
19-letter words containing i, m, p, a, t

  • complimentary close — the part of a letter that by convention immediately precedes the signature, as “Very truly yours,” “Cordially,” or “Sincerely yours.”.
  • computer dictionary — Free On-line Dictionary of Computing
  • computer peripheral — a device that is attached to and controlled by a computer, such as a scanner, printer, or external hard drive
  • computer simulation — an event, process, or scenario that is created on a computer
  • contemplative order — a religious order whose members are devoted to prayer rather than works.
  • corporal punishment — Corporal punishment is the punishment of people by hitting them.
  • cosmopolitanization — to make cosmopolitan.
  • counter-programming — to schedule (a broadcast on radio or television) to compete with one on another station.
  • creative department — the department of a company or organization responsible for the design and creation of advertisements and marketing materials
  • cuboidal epithelium — epithelium consisting of one or more layers of cells of cuboid or polyhedral shape.
  • de-compartmentalize — to divide into categories or compartments.
  • deflate compression — deflate
  • department chairman — the chairman of a university department
  • departmentalisation — Alternative spelling of departmentalization.
  • departmentalization — to divide into departments.
  • descriptive grammar — an approach to grammar that is concerned with reporting the usage of native speakers without reference to proposed norms of correctness or advocacy of rules based on such norms.
  • diamond-point spoon — a spoon having a handle terminating in a polygonal, pointed knob.
  • diplomatic immunity — exemption from taxation, searches, arrest, etc., enjoyed by diplomatic officials and their dependent families under international law, and usually on a reciprocal basis.
  • direct mapped cache — (architecture)   A cache where the cache location for a given address is determined from the middle address bits. If the cache line size is 2^n then the bottom n address bits correspond to an offset within a cache entry. If the cache can hold 2^m entries then the next m address bits give the cache location. The remaining top address bits are stored as a "tag" along with the entry. In this scheme, there is no choice of which block to flush on a cache miss since there is only one place for any block to go. This simple scheme has the disadvantage that if the program alternately accesses different addresses which map to the same cache location then it will suffer a cache miss on every access to these locations. This kind of cache conflict is quite likely on a multi-processor. See also fully associative cache, set associative cache.
  • disambiguation page — a page on a website that lists various websites or web pages that have or could have the same title. The user is able to select from the list that page, site etc that he or she actually wants
  • disaster capitalism — the practice (by a government, regime, etc) of taking advantage of a major disaster to adopt liberal economic policies that the population would be less likely to accept under normal circumstances
  • dispatch department — the department of an organization responsible for the dispatch of orders
  • displacement engine — any engine employing the rectilinear motion of one or more pistons in cylinders.
  • duplicating machine — a duplicator, especially one for making identical copies of documents, letters, etc.
  • dynamic positioning — Dynamic positioning is the use of computers to control the position of a semi-submersible rig.
  • electron micrograph — a photograph or image of a specimen taken using an electron microscope
  • elementary particle — any of several entities, such as electrons, neutrons, or protons, that are less complex than atoms and are regarded as the constituents of all matter
  • employment tribunal — (in England, Scotland, and Wales) a tribunal that rules on disputes between employers and employees regarding unfair dismissal, redundancy, etc
  • entitlement program — a government program providing defined sectors of the population with social benefits
  • european parliament — law: assembly in Strasbourg
  • exophthalmic goiter — a disease of unknown cause characterized by enlargement of the thyroid gland, overproduction of the thyroid hormone, and abnormal protrusion of the eyeballs
  • exophthalmic goitre — a form of hyperthyroidism characterized by enlargement of the thyroid gland, protrusion of the eyeballs, increased basal metabolic rate, and weight loss
  • extreme programming — a discipline of software engineering following a specific structure, designed to simplify and speed up the development process
  • facultative apomict — a plant that can reproduce sexually or asexually.
  • family practitioner — medical specialization in general practice, requiring training beyond that of general practice and leading to board certification.
  • family-sized packet — a large packet
  • farmers cooperative — an organization of farmers for marketing their products or buying supplies.
  • female impersonator — a male performer who dresses as and impersonates women.
  • fractal compression — (algorithm)   A technique for encoding images using fractals.
  • from pillar to post — an upright shaft or structure, of stone, brick, or other material, relatively slender in proportion to its height, and of any shape in section, used as a building support, or standing alone, as for a monument: Gothic pillars; a pillar to commemorate Columbus.
  • gedanken experiment — thought experiment.
  • genetic programming — (programming)   (GP) A programming technique which extends the genetic algorithm to the domain of whole computer programs. In GP, populations of programs are genetically bred to solve problems. Genetic programming can solve problems of system identification, classification, control, robotics, optimisation, game playing, and pattern recognition. Starting with a primordial ooze of hundreds or thousands of randomly created programs composed of functions and terminals appropriate to the problem, the population is progressively evolved over a series of generations by applying the operations of Darwinian fitness proportionate reproduction and crossover (sexual recombination).
  • gentleman-pensioner — (formerly) a gentleman-at-arms.
  • go jump in the lake — a body of fresh or salt water of considerable size, surrounded by land.
  • gross profit margin — A gross profit margin is a measure of the profitability of a company, that is calculated by dividing gross profit by net sales.
  • grosse pointe farms — a city in SE Michigan, near Detroit.
  • hamiltonian problem — (computability)   (Or "Hamilton's problem") A problem in graph theory posed by William Hamilton: given a graph, is there a path through the graph which visits each vertex precisely once (a "Hamiltonian path")? Is there a Hamiltonian path which ends up where it started (a "Hamiltonian cycle" or "Hamiltonian tour")? Hamilton's problem is NP-complete. It has numerous applications, sometimes completely unexpected, in computing.
  • have a problem with — to be unable to understand or do
  • high-pressure steam — High-pressure steam is steam which is at or above 75 pounds per square inch gauge pressure.
  • highways department — the department of a state, council, etc, responsible for the upkeep of roads and highways
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