
14-letter words containing g, r, o, e, t

  • teleprocessing — computerized processing and transmission of data over the telephone or other long-distance communications systems.
  • tensor bandage — a wide elasticized bandage that supports injured joints
  • tenzing norgay — 1914–86, Nepalese mountaineer. With Sir Edmund Hillary, he was the first to reach the summit of Mount Everest (1953)
  • teratogenicity — the production or induction of malformations or monstrosities, especially of a developing embryo or fetus.
  • tergiversation — to change repeatedly one's attitude or opinions with respect to a cause, subject, etc.; equivocate.
  • tergiversatory — to change repeatedly one's attitude or opinions with respect to a cause, subject, etc.; equivocate.
  • terminological — the system of terms belonging or peculiar to a science, art, or specialized subject; nomenclature: the terminology of botany.
  • terotechnology — a branch of technology that utilizes management, financial, and engineering expertise in the installation and efficient operation and maintenance of equipment and machinery
  • testing ground — place where sth is tested
  • tetragrammaton — the Hebrew word for God, consisting of the four letters yod, he, vav, and he, transliterated consonantally usually as YHVH, now pronounced as Adonai or Elohim in substitution for the original pronunciation forbidden since the 2nd or 3rd century b.c.
  • texas longhorn — one of a breed of long-horned beef cattle of the southwestern U.S., developed from cattle introduced into North America from Spain and valued for disease resistance, fecundity, and a historical association with the old West: now rare.
  • the lesser dog — the constellation Canis Minor
  • the long march — a journey of about 10 000 km (6000 miles) undertaken (1934–35) by some 100 000 Chinese Communists when they were forced out of their base in Kiangsi in SE China. They made their way to Shensi in NW China; only about 8000 survived the rigours of the journey
  • the open group — (body)   (Formerly "X/Open") A vendor- and technology-neutral consortium of buyers and suppliers of information systems that aims to ease integration by testing and certifying products against open standards.
  • the story goes — it is commonly said or believed
  • theriogenology — the branch of veterinary medicine encompassing all aspects of reproduction.
  • thermomagnetic — of or relating to the effect of heat on the magnetic properties of a substance.
  • thermoregulate — to maintain regular temperature, esp regular body temperature
  • thermostatting — a device, including a relay actuated by thermal conduction or convection, that functions to establish and maintain a desired temperature automatically or signals a change in temperature for manual adjustment.
  • thomas youngerThomas Coleman ("Cole") 1844–1916, U.S. outlaw, associated with Jesse James.
  • thorough brace — either of two strong braces or bands of leather supporting the body of a coach or other vehicle and connecting the front and back springs.
  • thought shower — brainstorm
  • thought-reader — someone who can read minds or psychically know others' thoughts
  • thread rolling — the production of a screw thread by a rolling swaging process using hardened profiled rollers. Rolled threads are stronger than threads machined by a cutting tool
  • throat seizing — cuckold's knot.
  • through bridge — a bridge in which the track is carried by the lower horizontal members
  • through street — a street along which the traffic has the right of way over vehicles entering or crossing at intersections.
  • throw together — to propel or cast in any way, especially to project or propel from the hand by a sudden forward motion or straightening of the arm and wrist: to throw a ball.
  • tiger mosquito — a large Asian mosquito, Aedes albopictus, introduced into the southern U.S., that is a vector of dengue and other infectious diseases.
  • to be bursting — to want desperately to urinate
  • to gather dust — If you say that something is gathering dust, you mean that it has been left somewhere and nobody is using it or doing anything with it.
  • to get to work — If you get to work, go to work, or set to work on a job, task, or problem, you start doing it or dealing with it.
  • to overflowing — If a place or container is filled to overflowing, it is so full of people or things that no more can fit in.
  • to ring a bell — If you say that something rings a bell, you mean that it reminds you of something, but you cannot remember exactly what it is.
  • to sleep rough — When people sleep or live rough, they sleep out of doors, usually because they have no home.
  • to some degree — to a certain extent
  • to strike gold — If you strike gold, you find, do, or produce something that brings you a lot of money or success.
  • toga praetexta — (in ancient Rome) a toga with a broad purple border worn by certain magistrates and priests and by boys until they assumed the toga virilis
  • tongue twister — a word or sequence of words difficult to pronounce, especially rapidly, because of alliteration or a slight variation of consonant sounds, as “She sells seashells by the seashore.”.
  • tongue-twister — A tongue-twister is a sentence or expression which is very difficult to say properly, especially when you try to say it quickly. An example of a tongue-twister is 'Red leather, yellow leather'.
  • topiary garden — a garden that features topiary work
  • torture flight — a flight used to carry out extraordinary rendition
  • trading period — A trading period is a set length of time, usually a number of weeks, months, quarters, or years, in which sales are measured and compared to previous periods.
  • training shoes — running shoes for sports training, esp in contrast to studded or spiked shoes worn for the sport itself
  • transit lounge — a waiting room at an international airport used mainly by passengers transferring from one flight to another without presenting themselves to customs or immigration officials
  • trudgen stroke — a swimming stroke in which a double overarm motion and a scissors kick are used
  • tumorigenicity — (of cells or a substance) capable of producing tumors.
  • turbo debugger — (programming)   A source-level debugger designed for use with Borland and other compilers.
  • turbogenerator — a large electrical generator driven by a steam turbine
  • ultimogeniture — postremogeniture.
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