
Words containing g, y, n, o

4 letter words containing g, y, n, o

  • gyno — (UK, Australia, informal) abbreviation of gynecologist.

5 letter words containing g, y, n, o

  • agony — Agony is great physical or mental pain.
  • gonys — the ridge along the tip of the lower mandible of a bird's bill at the junction of the two joined halves, especially prominent in gulls.
  • goony — Slang. stupid, foolish, or awkward: a goony smile on his face.
  • goyenJan van [yahn vahn] /yɑn vɑn/ (Show IPA), 1596–1656, Dutch painter.
  • guyonMadame (Jeanne Marie Bouvier de la Matte) 1648–1717, French writer.

6 letter words containing g, y, n, o

  • bygone — Bygone means happening or existing a very long time ago.
  • coying — artfully or affectedly shy or reserved; slyly hesitant; coquettish.
  • geryon — a winged monster with three bodies joined at the waist, killed by Hercules, who stole the monster's cattle as his tenth labour
  • gobony — compony.
  • gongyo — (in Nichiren Buddhism) a ceremony, performed twice a day, involving reciting parts of the Lotus Sutra and chanting the Daimoku to the Gohonzon

7 letter words containing g, y, n, o

  • aglycon — a chemical compound formed from a glycoside when a hydrogen atom replaces a glycosyl group
  • anagogy — anagoge.
  • analogy — If you make or draw an analogy between two things, you show that they are similar in some way.
  • biogeny — the evolutionary history of living organisms
  • bobigny — a department in N France. 91 sq. mi. (236 sq. km). Capital: Bobigny.

8 letter words containing g, y, n, o

  • aglycone — a chemical compound
  • agrimony — any of various N temperate rosaceous plants of the genus Agrimonia, which have compound leaves, long spikes of small yellow flowers, and bristly burlike fruits
  • agronomy — the science of cultivation of land, soil management, and crop production
  • alloying — relating to, or used in, alloying
  • amylogen — the water-soluble part of the starch granule

9 letter words containing g, y, n, o

  • adenology — the branch of medicine dealing with the development, structure, function, and diseases of glands.
  • adoringly — to regard with the utmost esteem, love, and respect; honor.
  • andragogy — the methods or techniques used to teach adults: Many educators believe that the principles of andragogy, as advanced by Malcolm Knowles, have great relevance to adult education; others are not so certain.
  • androgyne — an androgynous plant or animal
  • androgyny — Androgyny is the state of being neither distinctly masculine nor distinctly feminine.

10 letter words containing g, y, n, o

  • acrogynous — having the female reproductive organ arising from the apical cell of the stem, thereby terminating its growth, as certain liverworts.
  • acronyming — a word formed from the initial letters or groups of letters of words in a set phrase or series of words and pronounced as a separate word, as Wac from Women's Army Corps, OPEC from Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, or loran from long-range navigation.
  • actinology — the science of light rays and their chemical effects
  • agnoiology — the theory of ignorance
  • agrypnotic — inducing, relating to, or characterized by insomnia

11 letter words containing g, y, n, o

  • acanthology — the study of spines, as in sea urchins or certain spiny-headed worms, particularly as they relate to taxonomic classification.
  • accordingly — You use accordingly to introduce a fact or situation which is a result or consequence of something that you have just referred to.
  • agonizingly — accompanied by, filled with, or resulting in agony or distress: We spent an agonizing hour waiting to hear if the accident had been serious or not.
  • amblygonite — a white or greyish mineral consisting of lithium aluminium fluorophosphate in triclinic crystalline form. It is a source of lithium. Formula: (Li,Na)Al(PO4)(F,OH)
  • amniography — an x-ray examination of the amniotic sac after the injection of an opaque solution, performed to permit visualization of the umbilical cord and the placenta.

12 letter words containing g, y, n, o

  • aboriginally — of, relating to, or typical of aborigines: aboriginal customs.
  • accompanying — provided at the same time as something else as an extra or addition; supplementary
  • agnostically — a person who holds that the existence of the ultimate cause, as God, and the essential nature of things are unknown and unknowable, or that human knowledge is limited to experience. Synonyms: disbeliever, nonbeliever, unbeliever; doubter, skeptic, secularist, empiricist; heathen, heretic, infidel, pagan.
  • agranulocyte — a white blood cell without granules in its cytoplasm
  • anacrogynous — having the female sex organs arising from any cell below the apex of the stem, thereby not terminating its growth, as certain liverworts.

13 letter words containing g, y, n, o

  • aboriginality — the state of being Aboriginal, esp with regard to having a common Aboriginal culture
  • accidentology — the study of the prevention of accidents
  • actinobiology — the branch of biology concerned with the effects of radiation on living organisms
  • agro-industry — the large-scale production, processing, and packaging of food using modern equipment and methods.
  • agronomically — in an agronomic manner

14 letter words containing g, y, n, o

  • acknowledgedly — by general agreement, admittedly
  • advantageously — providing an advantage; furnishing convenience or opportunity; favorable; profitable; useful; beneficial: an advantageous position; an advantageous treaty.
  • agrotechnology — the technology of agriculture, as the methods or machinery needed for efficient production.
  • albury-wodonga — a town in SE Australia, in S central New South Wales, on the Murray River: commercial centre of an agricultural region. Pop: 69 880 (2001)
  • aminoglycoside — of or relating to amino sugars in glycosidic linkage.

15 letter words containing g, y, n, o

  • actinopterygian — belonging or pertaining to the Actinopterygii, a group of bony fishes.
  • agranulocytosis — a serious and sometimes fatal illness characterized by a marked reduction of leucocytes, usually caused by hypersensitivity to certain drugs
  • anaesthesiology — the science of administering anesthetics.
  • anti-technology — the branch of knowledge that deals with the creation and use of technical means and their interrelation with life, society, and the environment, drawing upon such subjects as industrial arts, engineering, applied science, and pure science.
  • benzoglyoxaline — benzimidazole.

16 letter words containing g, y, n, o

  • acanthopterygian — of, relating to, or belonging to the Acanthopterygii, a large group of teleost fishes having spiny fin rays. The group includes most saltwater bony fishes
  • antagonistically — acting in opposition; opposing, especially mutually.
  • anticyclogenesis — the intensification or development of an anticyclone.
  • chymotrypsinogen — the inactive precursor of chymotrypsin
  • counter-strategy — Also, strategics. the science or art of combining and employing the means of war in planning and directing large military movements and operations.

17 letter words containing g, y, n, o

  • angiocardiography — the making of X-ray pictures of the heart and its blood vessels after injecting a radiopaque substance
  • anthropogeography — a branch of anthropology dealing with the geographical distribution of humankind and the relationship between human beings and their environment.
  • anthropologically — the science that deals with the origins, physical and cultural development, biological characteristics, and social customs and beliefs of humankind.
  • carboxyhemoglobin — a compound formed in the blood when carbon monoxide occupies the positions on the hemoglobin molecule normally taken by oxygen, resulting in cellular oxygen starvation
  • chronographically — a timepiece fitted with a recording device, as a stylus and rotating drum, used to mark the exact instant of an occurrence, especially in astronomy.

18 letter words containing g, y, n, o

19 letter words containing g, y, n, o

  • beggar-my-neighbour — a card game in which one player tries to win all the cards of the other player
  • cinematographically — a motion-picture projector.
  • echoencephalography — a device that employs reflected ultrasonic waves to examine the position of brain structures.
  • medroxyprogesterone — a progesterone derivative, C 2 4 H 3 4 O 4 , used in the treatment of abnormal uterine bleeding and secondary amenorrhea, as a contraceptive of long duration, and in the treatment of certain cancers.
  • otorhinolaryngology — otolaryngology.

20 letter words containing g, y, n, o

  • beggar-your-neighbor — a children's card game for two, played with 52 cards, that is won when a player captures all of the cards.
  • belgorod-dnestrovsky — a seaport in SW Ukraine, on the Black Sea.
  • lymphogranulomatosis — widespread infectious granuloma of the lymphatic system.
  • magnetohydrodynamics — the branch of physics that deals with the motion of electrically conductive fluids, especially plasmas, in magnetic fields. Abbreviation: MHD.

21 letter words containing g, y, n, o

22 letter words containing g, y, n, o

23 letter words containing g, y, n, o

24 letter words containing g, y, n, o

26 letter words containing g, y, n, o

  • philosophical-anthropology — the science that deals with the origins, physical and cultural development, biological characteristics, and social customs and beliefs of humankind.

27 letter words containing g, y, n, o

  • introgressive-hybridization — the introduction of genes from one species into the gene pool of another species, occurring when matings between the two produce fertile hybrids.

On this page, we collect all words with G, Y, N, O. To make easier to find the right word we have divided all 4010 words to groups according to their length. So you should go to appropriate page if can’t find the word that contains G, Y, N, O that you are searching. Also you can use this page in Scrabble.

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