
15-letter words containing h, o, a

  • countermarching — Present participle of countermarch.
  • counterpurchase — barter, especially of products or materials between international companies or importers and exporters.
  • coup de theatre — a dramatic turn of events, esp in a play
  • couples therapy — a counseling procedure that attempts to improve the adaptation and adjustment of two people who form a conjugal unit.
  • court christian — ecclesiastical court.
  • court of arches — the court of appeal of the Province of Canterbury, formerly held under the arches of Bow Church
  • craftswomanship — The body of skills, techniques, and expertise of (a) feminine craft(s).
  • crash programme — a short intensive programme to learn a skill, language, etc
  • crashworthiness — the ability of a vehicle structure to withstand a crash
  • crawling horror — (jargon)   Ancient crufty hardware or software that is kept obstinately alive by forces beyond the control of the hackers at a site. Like dusty deck or gonkulator, but connotes that the thing described is not just an irritation but an active menace to health and sanity. "Mostly we code new stuff in C, but they pay us to maintain one big Fortran II application from nineteen-sixty-X that's a real crawling horror." Compare WOMBAT.
  • cricopharyngeal — of, relating to, or involving the cricoid cartilage and the pharynx.
  • cricopharyngeus — (anatomy) Part of the inferior pharyngeal constrictor, arising from the cricoid cartilage.
  • crohn's disease — inflammation, thickening, and ulceration of any of various parts of the intestine, esp the ileum
  • crunchy granola — crisp; brittle.
  • crunchy-granola — characterized by or defining oneself by ecological awareness, liberal political views, and support or use of natural products and health foods.
  • cryoanaesthesia — Alternative spelling of cryoanesthesia.
  • cryptographical — the science or study of the techniques of secret writing, especially code and cipher systems, methods, and the like. Compare cryptanalysis (def 2).
  • crystallography — the science concerned with the formation, properties, and structure of crystals
  • curia rhaetorum — a city in E Switzerland, capital of Graubünden canton. Pop: 32 989 (2000)
  • curl one's hair — to form into coils or ringlets, as the hair.
  • cushion capital — a capital, used in Byzantine, Romanesque, and Norman architecture, in the form of a bowl with a square top
  • cutthroat trout — a game fish (Salmo clarki) with a reddish patch under the jaw, usually found in high mountain streams near the NW North American coast
  • cyanoethylation — the act of introducing a cyano-ethyl group into a compound
  • cycling holiday — a holiday in which one cycles between destinations
  • cyclohexylamine — a highly toxic and hazardous organic chemical derived from cyclohexane
  • cytotrophoblast — the thickened, inner part of the mammalian placenta nearest to the fetus, covering the chorion during early pregnancy
  • czechoslovakian — Czechoslovakian means the same as Czechoslovak.
  • dadchelor party — a party primarily attended by men and held to honour and present gifts to a prospective father
  • dartmouth basic — (language)   The original BASIC language, designed by John G. Kemeny and Thomas E. Kurtz at Dartmouth College in 1963. Dartmouth BASIC first ran on a GE 235 [date?] and on an IBM 704 on 1964-05-01. It was designed for quick and easy programming by students and beginners using Dartmouth's experimental time-sharing system. Unlike most later BASIC dialects, Dartmouth BASIC was compiled.
  • day of the dead — an annual celebration to honor the spirits of the dead, observed in Mexico and other Latin American countries on November 1 and 2, concurrently with All Saints' Day and All Souls' Day.
  • day of the lord — Also called Day of Yahweh. (in Old Testament eschatology) a day of final judgment. Amos 5:18–21; Ezek. 30.
  • dealer's choice — a card game, as poker, in which the dealer decides what particular game is to be played, often depending on the number of players, and designates any special variations or unusual rules, including setting the stakes.
  • debathification — The process of removing former members of the ruling Bath party of Iraq from the military and civil office following the ousting of w Saddam Hussein.
  • decatyl alcohol — decanol.
  • dehydrogenating — Present participle of dehydrogenate.
  • dehydrogenation — to remove hydrogen from (a compound).
  • delsarte method — a theory or system devised by François Delsarte for improving musical and dramatic expression through the mastery of various bodily attitudes and gestures.
  • demographically — of or relating to demography, the science of vital and social statistics.
  • demythification — the act of demythifying
  • deoch-an-doruis — a parting drink or stirrup cup
  • dephlogisticate — to reduce or remove inflammation from
  • dephosphorylate — to remove a phosphate group from (an organic compound)
  • derhotacization — A distortion in (or an Inability to pronounce) the sound of letter R, causing the R to be omitted as a consonant or changing /\u025d/ or /\u025a/ to /\u025c/,/\u0259/, or another vowel if a vocalic.
  • dermatoglyphics — the lines forming a skin pattern, esp on the palms of the hands and soles of the feet
  • dermatographism — a condition in which touching or lightly scratching the skin causes raised, reddish marks.
  • dermatophytosis — a fungal infection of the skin, esp the feet
  • developing bath — an amount of photographic developer into which photographic film or paper is inserted
  • diadochokinesia — the normal ability to perform rapidly alternating muscular movements, as flexion and extension.
  • diadochokinesis — the normal ability to perform rapidly alternating muscular movements, as flexion and extension.
  • diaheliotropism — the tendency among plants to respond to the light of the sun by orienting their leaves perpendicular to the sun's rays, such that the upper surface of the leaves receives maximum light
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