
21-letter words containing h, o, p, s

  • the end of one's rope — the end of one's endurance, resources, etc.
  • the oldest profession — prostitution
  • the origin of species — (On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life) a treatise (1859) by Charles Darwin setting forth his theory of evolution.
  • the press association — the national news agency for the United Kingdom and Ireland
  • the probation service — a criminal justice service that is mainly responsible for dealing with offenders by placing them under the supervision of a probation officer
  • the shipping forecast — a radio broadcast made by the BBC of weather reports and forecasts for the seas around the British Isles
  • the slough of despond — a state of extreme despondency, depression or degradation
  • theater of operations — the part of the theater of war, including a combat zone and a communications zone, that is engaged in military operations and their support.
  • theoretical physicist — a scientist who studies theoretical physics
  • thermal decomposition — Thermal decomposition is the process in which a chemical species breaks down when its temperature is increased.
  • thermal power station — a power station in which heat is converted into electricity
  • thermophosphorescence — thermoluminescence.
  • threshold wage policy — a policy whereby wages are increased in accordance with inflation
  • to be a hospital case — if you say that someone or something is a hospital case, you mean that they need urgent help because they are doing very badly
  • to be mixed up in sth — if you are mixed up in something, usually something bad, you are involved in it
  • to blow sth wide open — to expose something
  • to mix your metaphors — If you mix your metaphors, you use two conflicting metaphors. People do this accidentally, or sometimes deliberately as a joke.
  • to move the goalposts — If you accuse someone of moving the goalposts, you mean that they have changed the rules in a situation or an activity, in order to gain an advantage for themselves and to make things difficult for other people.
  • to put the wind up sb — If something or someone puts the wind up you, they frighten or worry you.
  • to shoot from the hip — If you say that someone shoots from the hip or fires from the hip, you mean that they react to situations or give their opinion very quickly, without stopping to think.
  • triple superphosphate — superphosphate (def 2).
  • triple-superphosphate — Also called acid phosphate. a mixture of calcium acid phosphate and calcium sulfate prepared by treating phosphate rock with sulfuric acid: used chiefly as a fertilizer.
  • up to the elbows with — busily occupied with; deeply immersed in
  • what price something? — what are the chances of something happening now?
  • white-crowned sparrow — a North American sparrow, Zonotrichia leucophrys, having black and white stripes on the head.
  • wholesale price index — an indicator of price changes in the wholesale market
  • with sb's compliments — If you say that you are giving someone something with your compliments, you are saying in a polite and fairly formal way that you are giving it to them, especially as a gift or a favour.
  • writ of habeas corpus — law: petition for hearing
  • x-ray crystallography — the determination of the structure of a crystal by the use of x-ray diffraction.
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