
15-letter words containing h, a, l, o, t, n

  • phenolphthalein — a white, crystalline compound, C 2 0 H 1 4 O 4 , used as an indicator in acid-base titration and as a laxative.
  • phenomenalistic — the doctrine that phenomena are the only objects of knowledge or the only form of reality.
  • phenylketonuria — an inherited disease due to faulty metabolism of phenylalanine, characterized by phenylketones in the urine and usually first noted by signs of mental retardation in infancy.
  • philanthropical — of, pertaining to, engaged in, or characterized by philanthropy; benevolent: a philanthropic foundation.
  • phosphorylation — to introduce the phosphoryl group into (an organic compound).
  • photojournalism — journalism in which photography dominates written copy, as in certain magazines.
  • photomechanical — noting or pertaining to any of various processes for printing from plates or surfaces prepared by the aid of photography.
  • physicalization — to express in physical terms; give form or shape to: The dancers physicalized the mood of the music.
  • plain chocolate — dark eating chocolate
  • plainclothesman — a police officer, especially a detective, who wears ordinary civilian clothes while on duty.
  • plant pathology — the branch of botany dealing with diseases of plants.
  • polish notation — a logical notation that dispenses with the need for brackets by writing the logical constants as operators preceding their arguments
  • polychlorinated — having multiple chlorine atoms
  • pulmobranchiate — possessing a pulmobranch
  • pyrotechnically — in a pyrotechnical manner
  • radio telephone — A radio telephone is a telephone which carries sound by sending radio signals rather than by using wires. Radio telephones are often used in cars.
  • radio-telephone — a telephone in which sound or speech is transmitted by means of radio waves instead of through wires or cables.
  • radiotechnology — the technical application of any form of radiation to industry.
  • rocket launcher — a tube attached to a weapon for the launching of rockets.
  • roll in the hay — a document of paper, parchment, or the like, that is or may be rolled up, as for storing; scroll.
  • rowland heights — a city in SW California, near Los Angeles.
  • saint-john-lakeHenry, 1st Viscount Bolingbroke, Bolingbroke, 1st Viscount.
  • schillerization — the process of altering crystals to produce schiller
  • schola cantorum — an ecclesiastical choir or choir school.
  • school teaching — School teaching is the work done by teachers in a school.
  • scotch highland — any of a breed of small, hardy, usually dun-colored, shaggy-haired beef cattle with long, widespread horns, able to withstand the cold and sparse pasturage of its native western Scottish uplands.
  • sleight of hand — skill in feats requiring quick and clever movements of the hands, especially for entertainment or deception, as jugglery, card or coin magic, etc.; legerdemain.
  • snaggle toothed — a tooth growing out beyond or apart from others.
  • snaggle-toothed — a tooth growing out beyond or apart from others.
  • sound-and-light — combining sound effects or music with unusual lighting displays: to promote a product with a spectacular sound-and-light presentation.
  • south glamorgan — a county in SE Wales. 161 sq. mi. (416 sq. km).
  • spanish trefoil — alfalfa.
  • spit and polish — great care in maintaining smart appearance and crisp efficiency: The commander was concerned more with spit and polish than with the company's morale.
  • sycophantically — a self-seeking, servile flatterer; fawning parasite.
  • teaching fellow — a holder of a teaching fellowship.
  • technologically — of or relating to technology; relating to science and industry.
  • the anglo-irish — the inhabitants of Ireland of English birth or descent
  • the colophonian — a native of Colophon.
  • the common weal — the good of society
  • the daily round — the usual activities of one's day
  • the kos channel — a strait separating Kos from SW Turkey
  • the last moment — If someone does something at the last moment, they do it at the latest time possible.
  • the lower ranks — people who have a low rank in a military organization
  • thermal neutron — a neutron with low kinetic energy, especially one slowed by the moderator in a nuclear reactor.
  • thiocarbanilide — a gray powder, C 13 H 12 N 2 S, used as an intermediate in dyes and as an accelerator in vulcanization.
  • thorndike's law — the principle that all learnt behaviour is regulated by rewards and punishments, proposed by Edward Lee Thorndike (1874–1949), US psychologist
  • thousand island — of or relating to the Thousand Islands or their inhabitants
  • thyrocalcitonin — calcitonin
  • toughened glass — glass that has been made stronger using chemical or thermal treatments so that it will not break easily
  • training school — a school that provides training in some art, profession, or vocation.
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