
25-letter words containing i, n, s, o, c, a

  • saddle block (anesthesia) — a method of spinal anesthesia, often used during obstetric delivery, that produces anesthesia in that area of the body that would be in contact with a saddle during horseback riding
  • san nicolas de los garzas — a city in Nuevo Léon state, N Mexico, a suburb of Monterrey.
  • saybolt universal seconds — a US measurement of viscosity similar in type to the British Redwood seconds
  • selective synchronization — a sound-recording process that facilitates overdubs by feeding the recorded track to the performer straight from the recording head
  • sequential parlog machine — (SPM) The virtual machine (and its machine code) for the Parlog logic programming language.
  • single document interface — (programming)   (SDI) A limitation applying to an application program that only shows a single windows giving a view of one document at a time. The opposite is Multiple Document Interface (MDI).
  • single wingback formation — an offensive formation in which the wingback lines up outside of and about one yard behind an end, the quarterback lines up lateral to the wingback but about midway between the same end and the center, the fullback is three or four yards behind the middle of the line, and the tailback lines up one yard behind the fullback on the other side of the line from the wingback and quarterback.
  • sparc international, inc. — (body)   An organisation established to promote the Scalable Processor ARChitecture (SPARC). Their main service is conformance testing. They also produce the "SPARC flash" newsletter and publish lists of SPARC compliant machines tested by SPARC International to be binary compatible with other compliant machines. SPARC(R) is a registered trademark of SPARC International, Inc. in the United States and other countries.
  • special educational needs — learning disability
  • spectral band replication — (audio, compression)   (SBR) Guessing the nontransmitted higher frequency range of a compressed audio file by some helper bits (transmiited with the stream) and the transmitted base band. SBR allows a restoration (not reconstruction) of the upper frequency range without lots of bits. It was developed by Coding Technology, and is useful for medium and high quality coding at low and medium data rates. It is used by Digital Radio Mondiale and MP3 Pro.
  • state services commission — (in New Zealand) a government-appointed body in charge of the public service
  • statement savings account — a savings account in which transactions are confirmed periodically by a bank statement.
  • stress corrosion cracking — Stress corrosion cracking is a type of corrosion that can happen when a stress is present, resulting in cracks in the surface of metal.
  • stretch one's imagination — If you say that something stretches your imagination, you mean that it is good because it makes you think about things that you had not thought about before.
  • strong accumulation point — a point such that every neighborhood of the point contains infinitely many points of a given set.
  • subordinating conjunction — a conjunction introducing a subordinate clause, as when in They were glad when I finished.
  • sympathetic introspection — a study of human conduct in which the investigator imagines himself or herself engaged in that conduct.
  • tetragonal trisoctahedron — Geometry. a trisoctahedron the faces of which are quadrilaterals; trapezohedron.
  • the ball is in sb's court — If you say that the ball is in someone's court, you mean that it is his or her responsibility to take the next action or decision in a situation.
  • the ball is in your court — you are obliged to make the next move
  • the protestant work ethic — a belief in the moral value of work, associated with Protestant Christianity
  • the scholastic profession — the profession of teaching
  • thermoluminescence dating — a method of dating archaeological specimens, chiefly pottery, by measuring the radiation given off by ceramic materials as they are heated.
  • to be in the catbird seat — to be in a very good situation
  • to call something to mind — If something brings another thing to mind or calls another thing to mind, it makes you think of that other thing, usually because it is similar in some way.
  • to catch sight of someone — If you catch sight of someone, you suddenly see them, often briefly.
  • to lay claim to something — If you lay claim to something you do not have, you say that it belongs to you.
  • to sail close to the wind — If you sail close to the wind, you take a risk by doing or saying something that may get you into trouble.
  • to someone's satisfaction — If you do something to someone's satisfaction, they are happy with the way that you have done it.
  • to tear someone to pieces — If someone tears you to pieces, pulls your work to pieces, or picks your work to pieces, they criticize you or your work very severely.
  • to try someone's patience — If someone tries your patience or tests your patience, they annoy you so much that it is very difficult for you to stay calm.
  • trading standards officer — a person who works for a trading standards office
  • transcendental meditation — a technique, based on ancient Hindu writings, by which one seeks to achieve a relaxed state through regular periods of meditation during which a mantra is repeated. Abbreviation: TM.
  • transcendental-philosophy — transcendental character, thought, or language.
  • transport layer interface — (networking, programming)   (TLI, or "Transport Level Interface") A protocol-independent interface for accessing network facilities, modelled after the ISO transport layer (level 4), that first appeared in Unix SVR3. TLI is defined by SVID as transport mechanism for networking interfaces, in preference to sockets, which are biased toward IP and friends. A disavantage is that a process cannot use read/write directly, but has to use backends using stdin and stdout to communicate with the network connection. TLI is implemented in SVR4 using the STREAMS interface. It adds no new system calls, just a library, libnsl_s.a. The major functions are t_open, t_bind, t_connect, t_listen, t_accept, t_snd, t_rcv, read, write. According to the Solaris t_open man page, XTI (X/OPEN Transport Interface) evolved from TLI, and supports the TLI API for compatibility, with some variations on semantics.
  • transport level interface — Transport Layer Interface
  • ucs transformation format — (standard, character)   (UTF) A set of standard character encodings in accordance with ISO 10646. One of a set of standard character encodings, the most widely used of which are UTF-8, UTF-16, and UTF-32. The code tables in ISO 10646 and in the Unicode standard are identical, although the Unicode standard includes additional material. UTF-8 is the most widely used encoding, at least on Unix systems. Since it does not include any bytes like '\0' or '/' which have a special meaning in filenames and other C library function parameters, and 7-bit ASCII characters have the same encoding under both ASCII and UTF-8, the required changes to existing software are minimised. Other UTFs: UTF-1 and UTF-7 are not widely used.
  • undisputed world champion — a boxer who holds the World Boxing Association, the World Boxing Council, the World Boxing Organization, and the International Boxing Federation world championship titles simultaneously
  • unemployment compensation — an allowance of money paid, usually weekly, to an unemployed worker by a state or federal agency or by the worker's labor union or former employer during all or part of the period of unemployment.
  • uniform resource citation — (web)   (URC) A set of attribute/value pairs describing an object. Some of the values may be URIs of various kinds. Others may include, for example, athorship, publisher, datatype, date, copyright status and shoe size. A URC is not normally considered as a string, but a set of fields and values with some defined free formatting.
  • yakut autonomous republic — an autonomous republic in the NE Russian Federation in Asia. 1,198,146 sq. mi. (3,103,200 sq. km). Capital: Yakutsk.
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