
13-letter words containing i, n, t, o, r, u

  • dijon mustard — a medium-hot mustard, originally made in Dijon.
  • dinoturbation — the effect or process of trampling and major disturbance to sedimentary rock layers caused by the movement of dinosaurs
  • discount card — a card that entitles the holder to buy goods from a seller at a discount
  • discount rate — the rate of interest charged in discounting commercial paper.
  • disfiguration — an act or instance of disfiguring.
  • disregulation — Misspelling of dysregulation.
  • disreputation — disrepute.
  • distributions — Plural form of distribution.
  • documentarian — Movies, Television. a filmmaker, producer, etc., who specializes in documentaries.
  • documentaries — Plural form of documentary.
  • documentarily — Also, documental [dok-yuh-men-tl] /ˌdɒk yəˈmɛn tl/ (Show IPA). pertaining to, consisting of, or derived from documents: a documentary history of France.
  • documentarist — Movies, Television. a filmmaker, producer, etc., who specializes in documentaries.
  • documentarize — to put in the form of a documentary
  • dysregulation — A failure to regulate properly.
  • electrocuting — Present participle of electrocute.
  • electrocution — The accidental death or suicide by electric shock.
  • encrustations — Plural form of encrustation.
  • enculturation — The gradual acquisition of the characteristics and norms of a culture or group by a person, another culture, etc.
  • enteroviruses — Plural form of enterovirus.
  • equilibration — The formation, or maintenance, of an equilibrium.
  • equipartition — the equal division of the energy of a system in thermal equilibrium between different degrees of freedom. This principle was assumed to be exact in classical physics, but quantum theory shows that it is true only in certain special cases
  • equiponderant — of the same weight; evenly balanced
  • equiponderate — To counterbalance.
  • eta reduction — eta conversion
  • eusporangiate — (of ferns) having each sporangium developing from a group of cells, rather than a single cell, and with no specialized dispersal of spores
  • excursionists — Plural form of excursionist.
  • fantin-latour — (Ignace) Henri (Joseph Théodore) [ee-nyas ahn-ree zhaw-zef tey-aw-dawr] /iˈnyas ɑ̃ˈri ʒɔˈzɛf teɪ ɔˈdɔr/ (Show IPA), 1836–1904, French painter.
  • fermentitious — of a fermenting nature
  • ferrotitanium — a ferroalloy containing up to 45 percent titanium.
  • flugelhornist — One who plays the flugelhorn.
  • food industry — the industry surrounding the production of food
  • form function — (jargon)   The shape of something designed. This term is currently (Feb 1998) in vogue among marketroids.
  • fortitudinous — having or showing fortitude; marked by bravery or courage.
  • foundationary — the basis or groundwork of anything: the moral foundation of both society and religion.
  • fractiousness — refractory or unruly: a fractious animal that would not submit to the harness.
  • frequentation — the practice of frequenting; habit of visiting often.
  • fruiting body — an organ that produces spores; fructification.
  • frumentarious — of or relating to wheat or a similar grain
  • fuel injector — injector (def 2b).
  • function room — a room designated for official or formal social gatherings or ceremonies
  • function word — a word, as a preposition, article, auxiliary, or pronoun, that chiefly expresses grammatical relationships, has little semantic content of its own, and belongs to a small, closed class of words whose membership is relatively fixed (distinguished from content word).
  • functionaries — Plural form of functionary.
  • garnetiferous — containing or yielding garnets.
  • gastrocnemius — the largest muscle in the calf of the leg, the action of which extends the foot, raises the heel, and assists in bending the knee.
  • genitourinary — of or relating to the genital and urinary organs; urogenital.
  • grandiloquent — speaking or expressed in a lofty style, often to the point of being pompous or bombastic.
  • graticulation — the division of a design, plan, etc into squares in order to improve the accuracy of enlargement or reduction
  • great council — (in Norman England) an assembly composed of the king's tenants in chief that served as the principal council of the realm and replaced the witenagemot.
  • ground-to-air — (of weapons) designed to be fired at aircraft from the ground
  • groundnut oil — a mild-tasting oil extracted from peanuts and used in cooking
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