
16-letter words containing h, o, t, r, l

  • holder condition — Lipschitz condition.
  • holier-than-thou — obnoxiously pious; sanctimonious; self-righteous.
  • homeless shelter — a hostel for homeless people
  • homeric laughter — loud, hearty laughter, as of the gods.
  • hopfield network — (artificial intelligence)   (Or "Hopfield model") A kind of neural network investigated by John Hopfield in the early 1980s. The Hopfield network has no special input or output neurons (see McCulloch-Pitts), but all are both input and output, and all are connected to all others in both directions (with equal weights in the two directions). Input is applied simultaneously to all neurons which then output to each other and the process continues until a stable state is reached, which represents the network output.
  • horary astrology — a method through which the answer to a question is sought by casting and interpreting a horoscope for the precise moment one learns of an event, problem, career opportunity, etc.
  • horizontal plane — flat surface parallel to the horizon
  • horizontal union — a labor union organized by skills or trades of its members rather than by industries.
  • horsetail agaric — the shaggy-mane.
  • horticulturalist — Misspelling of horticulturist.
  • hospital corners — a fold on a bed sheet or blanket made by tucking the foot or head of the sheet straight under the mattress with the ends protruding and then making a diagonal fold at the side corner of the sheet and tucking this under to produce a triangular corner.
  • hospital service — the whole organization of government funded hospitals, their staff, and the services they provide
  • hostile takeover — a takeover that is not approved by the management of the corporation being acquired or that is accomplished through the secret purchase of stock.
  • hot cold-working — metalworking at considerable heat but below the temperature at which the metal recrystallizes: a form of cold-working.
  • hot-water bottle — a bag, usually of rubber, for holding hot water to apply warmth to some part of the body, as the feet.
  • household troops — the infantry and cavalry regiments that carry out escort and guard duties for a head of state
  • humboldt current — a cold Pacific Ocean current flowing N along the coasts of Chile and Peru.
  • hydroelectricity — pertaining to the generation and distribution of electricity derived from the energy of falling water or any other hydraulic source.
  • hydroformylation — the addition of a hydrogen atom and the formyl group to a double bond of a hydrocarbon by reaction with a mixture of carbon monoxide and hydrogen in the presence of a catalyst.
  • hydrometeorology — the study of atmospheric water, especially precipitation, as it affects agriculture, water supply, flood control, power generation, etc.
  • hyperaccumulator — a plant that absorbs toxins, such as heavy metals, to a greater concentration than that in the soil in which it is growing
  • hyperstimulation — to rouse to action or effort, as by encouragement or pressure; spur on; incite: to stimulate his interest in mathematics.
  • hyperthermophile — (biology) An organism that lives and thrives in an extremely hot environment, such as a deep sea smoker vent; often a member of the Archaea.
  • hyperventilation — excessively rapid and deep breathing.
  • hypocoristically — In a hypocoristic manner.
  • in the long term — You use the expressions in the long term, in the short term, and in the medium term to talk about what will happen over a long period of time, over a short period of time, and over a medium period of time.
  • interbehavioural — relating to or involving interbehaviour
  • italian vermouth — sweet vermouth
  • james oglethorpeJames Edward, 1696–1785, British general: founder of the colony of Georgia.
  • javelin throwing — the sport of throwing the javelin
  • john wheelwrightJohn, 1592?–1679, English clergyman in America.
  • junior flyweight — a boxer weighing up to 108 pounds (48.6 kg), between minimumweight and flyweight.
  • knights of labor — a secret workingmen's organization formed in 1869 to defend the interests of labor.
  • light microscope — microscope (def 1).
  • lightning stroke — a discharge of lightning between a cloud and the earth, esp one that causes damage
  • limited monarchy — a monarchy that is limited by laws and a constitution.
  • limited-monarchy — a limited train, bus, etc.
  • lithium chloride — a white, water-soluble, deliquescent, crystalline solid, LiCl, used chiefly in the manufacture of mineral water, especially lithia water, and as a flux in metallurgy.
  • lithium fluoride — a fine, white, slightly water-soluble powder, LiF, used chiefly in the manufacture of ceramics.
  • lithographically — In the manner of lithography.
  • lonely hearts ad — an advertisement placed by someone who is trying to find a lover or a friend
  • lose one's shirt — a long- or short-sleeved garment for the upper part of the body, usually lightweight and having a collar and a front opening.
  • luck of the draw — the force that seems to operate for good or ill in a person's life, as in shaping circumstances, events, or opportunities: With my luck I'll probably get pneumonia.
  • man of the world — a man who is widely experienced in the ways of the world and people; an urbane, sophisticated man.
  • medieval history — the branch of history dealing with the Middle Ages
  • methyl parathion — a synthetic pesticide, C 8 H 1 0 NO 5 PS, used in the control of mites and various insects, as aphids, boll weevils, and cutworms.
  • military honours — ceremonies performed by troops in honour of royalty, at the burial of an officer, etc
  • misanthropically — In a misanthropic manner.
  • molecular weight — the average weight of a molecule of an element or compound measured in units once based on the weight of one hydrogen atom taken as the standard or on 1/16 (0.0625) the weight of an oxygen atom, but after 1961 based on 1/12 (0.083) the weight of the carbon-12 atom; the sum of the atomic weights of all the atoms in a molecule. Abbreviation: mol. wt.
  • mourning clothes — clothes worn as a symbol of grief at a bereavement, esp black clothes
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