
19-letter words containing i, n, d, s, g

  • queensland lungfish — a lungfish, Neoceratodus forsteri, reaching a length of six feet: occurs in Queensland rivers but introduced elsewhere
  • recording secretary — an officer charged with keeping the minutes of meetings and responsible for the records.
  • regular icosahedron — an icosahedron in which each of the faces is an equilateral triangle
  • religious education — religion as school subject
  • rhodesian ridgeback — a large short-haired breed of dog characterized by a ridge of hair growing along the back in the opposite direction to the rest of the coat. It was originally a hunting dog from South Africa
  • sandwich generation — the generation of people still raising their children while having to care for their aging parents.
  • santiago del estero — a city in N Argentina.
  • screen actors guild — a labor union for motion-picture performers, founded in 1933. Abbreviation: SAG.
  • sea floor spreading — a process in which new ocean floor is created as molten material from the earth's mantle rises in margins between plates or ridges and spreads out.
  • sea-floor spreading — a process in which new ocean floor is created as molten material from the earth's mantle rises in margins between plates or ridges and spreads out.
  • secondary picketing — the picketing by strikers of a place of work that supplies goods to or distributes goods from their employer
  • self-aggrandizement — increase of one's own power, wealth, etc., usually aggressively.
  • shipping department — a department in a company responsible for arranging, receiving, recording, and sending shipments of goods
  • shucking and jiving — misleading or deceptive talk or behavior, as to give a false impression.
  • sidereal hour angle — the angle, measured westward through 360°, between the hour circle passing through the vernal equinox and the hour circle of a celestial body.
  • single edge contact — (hardware)   (SEC) The type of cartridge in which a Pentium II is packaged.
  • single-line display — a display that presents information in a single line
  • smite hip and thigh — to attack unsparingly; overwhelm with or as with blows
  • speeding conviction — a conviction for breaking the speed limit while driving a vehicle
  • spider-hunting wasp — any solitary wasp of the superfamily Pompiloidea, having a slender elongated body: the fast-running female hunts spiders as a food store for her larvae
  • split-second timing — timing that depends on minute precision
  • spotted wintergreen — an evergreen plant, Chimaphila maculata, of central North America, having leaves with mottled-white veins and white, fragrant flowers.
  • stand in good stead — the place of a person or thing as occupied by a successor or substitute: The nephew of the queen came in her stead.
  • standing broad jump — a jump for distance from a standing position.
  • standing martingale — martingale (def 1).
  • straight and narrow — the way of virtuous or proper conduct: After his release from prison, he resolved to follow the straight and narrow.
  • straightforwardness — going or directed straight ahead: a straightforward gaze.
  • strangulated hernia — a hernia, especially of the intestine, that swells and constricts the blood supply of the herniated part, resulting in obstruction and gangrene.
  • stringed instrument — a musical instrument having strings as the medium of sound production, played with the fingers or with a plectrum or a bow: The guitar, the harp, and the violin are stringed instruments.
  • submandibular gland — either of a pair of salivary glands located one on each side of and beneath the lower jaw.
  • swedish nightingaleJenny (Johanna Maria Lind Goldschmidt"The Swedish Nightingale") 1820–87, Swedish soprano.
  • sweetness and light — extreme or excessive pleasantness or amiability.
  • synthetic detergent — any synthetic substance, other than soap, that is an effective cleanser and functions equally well as a surface-active agent in hard or soft water.
  • tarnished plant bug — a bug, Lygus lineolaris, of the family Miridae, that is a common and widely distributed pest of alfalfa and other legumes and of peach and other fruit trees.
  • tender is the night — a novel (1934) by F. Scott Fitzgerald.
  • thread-line fishing — spinning (def 3).
  • unclassified degree — a degree that has not been given a grade because it is of a low standard
  • under the spotlight — If someone or something comes under the spotlight, they are thoroughly examined, especially by journalists and the public.
  • vulvovaginal glands — the small gland on either side of the lower part of the vagina
  • wandering albatross — a large albatross, Diomedea exulans, of southern waters, having the plumage mostly white with dark markings on the upper parts.
  • wedding anniversary — the annual commemoration of a couple's marriage: a tenth wedding anniversary.
  • white-fronted goose — a grayish-brown wild goose, Anser albifrons, of Eurasia and western North America, having a white patch on the front of the face.
  • white-winged scoter — a blackish North American duck, Melanitta deglandi, having a white patch on each wing.
  • winged spindle tree — a stiff, spreading shrub, Euonymus alata, of eastern Asia, having corky-winged twigs, yellowish flowers, and purplish fruit.
  • zero-base budgeting — a process in government and corporate finance of justifying an overall budget or individual budgeted items each fiscal year or each review period rather than dealing only with proposed changes from a previous budget. Abbreviation: ZBB.
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