
9-letter words containing g, u, n, s, i

  • string up — a slender cord or thick thread used for binding or tying; line.
  • strouding — a woolly material used to make strouds or blankets
  • strutting — walking or moving with a strut; walking pompously; pompous.
  • stumbling — to strike the foot against something, as in walking or running, so as to stagger or fall; trip.
  • subcasing — a rough casing for a doorway or window.
  • subregion — a division or subdivision of a region, especially a division of a zoogeographical region.
  • subsiding — to sink to a low or lower level.
  • suffering — the state of a person or thing that suffers.
  • sufficing — to be enough or adequate, as for needs, purposes, etc.
  • suiciding — the intentional taking of one's own life.
  • summering — the season between spring and autumn, in the Northern Hemisphere from the summer solstice to the autumnal equinox, and in the Southern Hemisphere from the winter solstice to the vernal equinox.
  • summiting — the highest point or part, as of a hill, a line of travel, or any object; top; apex.
  • sunbright — as bright as the sun, very bright
  • sungazing — the practice of staring directly at the sun at sunset or sunrise, esp in the belief that doing so allows one to survive without eating food
  • sungkiang — Older Spelling. Songjiang.
  • supplying — to furnish or provide (a person, establishment, place, etc.) with what is lacking or requisite: to supply someone clothing; to supply a community with electricity.
  • supposing — to assume (something), as for the sake of argument or as part of a proposition or theory: Suppose the distance to be one mile.
  • surcingle — a belt or girth that passes around the belly of a horse and over the blanket, pack, saddle, etc., and is buckled on the horse's back.
  • surfacing — the outer face, outside, or exterior boundary of a thing; outermost or uppermost layer or area.
  • surveying — the science or scientific method of making surveys of land.
  • surviving — to remain alive after the death of someone, the cessation of something, or the occurrence of some event; continue to live: Few survived after the holocaust.
  • synangium — a common vascular junction from which several arteries branch
  • thrusting — to push forcibly; shove; put or drive with force: He thrust his way through the crowd. She thrust a dagger into his back.
  • trigonous — having three angles or corners, as a stem or seed; triangular.
  • trigynous — (of a plant) having three pistils
  • tsingyuan — Older Spelling. Qingyuan.
  • tungstite — a yellow or yellowish-green mineral, tungsten trioxide, WO 3 , usually occurring in a pulverulent form.
  • tungusian — of or relating to a formerly nomadic Mongoloid people of E Siberia
  • uliginous — growing in swamps or muddy places.
  • unamusing — pleasantly entertaining or diverting: an amusing speaker.
  • unceasing — not ceasing or stopping; continuous: an unceasing flow of criticism.
  • undersign — to sign one's name under or at the end of (a letter or document); affix one's signature to.
  • unguinous — resembling, containing, or consisting of fat or oil; greasy; oily.
  • unhasting — not rushing
  • unlasting — continuing or enduring a long time; permanent; durable: a lasting friendship.
  • unmasking — to strip a mask or disguise from.
  • unpausing — a temporary stop or rest, especially in speech or action: a short pause after each stroke of the oar.
  • unpulsing — the regular throbbing of the arteries, caused by the successive contractions of the heart, especially as may be felt at an artery, as at the wrist.
  • unresting — not resting; continuous
  • unseeming — unseemly; not apparent
  • unsetting — the act of a person or thing that sets.
  • unshaking — the act of a person or thing that shakes.
  • unsharing — the full or proper portion or part allotted or belonging to or contributed or owed by an individual or group.
  • unsighing — not lamenting
  • unsighted — having functional vision; not blind.
  • unsightly — distasteful or unpleasant to look at: an unsightly wound; unsightly disorder.
  • unsisting — insisting
  • unsmiling — to assume a facial expression indicating pleasure, favor, or amusement, but sometimes derision or scorn, characterized by an upturning of the corners of the mouth.
  • unsparing — not sparing; liberal or profuse; excessive.
  • unstaying — unresting
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