
17-letter words containing i, m, u, t

  • absolute humidity — the humidity of the atmosphere, usually expressed as the number of grams of water contained in 1 cubic metre of air
  • absolute majority — If a political party wins an absolute majority, they obtain more seats or votes than the total number of seats or votes gained by their opponents in an election.
  • academie goncourt — Edmond Louis Antoine Huot de [ed-mawn lwee ahn-twan y-oh duh] /ɛdˈmɔ̃ lwi ɑ̃ˈtwan üˈoʊ də/ (Show IPA), 1822–96, and his brother Jules Alfred Huot de [zhyl al-fred] /ʒyl alˈfrɛd/ (Show IPA) 1830–70, French art critics, novelists, and historians: collaborators until the death of Jules.
  • accounting system — the way in which a company keeps its accounts
  • achromatic colour — colour, such as white, black, and grey, that is devoid of hue
  • acquired immunity — the immunity produced by exposure of an organism to antigens, which stimulates the production of antibodies
  • act of uniformity — any of the three statutes (1549, 1559, 1662) regulating public worship services in the Anglican Church, especially the act of 1662 requiring the use of the Book of Common Prayer.
  • activated alumina — a granular highly porous and adsorptive form of aluminium oxide, used for drying gases and as an oil-filtering material and catalyst
  • addition compound — adduct (def 2).
  • adoptive immunity — passive immunity resulting from the administration of sensitized lymphocytes from an immune donor.
  • adventure tourism — tourism involving activities that are physically challenging
  • alternative music — independent pop music
  • aluminum silicate — any of a group of naturally occurring, water-insoluble substances, obtained from clay or synthesized, containing varying amounts of oxides of aluminum and silicon, Al 2 O 3 and Si 2 O 3 , and used in the manufacture of glass, ceramics, paints, printing inks, rubber, and plastics.
  • amateur dramatics — theatrical performances by amateur players
  • american chestnut — any of the several deciduous trees constituting the genus Castanea, of the beech family, having toothed, oblong leaves and bearing edible nuts enclosed in a prickly bur, and including C. dentata (American chestnut) which has been virtually destroyed by the chestnut blight, C. sativa (European chestnut) C. mollissima (Chinese chestnut) and C. crenata (Japanese chestnut)
  • aminoglutethimide — a hormone antagonist, C 13 H 16 N 2 O 2 , used in the treatment of Cushing's syndrome and breast cancer.
  • ammonium selenate — a colorless, crystalline, water-soluble solid, (NH 4) 2 SeO 4 , used as a mothproofing agent.
  • ammonium stearate — a tan, waxlike, water-insoluble solid, C 18 H 39 NO 2 , used chiefly in the manufacture of cosmetics.
  • ammonium sulphate — a white soluble crystalline solid used mainly as a fertilizer and in water purification. Formula: (NH4)2SO4
  • analytical cubism — the early phase of cubism, chiefly characterized by a pronounced use of geometric shapes and by a tendency toward a monochromatic use of color.
  • andes (mountains) — mountain system extending the length of W South America: highest peak, Aconcagua
  • anti-humanitarian — having concern for or helping to improve the welfare and happiness of people.
  • antivirus program — antivirus software
  • argumentativeness — fond of or given to argument and dispute; disputatious; contentious: The law students were an unusually argumentative group.
  • armature reaction — a change in the magnetic field of a dynamo caused by the magnetic field induced by the current flowing through the armature.
  • aromatic compound — an organic compound that contains one or more benzene or equivalent heterocyclic rings: many such compounds have an agreeable odor.
  • astronomical unit — a unit of distance used in astronomy equal to the mean distance between the earth and the sun. 1 astronomical unit is equivalent to 1.495 × 1011 metres or about 9.3 × 107 miles
  • augmented reality — an artificial environment created through the combination of real-world and computer-generated data
  • aurea mediocritas — the golden mean.
  • automated testing — (testing)   Software testing assisted with software tools that require no operator input, analysis, or evaluation.
  • automatic vending — selling goods by vending machines
  • automatic writing — writing performed without apparent intent or conscious control, especially to achieve spontaneity or uncensored expression.
  • bbc microcomputer — A series of 6502-based personal computers launched by Acorn Computers Ltd. in January 1982, for use in the British Broadcasting Corporation's educational programmes on computing. The computers are noted for their reliability (many are still in active service in 1994) and both hardware and software were designed for easy expansion. The 6502-based computers were succeeded in 1987 by the Acorn Archimedes family.
  • bighorn mountains — range of the Rocky Mountains in N Wyo. and S Mont.: highest peak, 13,165 ft (4,013 m)
  • biopharmaceutical — of or relating to drugs produced using biotechnology
  • bond immunization — immunization (def 2).
  • bottom-up testing — (programming)   An integration testing technique that tests the low-level components first using test drivers for those components that have not yet been developed to call the low-level components for test. Compare bottom-up implementation.
  • british columbian — of or relating to British Columbia or its inhabitants
  • bushman's singlet — a sleeveless heavy black woollen singlet, used as working clothing by timber fellers
  • butterfly diagram — a graphical butterfly-shaped representation of the sunspot density on the solar disc in the 11-year sunspot cycle
  • butternut pumpkin — a variety of pumpkin, eaten as vegetable
  • calcium carbonate — a white crystalline salt occurring in limestone, chalk, marble, calcite, coral, and pearl: used in the production of lime and cement. Formula: CaCO3
  • calcium gluconate — a white, tasteless, water-soluble powder, CaC 12 H 22 O 14 , used as a dietary supplement to provide calcium.
  • calcium phosphate — the insoluble nonacid calcium salt of orthophosphoric acid (phosphoric(V) acid): it occurs in bones and is the main constituent of bone ash. Formula: Ca3(PO4)2
  • california nutmeg — a tall, pungently aromatic California evergreen tree, Torreya californica, of the yew family, having a fissured, gray-brown bark and small, purple-streaked, green fruit.
  • campus university — a university in which the buildings, often including shops and cafés, are all on one site
  • capital equipment — the equipment that a business buys
  • cariboo mountains — a mountain range in SW Canada, in SE British Columbia. Highest peak: Mount Sir Wilfrid Laurier, 3520 m (11 549 ft)
  • chemical equation — a representation of a chemical reaction using symbols of the elements to indicate the amount of substance, usually in moles, of each reactant and product
  • chemotherapeutics — chemotherapy.

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