
14-letter words containing i, n, v, e, r, s

  • universal bank — A universal bank is a bank that offers both banking and stockbroking services to its clients.
  • universal beam — a broad-flanged rolled steel joist suitable for a stanchion (axial load) or beam (bending load)
  • universal city — a city in S central Texas.
  • universal mill — a rolling mill having both horizontal and vertical rolls.
  • universal soul — Brahman in its aspect as the sacred syllable Om, the eternal and spiritual principle that permeates the universe
  • universal time — (time, standard)   (UT) The mean solar time along the prime meridian (0 longitude) that runs through the Greenwich Observatory outside of London, UK, where the current system originated. UT is tied to the rotation of the Earth in respect to the fictitious "mean Sun". There are three separate definitions, UT0, UT1, and UT2, depending on which corrections have been applied to the Earth's motion. Coordinated Universal Time is kept within 0.9 seconds of UT1, by addition of leap seconds to International Atomic Time.
  • universitarian — an institution of learning of the highest level, having a college of liberal arts and a program of graduate studies together with several professional schools, as of theology, law, medicine, and engineering, and authorized to confer both undergraduate and graduate degrees. Continental European universities usually have only graduate or professional schools.
  • unresponsively — in an unresponsive manner
  • valerianaceous — belonging to the plant family Valerianaceae.
  • van conversion — van2 (def 4).
  • vapour density — the ratio of the density of a gas or vapour to that of hydrogen at the same temperature and pressure
  • varicose veins — swollen blood vessels
  • vaulting horse — a padded, somewhat cylindrical floor-supported apparatus, braced horizontally at an adjustable height, used for hand support and pushing off in vaulting.
  • venus-figurine — Venus (def 3).
  • venus's girdle — an iridescent blue-and-green comb jelly, Cestum veneris, having a ribbon-shaped, gelatinous body.
  • venus's-girdle — an iridescent blue-and-green comb jelly, Cestum veneris, having a ribbon-shaped, gelatinous body.
  • vernix caseosa — the fatty matter, consisting chiefly of dead epidermal cells and sebaceous secretions, covering the skin of a fetus and newborn.
  • vespertilionid — any of a large family (Vespertilionidae) of long-tailed bats that are widely distributed, esp. in temperate regions, including most of the small, insect-eating species
  • vestal virgins — (in ancient Rome) one of four, later six, virgins consecrated to Vesta and to the tending of the sacred fire on her altar.
  • vice president — an officer next in rank to a president who serves as president in the president's absence.
  • vice-president — an officer next in rank to a president who serves as president in the president's absence.
  • vickers number — a numerical expression of the hardness of a metal as determined by a test (Vickers test) in which the sample is indented under a known pressure by the point of a diamond and the surface area of the indentation is divided into the amount of pressure applied.
  • villa cisneros — former name of Dakhla (def 2).
  • virgin's-bower — any of several American clematis plants, esp Clematis virginiana, of E North America, which has clusters of small white flowers
  • visiting nurse — a registered nurse employed by a social service agency to give medical care to the sick in their homes or to implement other public health programs.
  • visiting terms — a degree of acquaintance in which you know someone well enough to visit
  • voice response — output of information from a computer system in the form of speech rather than displayed text
  • west virginian — a state in the E United States. 24,181 sq. mi. (62,629 sq. km). Capital: Charleston. Abbreviation: WV (for use with zip code), W.Va.
  • yekaterinoslav — a former name of Dnepropetrovsk.
  • yeoman service — excellent service
  • your seventies — the ages between 70–79
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