
14-letter words containing h, e, i, m, s

  • simplex method — a numerical method for solving problems in linear programming.
  • six-eight time — a form of compound duple time in which there are six quaver beats to the bar, indicated by the time signature 68
  • soil mechanics — the branch of civil engineering that deals with the mechanical behavior of soil and similar materials when they are compressed or sheared or when liquids flow through them.
  • soldiers' home — an institution that provides care and shelter for retired soldiers.
  • something else — sth different
  • something like — of the same form, appearance, kind, character, amount, etc.: I cannot remember a like instance.
  • something's up — something is amiss
  • south american — a continent in the S part of the Western Hemisphere. About 6,900,000 sq. mi. (17,871,000 sq. km).
  • sowing machine — a machine that scatters seeds on land so that they may grow
  • spanish omelet — an omelet served with a sauce of tomatoes, onions, and green peppers.
  • spearfisherman — a person who engages in spearfishing.
  • sphaeristerium — an ancient Roman handball court.
  • sportfisherman — a motorboat fitted out for sportfishing.
  • stereochemical — of, relating to, stereochemistry
  • stoichiometric — of or relating to stoichiometry.
  • subatmospheric — (of a quantity) having a value lower than that of the atmosphere: subatmospheric temperatures.
  • submachine gun — a lightweight automatic or semiautomatic gun, fired from the shoulder or hip.
  • sulphacetamide — a topical antibiotic of the sulphonamide group, used to treat eye infections, as well as skin infections including acne
  • sulphanilamide — a white odourless crystalline compound formerly used in medicine in the treatment of bacterial infections. Formula: NH2C6H4SO2NH2
  • summer kitchen — an extra kitchen, usually detached from a house, for use in warm weather.
  • surinam cherry — a tropical American tree, Eugenia uniflora, of the myrtle family, having ovate leaves and fragrant, white flowers.
  • swimmer's itch — an inflammation of the skin, resembling insect bites, caused by burrowing larval forms of schistosomes.
  • symmetrophobia — an avoidance of symmetry, esp in Japanese art and Egyptian temples
  • symphonic poem — a form of tone poem, scored for a symphony orchestra, in which a literary or pictorial “plot” is treated with considerable program detail: originated by Franz Liszt in the mid-19th century and developed especially by Richard Strauss.
  • syrian hamster — golden hamster.
  • the game is up — If you say the game is up, you mean that someone's secret plans or activities have been revealed and therefore must stop because they cannot succeed.
  • the humanities — the study of literature, philosophy, and the arts
  • the mesolithic — the Mesolithic period; Middle Stone Age
  • the omniscient — God
  • the rheumatics — rheumatic pains
  • the samaritans — a voluntary organization which offers counselling to people in despair, esp by telephone
  • the surinamese — the people of Surinam collectively
  • the whim-whams — an uneasy, nervous feeling; the jitters
  • theriomorphism — the identification of animal characteristics with a supernatural being
  • thermaesthesia — ability to perceive or sense cold or heat; sensitiveness to heat.
  • thermal spring — a spring whose temperature is higher than the mean temperature of ground water in the area.
  • thermoacoustic — pertaining to a method of cooling using air driven with acoustic power.
  • thermoanalysis — thermal analysis.
  • thermochromism — a phenomenon in which certain dyes made from liquid crystals change colour reversibly when their temperature is changed
  • thermodynamics — the science concerned with the relations between heat and mechanical energy or work, and the conversion of one into the other: modern thermodynamics deals with the properties of systems for the description of which temperature is a necessary coordinate.
  • thermostatting — a device, including a relay actuated by thermal conduction or convection, that functions to establish and maintain a desired temperature automatically or signals a change in temperature for manual adjustment.
  • thesaurismosis — storage disease.
  • thetford mines — a city in S Quebec, in E Canada: asbestos mining.
  • thorium series — the radioactive series that starts with thorium and ends with a stable isotope of lead of mass number 208.
  • to strike home — If something that is thrown or fired strikes home, it reaches its target.
  • tumbler switch — electrical control
  • turkish empire — Ottoman Empire
  • tymshare, inc. — (company)   The US company that created the TYMNET network.
  • unaccomplished — not accomplished; incomplete or not carried out: Many tasks remain unaccomplished.
  • underemphasize — to give less than sufficient emphasis to; minimize.
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