
13-letter words containing i, n, s, o, c, a

  • carbon-tissue — paper faced with a preparation of carbon or other material, used between two sheets of plain paper in order to reproduce on the lower sheet that which is written or typed on the upper.
  • carboniferous — yielding coal or carbon
  • carbonisation — (chiefly, British) alternative spelling of carbonization.
  • carcinologist — a person who specializes in carcinology
  • carcinomatous — a malignant and invasive epithelial tumor that spreads by metastasis and often recurs after excision; cancer.
  • cardioversion — restoring the rhythm of the heart to normal by applying direct-current electrical shock.
  • carias andino — Tiburcio [tee-voor-syaw] /tiˈvur syɔ/ (Show IPA), 1876–1968, Honduran lawyer, soldier, and statesman: president 1933–49.
  • carillonneurs — Plural form of carillonneur.
  • carnivorously — In a carnivorous manner.
  • carotid sinus — specialized nerve end organs producing a slight dilatation of the carotid artery where it branches into the external and internal carotid arteries, responding to changes in blood pressure by mediating changes in the heartbeat rate.
  • cartilaginous — of or like cartilage; gristly
  • cartiliginous — Alternative form of cartilaginous.
  • cartoon strip — A cartoon strip is a series of drawings that tells a story.
  • case in point — a specific, appropriate, or relevant instance or example
  • cased edition — a hardback book sold in a protective box that is open at one edge so that you can see the spine of the book
  • cash discount — a discount granted to a purchaser who pays before a stipulated date
  • cash holdings — the assets that you hold in ready cash, as opposed to property, shares, bonds, etc
  • castellations — Defensive or decorative parapets with regularly spaced notches; battlements.
  • caster action — the tendency, caused by the design of the mounting, of a wheel to turn into its plane of rotation
  • casting couch — a couch on which a casting director is said to seduce women seeking a part in a film or play
  • casualisation — (economics) The process by which employment shifts from a preponderance of full-time and permanent or contract positions to higher levels of casual positions.
  • casualization — the altering of working practices so that regular workers are re-employed on a casual or short-term basis
  • caudine forks — a narrow pass in the Apennines, in S Italy, between Capua and Benevento: scene of the defeat of the Romans by the Samnites (321 bc)
  • cauterisation — Alt form cauterization.
  • cavernicolous — inhabiting caves or cavelike places
  • centenionalis — a silver coin of ancient Rome, first issued by Diocletian as the 100th part of a solidus, later greatly debased.
  • cephalosporin — any of a group of broad-spectrum antibiotics obtained from fungi of the genus Cephalosporium
  • cerebrospinal — of or relating to the brain and spinal cord
  • ceremonialism — A fondness for ceremony, especially in religion; ritualism.
  • ceremonialist — of, relating to, or characterized by ceremony; formal; ritual: a ceremonial occasion.
  • ceruloplasmin — a protein responsible for copper detoxification, found in the blood
  • chaise longue — A chaise longue is a kind of sofa with only one arm and usually a back along half its length.
  • chaise lounge — A chaise lounge is the same as a chaise longue.
  • championships — Plural form of championship.
  • chang tso-lin — 1873–1928, Chinese general: military ruler of Manchuria 1918–28.
  • chaperoneship — State or position of chaperone.
  • charing cross — a district of London, in the city of Westminster: the modern cross (1863) in front of Charing Cross railway station replaces the one erected by Edward I (1290), the last of twelve marking the route of the funeral procession of his queen, Eleanor
  • cheiromantist — A chiromancer.
  • chiloe island — an island administered by Chile, off the W coast of South America in the Pacific Ocean: timber. Pop: 154 775 (2002, Chiloé province). Area: 8394 sq km (3240 sq miles)
  • chromaticness — the attribute of colour that involves both hue and saturation
  • ciceronianism — imitation of the style of Cicero, especially as practiced by some writers and orators during the Renaissance.
  • cinchonaceous — relating to cinchona
  • cinema goers' — filmgoer.
  • city dionysia — (in ancient Athens) the chief festival in honor of Dionysus, celebrated in early spring and notable for the performance of dithyrambs, tragedies, comedies, and satyr plays.
  • civilisations — Plural form of civilisation.
  • civilizations — Plural form of civilization.
  • clearinghouse — If an organization acts as a clearinghouse, it collects, sorts, and distributes specialized information.
  • cleptomaniacs — kleptomania.
  • close-grained — (of wood) dense or compact in texture
  • coach station — A coach station is an area or a building which coaches leave from or arrive at on regular journeys.
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