
  • ultra-liberalism — extremely liberal, especially in politics.
  • uncontradictable — to assert the contrary or opposite of; deny directly and categorically.
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