
23-letter words containing i, n, t, e, s

  • put one's finger on sth — If you put your finger on something, for example a reason or problem, you see and identify exactly what it is.
  • put the bite on someone — to ask someone for money
  • quantum electrodynamics — the quantum field theory that deals with the electromagnetic field and its interaction with electrons and positrons. Abbreviation: QED.
  • quay financial software — CSK Software
  • queen charlotte islands — a group of about 150 islands off the W coast of Canada: part of British Columbia. Pop: about 6000 (latest est). Area: 9596 sq km (3705 sq miles)
  • queen elizabeth islands — a group of islands off the N coast of Canada: the northernmost islands of the Canadian Arctic archipelago, lying N of latitude 74°N; part of Nunavut. Area: about 390 000 sq km (150 000 sq miles)
  • quota share reinsurance — Quota share reinsurance is a form of reinsurance in which the reinsurer accepts a certain percentage of all or certain parts of the business of the reinsured person or company.
  • rank outsider/outsiders — If one of the people in a competition is described as a rank outsider, they are considered to have very little chance of winning.
  • real simple syndication — (spelling)   Illiterate form of Really Simple Syndication.
  • rectangular coordinates — Usually, rectangular coordinates. either of two Cartesian coordinates in which the axes meet at right angles.
  • refinery waste disposal — Refinery waste disposal is the system for dealing with waste materials, especially hazardous ones, in a refinery.
  • regressive assimilation — assimilation in which a following sound has an effect on a preceding one, as in pronouncing have in have to as [haf] /hæf/ (Show IPA) influenced by the voiceless (t) in to.
  • relative sunspot number — a number indicating the degree of sunspot activity on the sun as a factor of observer idiosyncrasies, the number of sunspot groups, and the number of individual sunspots.
  • residual current device — a circuit-breaking device installed in electrical equipment to protect the operator from electrocution
  • residual debt insurance — Residual debt insurance is a type of risk insurance that banks often require when granting a loan, which is used to guarantee that the loan is repaid in the event of death or disability.
  • respondent conditioning — conditioning (def 2).
  • response generalization — generalization (def 4b).
  • response-generalization — the act or process of generalizing.
  • retrolental fibroplasia — an unusual eye disease occurring in premature infants, usually from being given high concentrations of oxygen, which causes abnormal formation of fibrous tissue behind the lens and often results in blindness.
  • reverse polish notation — postfix notation
  • revision control system — (software, tool)   (RCS) A version control system that automates the storing, retrieval, logging, identification, and merging of revisions. RCS is useful for text that is revised frequently, for example programs, documentation, graphics, papers, and form letters.
  • rite of intensification — a ritual or ceremony performed by a community in a time of crisis that affects all members, as a rain dance during a drought.
  • rotation-inversion axis — an axis of a crystal such that rotating about the axis and then inverting the crystal brings the crystal back to its original position.
  • route of administration — A route of administration is the means by which a drug or agent enters the body, such as by mouth or by injection.
  • rsa data security, inc. — (cryptography, company)   (After Rivest, Shamir, Adleman - see RSA) A recognised world leader in cryptography, with millions of copies of its software encryption and authentication installed and in use worldwide. RSA's technologies are the global de facto standard for public key cryptography and digital signatures, and are part of existing and proposed standards for the Internet, ITU-T, ISO, ANSI, PKCS, IEEE and business and financial networks around the world.
  • saddle block anesthesia — a form of spinal anesthesia that produces loss of sensation in the buttocks, perineum, and inner thighs.
  • saint christopher-nevis — St. Kitts-Nevis.
  • saint george's mushroom — an edible whitish basidiomycetous fungus, Tricholoma gambosum, with a floury smell
  • sb doesn't miss a trick — If you say that someone does not miss a trick, you mean that they always know what is happening and take advantage of every situation.
  • schizotypal personality — a personality disorder characterized by a group of symptoms similar to but less severe than schizophrenia, as odd behavior, peculiar thinking, and social isolation.
  • scientific data systems — (company)   (SDS) The company that produced the SDS 940 (later renamed XDS 940). Around 1968 Xerox bought out SDS and renamed the SDS machines to XDS.
  • securities exchange act — a law passed in 1934 establishing the SEC.
  • security association id — (networking)   (SAID) A 32-bit field added to packet headers for encryption and authentication in the proposed Internet Protocol Version 6.
  • self extracting archive — (file format)   (SEA) An archive format used on the Apple Macintosh. Double-clicking a file of this type should extract its contents.
  • seneca falls convention — a women's rights convention held at Seneca Falls, New York, in 1848, organized by Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott.
  • separation of variables — a grouping of the terms of an ordinary differential equation so that associated with each differential is a factor consisting entirely of functions of the independent variable appearing in the differential.
  • sheltered accommodation — housing specially designed to provide a safe environment for the elderly, handicapped, or disabled, often with some shared facilities and a caretaker
  • short-billed marsh wren — sedge wren.
  • sidewalk superintendent — a bystander who watches the building, demolition, repair, or other work being done at a construction site.
  • sierra madre occidental — the system of mountains in the west of Mexico
  • sign on the dotted line — a line on a contract or similar document for a party's signature.
  • silicone breast implant — silicone filled bags that are implanted into a woman in order to increase the size of her breasts
  • site catchment analysis — the examination by survey, excavation, maps, and graphs of a contained area to evaluate the productivity of the resources customarily exploited by the inhabitants of a settlement, especially a prehistoric one.
  • slip between the cracks — to break without complete separation of parts; become fissured: The plate cracked when I dropped it, but it was still usable.
  • small-scale integration — SSI.
  • social education centre — a daycentre, run by a local authority, for people with learning disabilities and sometimes also for people who have physical disabilities or are mentally ill
  • social security payment — a payment of social security made to an individual
  • socialist international — an international association of largely anti-Communist Social Democratic Parties, founded in Frankfurt in 1951
  • somaliland protectorate — official name of the former British Somaliland.
  • someone's night to howl — someone's time for unrestrained pleasure
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