
15-letter words containing i, n, s, o, c

  • supreme council — the legislature of the former Soviet Union and its successor states, consisting of an upper house (Soviet of the Union or Council of the Union) whose delegates are elected on the basis of population, and a lower house (Soviet of Nationalities or Council of Nationalities) whose delegates are elected to represent the various nationalities.
  • surface tension — the elasticlike force existing in the surface of a body, especially a liquid, tending to minimize the area of the surface, caused by asymmetries in the intermolecular forces between surface molecules.
  • sycophantically — a self-seeking, servile flatterer; fawning parasite.
  • syllabification — to form or divide into syllables.
  • symbolics, inc. — (company)   The company which produced the Lisp Machine.
  • synecdochically — a figure of speech in which a part is used for the whole or the whole for a part, the special for the general or the general for the special, as in ten sail for ten ships or a Croesus for a rich man.
  • synectics group — a group of people of varied background that meets to attempt creative solutions of problems through the unrestricted exercise of imagination and the correlation of disparate elements.
  • take one's pick — If you are told to take your pick, you can choose any one that you like from a group of things.
  • tammany society — a benevolent society founded in 1789, which later became Tammany Hall, the central organization of the Democratic Party in New York county
  • telescopic lens — a lens that makes distant objects appear larger and brighter
  • tentaculiferous — having tentacles
  • terror-stricken — overwhelmed by terror; terrified.
  • text processing — the handling of alphabetic characters by a computer
  • the pleistocene — the Pleistocene epoch or rock series
  • the unconscious — the sum of all thoughts, memories, impulses, desires, feelings, etc. of which the individual is not conscious but which influence the emotions and behavior; that part of one's psyche which comprises repressed material of this nature
  • to call in sick — If you call in sick, you telephone the place where you work to tell them you will not be coming to work because you are ill.
  • to one's credit — commendation or honor given for some action, quality, etc.: Give credit where it is due.
  • torsion balance — an instrument for measuring small forces, as electric attraction or repulsion, by determining the amount of torsion or twisting they cause in a slender wire or filament.
  • toucan crossing — a place where people who are walking and cyclists can both cross a busy road together. They press a button at the side of the road, which operates traffic lights to stop the traffic
  • touch-sensitive — Touch-sensitive equipment is operated by the user touching it.
  • training course — practical programme of study
  • training school — a school that provides training in some art, profession, or vocation.
  • transactionally — the act of transacting or the fact of being transacted.
  • transhistorical — occurring throughout all human history
  • tricotyledonous — having three cotyledons.
  • tychonic system — a model for planetary motion devised by Tycho Brahe in which the earth is stationary and at the center of the planetary system, the sun and moon revolve around the earth, and the other planets revolve around the sun.
  • un-considerable — rather large or great in size, distance, extent, etc.: It cost a considerable amount. We took a considerable length of time to decide.
  • unapostolically — in an unapostalic manner
  • uncanonicalness — the quality or condition of being uncanonical
  • unceremoniously — discourteously abrupt; hasty; rude: He made an unceremonious departure in the middle of my speech.
  • uncompassionate — having or showing compassion: a compassionate person; a compassionate letter.
  • uncomplaisantly — in an uncomplaisant manner
  • uncomprehensive — of large scope; covering or involving much; inclusive: a comprehensive study of world affairs.
  • uncompromisable — that cannot or should not be compromised
  • uncondescending — showing or implying a usually patronizing descent from dignity or superiority: They resented the older neighbors' condescending cordiality.
  • unconscientious — governed by conscience; controlled by or done according to one's inner sense of what is right; principled: She's a conscientious judge, who does not let personal prejudices influence her decisions.
  • unconsciousness — not conscious; without awareness, sensation, or cognition.
  • unconsolidation — an act or instance of consolidating; the state of being consolidated; unification: consolidation of companies.
  • unconstrainable — unable to be confined
  • unconstrainedly — in an unconfined manner
  • uncontroversial — of, relating to, or characteristic of controversy, or prolonged public dispute, debate, or contention; polemical: a controversial book.
  • uncorresponding — identical in all essentials or respects: corresponding fingerprints.
  • under suspicion — suspected of a crime
  • unix conspiracy — [ITS] According to a conspiracy theory long popular among ITS and TOPS-20 fans, Unix's growth is the result of a plot, hatched during the 1970s at Bell Labs, whose intent was to hobble AT&T's competitors by making them dependent upon a system whose future evolution was to be under AT&T's control. This would be accomplished by disseminating an operating system that is apparently inexpensive and easily portable, but also relatively unreliable and insecure (so as to require continuing upgrades from AT&T). This theory was lent a substantial impetus in 1984 by the paper referenced in the back door entry. In this view, Unix was designed to be one of the first computer viruses (see virus) - but a virus spread to computers indirectly by people and market forces, rather than directly through disks and networks. Adherents of this "Unix virus" theory like to cite the fact that the well-known quotation "Unix is snake oil" was uttered by DEC president Kenneth Olsen shortly before DEC began actively promoting its own family of Unix workstations. (Olsen now claims to have been misquoted.)
  • unopportunistic — adhering to a policy of opportunism; practicing opportunism.
  • unphilosophical — not adhering to philosophical theory or principles
  • unpolished rice — a partly refined rice, hulled and deprived of its germ but retaining some bran.
  • unsanctimonious — Obsolete. holy; sacred.
  • unselfconscious — not self-conscious; without affectation or pretense: an unselfconscious manner.
  • unsophisticated — not sophisticated; simple; artless.
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