
18-letter words containing i, m, h, o, t

  • ophthalmologically — In an ophthalmological manner.
  • outer automorphism — an automorphism that is not an inner automorphism.
  • ovariohysterectomy — Surgical removal of the ovaries and uterus.
  • overnight telegram — a type of domestic telegram sent at a reduced rate with a minimum charge for 10 words or less and accepted until midnight for delivery the following day.
  • pathologic anatomy — the branch of pathology dealing with the morphologic changes in tissues.
  • peppermint camphor — menthol.
  • phantasmagorically — having a fantastic or deceptive appearance, as something in a dream or created by the imagination.
  • phantom withdrawal — the unauthorized removal of funds from a bank account using an automated teller machine
  • philharmonic pitch — a standard of pitch in which A above middle C is established at 440 vibrations per second.
  • photochemical smog — air pollution containing ozone and other reactive chemical compounds formed by the action of sunlight on nitrogen oxides and hydrocarbons, especially those in automobile exhaust.
  • photodecomposition — the breaking down of molecules by radiant energy.
  • photoisomerization — isomerization induced by light.
  • photomorphogenesis — plant development that is controlled by light.
  • phytohemagglutinin — a lectin, obtained from the red kidney bean, that binds to the membranes of T cells and stimulates metabolic activity, cell division, etc.
  • pigmy hippopotamus — a related but smaller animal, Choeropsis liberiensis
  • policeman's helmet — a Himalayan balsaminaceous plant, Impatiens glandulifera, with large purplish-pink flowers, introduced into Britain
  • polychromatophilic — having an affinity for more than one kind of stain, especially for acid, neutral, and basic stains, as polychromatophilic erythroblasts characteristic of pernicious anemia.
  • potassium chlorate — a white or colorless, crystalline, water-soluble, poisonous solid, KClO 3 , used chiefly as an oxidizing agent in the manufacture of explosives, fireworks, matches, bleaches, and disinfectants.
  • potassium chloride — a white or colorless, crystalline, water-soluble solid, KCl, used chiefly in the manufacture of fertilizers and mineral water, and as a source of other potassium compounds.
  • potassium sulphate — a soluble substance usually obtained as colourless crystals of the decahydrate: used in making glass and as a fertilizer. Formula: K2SO4
  • processionary moth — a moth of the family Thaumetopoeidae, esp the oak processionary moth (Thaumetopoea processionea), the larvae of which leave the communal shelter nightly for food in a V-shaped procession
  • projection machine — an apparatus that projects motion pictures; projector.
  • provision merchant — a person or company in the business of retailing food and other provisions
  • pygmy hippopotamus — a small hippopotamus, Choeropsis liberiensis, of forests and swamps in western Africa.
  • quick off the mark — If you are quick off the mark, you are quick to understand or respond to something. If you are slow off the mark, you are slow to understand or respond to something.
  • rhyming dictionary — a specialist dictionary organized by the final sounds of words, used to write poetry
  • roman architecture — buildings in style of ancient Rome
  • school of motoring — a centre where people pay for lessons to learn to drive
  • september holidays — a period of time in September when people do not have to go to school, college or work
  • shipping documents — documents relating to the sending of a shipment of goods, for example containing details of contents, weight, value etc.
  • shoot from the hip — the act of shooting with a bow, firearm, etc.
  • shotgun microphone — a directional microphone with a narrow-angle range of sensitivity.
  • sixth-form college — (in England and Wales) a college offering A-level and other courses to pupils over sixteen from local schools, esp from those that do not have sixth forms
  • sling psychrometer — a psychrometer so designed that the wet-bulb thermometer can be ventilated, to expedite evaporation, by whirling in the air.
  • smooth fox terrier — a breed of short-haired fox terrier with a mostly white, smooth coat.
  • sodium hyposulfite — sodium thiosulfate.
  • sodium thiocyanate — a white powder or colorless, deliquescent crystals, NaSCN, used chiefly in organic synthesis and in medicine in the treatment of hypertension.
  • sodium thiosulfate — a white, crystalline, water-soluble powder, Na 2 S 2 O 3 ⋅5H 2 O, used as a bleach and in photography as a fixing agent.
  • something or other — sth not remembered precisely
  • something to go on — something that is adequate for the present time
  • something to spare — a surplus of something
  • southampton island — an island in N Canada, in the Northwest Territories at the entrance to Hudson Bay. 19,100 sq. mi. (49,470 sq. km).
  • spherical geometry — the branch of geometry that deals with figures on spherical surfaces.
  • stinking chamomile — mayweed.
  • stoichiometrically — of or relating to stoichiometry.
  • stokely carmichael — Hoagland Howard [hohg-luh nd] /ˈhoʊg lənd/ (Show IPA), ("Hoagy") 1899–1981, U.S. songwriter and musician.
  • synthetic geometry — elementary geometry, as distinct from analytic geometry.
  • systematic phoneme — a phonological unit in generative phonology representing an underlying form that takes into account the relationship between phonological patterns and morphological variation, as the unit underlying the second vowel in both derive and derivative.
  • take it on the lam — a hasty escape; flight.
  • tan someone's hide — to convert (a hide) into leather, especially by soaking or steeping in a bath prepared from tanbark or synthetically.
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