
15-letter words containing i, n, t, o, d, e

  • deacidification — a procedure that is carried out to lessen the level of acid present in paper
  • deagglomeration — Deagglomeration is the process of breaking up agglomerates.
  • debathification — The process of removing former members of the ruling Bath party of Iraq from the military and civil office following the ousting of w Saddam Hussein.
  • decalcification — the act or process of decalcifying.
  • decarboxylation — the removal or loss of a carboxyl group from an organic compound
  • decarburization — The act, process, or result of decarburizing.
  • decasualization — the replacement of casual workers by permanent employees
  • deception table — a table of the 18th century made so as to conceal its true function, as in serving as a cabinet for a chamber pot.
  • decertification — The act or process of decertifying.
  • decision theory — the study of strategies for decision-making under conditions of uncertainty in such a way as to maximize the expected utility
  • decollate snail — a cone-shaped, burrowing snail, Rumina decollata, that feeds on common brown garden snails.
  • decommunization — the act or process of decommunizing
  • decompositional — Of or pertaining to decomposition.
  • deconcentrating — Present participle of deconcentrate.
  • deconcentration — the act of decentralizing or the state of becoming less concentrated in one area
  • decontaminating — Present participle of decontaminate.
  • decontamination — to make (an object or area) safe for unprotected personnel by removing, neutralizing, or destroying any harmful substance, as radioactive material or poisonous gas.
  • decontextualise — Alternative spelling of decontextualize.
  • decontextualize — to consider (something) in isolation from its usual context
  • defining moment — a point at which the essential nature or character of a person, group, etc., is revealed or identified.
  • definitive host — the organism on or in which a parasite lives in the adult stage
  • deflection yoke — an assembly of one or more coils through which a controlled current is passed to produce a magnetic field for deflecting a beam of electrons, as in a picture tube.
  • deformalization — to make less formal; reduce the strictness, preciseness, etc., of.
  • defragmentation — (computing) The action of defragmenting, particularly with respect to a computer disk or drive.
  • degenerationist — a person who believes in the evolutionary decline of a species
  • deglamorization — the act or process of making less glamorous
  • dehydrogenating — Present participle of dehydrogenate.
  • dehydrogenation — to remove hydrogen from (a compound).
  • deindividuation — the loss of a person's sense of individuality and personal responsibility
  • delabialization — the result or process of delabializing.
  • delaying action — a measure or measures taken to gain time, as when weaker military forces harass the advance of a superior enemy without coming to a pitched battle
  • deleteriousness — The quality of being deleterious.
  • delmonico steak — club steak
  • delta reduction — (theory)   In lambda-calculus extended with constants, delta reduction replaces a function applied to the required number of arguments (a redex) by a result. E.g. plus 2 3 --> 5. In contrast with beta reduction (the only kind of reduction in the pure lambda-calculus) the result is not formed simply by textual substitution of arguments into the body of a function. Instead, a delta redex is matched against the left hand side of all delta rules and is replaced by the right hand side of the (first) matching rule. There is notionally one delta rule for each possible combination of function and arguments. Where this implies an infinite number of rules, the result is usually defined by reference to some external system such as mathematical addition or the hardware operations of some computer. For other types, all rules can be given explicitly, for example Boolean negation: not True = False not False = True (1997-02-20)
  • demagnetisation — (British spelling) Alternative form of demagnetization.
  • demagnetization — The process of removing the magnetic field from an object.
  • demassification — to cause (society or a social system) to become less uniform or centralized; diversify or decentralize: to demassify the federal government.
  • democratisation — Alternative spelling of democratization.
  • democratization — The introduction of democracy, its functions or principles, to an area or country which did not have democracy previously.
  • demolition bomb — a bomb containing a relatively large charge, used especially to destroy structures.
  • demolition work — the work of knocking down buildings
  • demolition zone — an area consisting of buildings marked for demolition
  • demonstrability — The quality of being demonstrable.
  • demonstrational — the act or circumstance of proving or being proved conclusively, as by reasoning or a show of evidence: a belief incapable of demonstration.
  • demonstratively — characterized by or given to open exhibition or expression of one's emotions, attitudes, etc., especially of love or affection: She wished her fiancé were more demonstrative.
  • demulsification — to break down (an emulsion) into separate substances incapable of re-forming the emulsion that was broken down.
  • demutualization — Demutualization is a situation in which a mutually owned company such as an insurance company changes into a public company that issues stock.
  • demystification — to rid of mystery or obscurity; clarify: to demystify medical procedures.
  • demythification — the act of demythifying
  • demythologizing — Present participle of demythologize.
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