
10-letter words containing h, e, p

  • hemianopic — having or relating to hemianopia
  • hemiplegia — paralysis of one side of the body.
  • hemiplegic — paralysis of one side of the body.
  • hemipteral — of or relating to a hemipterous insect
  • hemipteran — hemipterous.
  • hemipteron — Alternative form of hemipteran.
  • hemisphere — (often initial capital letter) half of the terrestrial globe or celestial sphere, especially one of the halves into which the earth is divided. Compare Eastern Hemisphere, Western Hemisphere, Northern Hemisphere, Southern Hemisphere.
  • hemitropal — hemitropous
  • hemophilia — any of several X-linked genetic disorders, symptomatic chiefly in males, in which excessive bleeding occurs owing to the absence or abnormality of a clotting factor in the blood.
  • hemophilic — characteristic of or affected by hemophilia.
  • hemophilus — a genus of rod-shaped, parasitic, hemophilic bacteria, certain species of which, as H. influenzae or H. suis, are pathogenic for humans and animals.
  • hemophobia — an abnormal fear of blood.
  • hemoptysis — the expectoration of blood or bloody mucus.
  • hen-pecked — browbeaten, bullied, or intimidated by one's wife, girlfriend, etc.: a henpecked husband who never dared to contradict his wife.
  • henpeckery — the state of being harassed or tormented through henpecking
  • henpecking — Present participle of henpeck.
  • heparinize — Add heparin to (blood or a container about to be filled with blood) to prevent it from coagulating.
  • hepatocyte — a cell of the main tissue of the liver; liver cell.
  • hepatolith — A gallstone in the biliary duct of the liver.
  • hepatology — (medicine) The study or treatment of the liver, gallbladder, and pancreas.
  • hephaestus — the ancient Greek god of fire, metalworking, and handicrafts, identified by the Romans with Vulcan.
  • heptachlor — a highly toxic, light-tan, waxy solid, C 10 H 5 Cl 7 , used as an insecticide: its manufacture and use are restricted in the U.S.
  • heptachord — a musical scale of seven notes.
  • heptagonal — having seven sides or angles.
  • heptameron — A literary work whose action covers a period of seven days.
  • heptameter — a verse of seven metrical feet.
  • heptapodic — having seven metrical feet
  • heptastich — a strophe, stanza, or poem consisting of seven lines or verses.
  • heptateuch — the first seven books of the Old Testament.
  • heptathlon — an athletic contest for women comprising seven different track-and-field events and won by the contestant amassing the highest total score.
  • heptatonic — (of a musical scale) comprising seven notes
  • heraldship — the office or position of a herald
  • herb paris — a European plant, Paris quadrifolia, of the lily family, formerly used in medicine.
  • hermatypic — reef-building coral.
  • herophilus — died ?280 bc, Greek anatomist in Alexandria. He was the first to distinguish sensory from motor nerves
  • herpangina — an infectious disease, especially of children, characterized by a sudden occurrence of fever, loss of appetite, and throat ulcerations, caused by a Coxsackie virus.
  • hesperides — Classical Mythology. (used with a plural verb) nymphs, variously given as three to seven in number, who guarded with the dragon Ladon the golden apples that were the wedding gift of Gaea to Hera. (used with a singular verb) the garden where the golden apples were grown. (used with a plural verb) Islands of the Blessed.
  • hesperidin — a crystallizable, bioflavinoid glycoside, C 28 H 34 O 15 , occurring in most citrus fruits, especially in the spongy envelope of oranges and lemons.
  • hesperinos — vesper (def 3).
  • heterophil — Also, heterophilic. Immunology. (of an antibody) having an affinity for an antigen other than its specific antigen.
  • hetmanship — the position of a hetman
  • hexaploidy — the condition of being a hexaploid
  • hexapodous — (zoology) Having six feet; belonging to the Hexapoda.
  • hey presto — magician's conjuring words
  • hieroglyph — Also, hieroglyphical. designating or pertaining to a pictographic script, particularly that of the ancient Egyptians, in which many of the symbols are conventionalized, recognizable pictures of the things represented.
  • hierograph — sacred writing or characters
  • hierophant — (in ancient Greece) an official expounder of rites of worship and sacrifice.
  • hierophany — A physical manifestation of the holy or sacred, serving as a spiritual eidolon for emulation or worship.
  • high hopes — great expectations
  • high place — (in ancient Semitic religions) a place of worship, usually a temple or altar on a hilltop.
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