
11-letter words containing i, m, u, n, o

  • omnivourous — Misspelling of omnivorous.
  • opportunism — the policy or practice, as in politics, business, or one's personal affairs, of adapting actions, decisions, etc., to expediency or effectiveness regardless of the sacrifice of ethical principles.
  • organistrum — a stringed instrument played by two people
  • ostensorium — ostensory.
  • out-migrant — a person who out-migrates.
  • outline map — a map which only provides very basic information so that more details can be added
  • outmatching — Present participle of outmatch.
  • outsmarting — Present participle of outsmart.
  • outswimming — Present participle of outswim.
  • oxonium ion — the hydrogen ion bonded to a molecule of water, H 3 O + , the form in which hydrogen ions are found in aqueous solution.
  • pandemonium — wild uproar or unrestrained disorder; tumult or chaos.
  • parodontium — periodontium.
  • pelargonium — any plant of the genus Pelargonium, the cultivated species of which are usually called geranium. Compare geranium (def 2).
  • pentium pro — (processor)   (Known as "P6" during development) Intel's successor to the Pentium processor, in development Jan 1995, generally available 1995-11-01. The P6 has an internal RISC architecture with a CISC-RISC translator, 3-way superscalar execution, and out-of order execution (or "speculative execution", which Intel calls "Dynamic Execution"). It also features branch prediction and register renaming, and is superpipelined (14 stages). The P6 is made as a two-chip assembly: the first chip is the CPU and 16 kilobyte first-level cache (5.5 million transistors) and the other is a 256 (or 512) kilobyte second-level cache (15 million transistors). The first version has a clock rate of 133 Mhz and consumes about 20W of power. It is about twice as fast as the 100 MHz Pentium. The original 0.35 micron versions of the Pentium Pro released on 1995-11-01 run at 150 and 166 Mhz for desktop machines and up to 200 Mhz for servers. Heat disspation is about 20 Watts. The Pentium Pro is optimised for 32-bit software and runs 16-bit software slower than the original Pentium. The successor was the Pentium II.
  • permutation — the act of permuting or permutating; alteration; transformation.
  • phosphonium — the positively charged group PH 4 + .
  • piano music — printed music intended to be played on the piano
  • piston pump — A piston pump is a pump which moves fluid by the movement up and down of a disk or short cylinder inside a tube.
  • planuliform — resembling a planula
  • plumb joint — (in sheet metal work) a soldered lap joint.
  • plutonomist — a person who studies or has expertise in plutonomy
  • pneumonitis — inflammation of the lung caused by a virus or exposure to irritating substances.
  • ponzimonium — theoretical financial turmoil in the wake of uncovering suspected Ponzi schemes
  • positronium — a short-lived atomic system consisting of a positron and an electron bound together.
  • postscenium — a wing on either side of the stage of an ancient Greek or Roman theatre where props could be stored and actors could prepare; a parascenium
  • premunition — Immunology. a state of balance between host and infectious agent, as a bacterium or parasite, such that the immune defense of the host is sufficient to resist further infection but insufficient to destroy the agent.
  • presumption — the act of presuming.
  • pump-action — (of a shotgun or rifle) having an action that extracts the empty case, loads, and cocks the piece by means of a hand-operated lever that slides backward and forward; slide-action.
  • pumpstation — A pumpstation is a place with pumps and equipment for pumping fluids from one place to another.
  • pure merino — a free settler rather than a convict
  • pyrobitumen — any of the dark, solid hydrocarbons including peat, coal, and bituminous shale.
  • quart minor — Piquet. a sequence of four cards of the same suit, as an ace, king, queen, and jack (quart major) or king, queen, jack, and ten (quart minor)
  • quick money — money that you make easily or quickly
  • quinonimine — a colorless, crystalline compound, C 6 H 5 NO, the parent of the indophenol dyes, derived from quinone.
  • quint major — an organ stop sounding a fifth higher than the corresponding digitals.
  • quint minor — an organ stop sounding a fifth higher than the corresponding digitals.
  • roentgenium — a superheavy, synthetic radioactive element with a very short half-life. Symbol: Rg; atomic number: 111.
  • roman curia — the judicial and executive organizations of the papal see comprising the government of the Catholic Church.
  • rumgumption — good sense
  • ruminations — to chew the cud, as a ruminant.
  • run-of-mine — of or relating to ore or coal that is crude, ungraded, etc.
  • salon music — music of a simple, agreeable, frequently sentimental character, played usually by a small orchestra.
  • semiquinone — any of the class of free radicals formed as intermediates in the oxidation of a hydroquinone to a quinone.
  • showjumping — horseriding event
  • simon magus — Simon (defs 5, 6).
  • slumgullion — a stew of meat, vegetables, potatoes, etc.
  • smoking gun — indisputable proof or evidence of a crime.
  • smouldering — burning slowly without flame, usually emitting smoke
  • snuff movie — Slang. a pornographic film that shows an actual murder of one of the performers, as at the end of a sadistic act.
  • snuff-movie — Slang. a pornographic film that shows an actual murder of one of the performers, as at the end of a sadistic act.
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