
15-letter words containing g, o, p, r, i

  • progressivistic — characteristic of a progressivist
  • property rights — a legal right to or in a particular property.
  • pseudepigraphon — any book of the Pseudepigrapha
  • psion organiser — (computer)   A popular pocket computer from the UK Company Psion plc. The organiser uses a graphical user interface with windows, menus, icons and dialog boxes. There have been several versions so far: Series3a, Series3, HC, MC, OrgII.
  • psychobiography — a biographical study focusing on psychological factors, as childhood traumas and unconscious motives.
  • psychogeriatric — the psychology of old age.
  • psychographical — relating to psychographics
  • public offering — a sale of a new issue of securities to the general public through a managing underwriter (opposed to private placement): required to be registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission.
  • puffin crossing — a UK pedestrian road crossing with traffic lights signalling red to stop the traffic flow when pedestrians are seen on the crossing by infrared detectors. The green signal reappears when no pedestrians are seen on the crossing
  • pyrogallic acid — pyrogallol
  • pyrogallic-acid — a white, crystalline, water-soluble, poisonous, solid, phenolic compound, C 6 H 3 (OH) 3 , obtained by heating gallic acid and water: used chiefly as a developer in photography, as a mordant for wool, in dyeing, and in medicine in the treatment of certain skin conditions.
  • radio programme — something that is broadcast on radio
  • radioautography — autoradiography.
  • radiophotograph — a photograph or other image transmitted by radio.
  • radiotelegraphy — the constructing or operating of radiotelegraphs.
  • random sampling — a method of selecting a sample (random sample) from a statistical population in such a way that every possible sample that could be selected has a predetermined probability of being selected.
  • refuelling stop — a stop made so that fresh fuel can be supplied (to an aircraft, vehicle, etc)
  • registered port — (networking)   Any TCP or UDP port with a number in the range 1025 to 65535 (i.e. not a well-known port) that is registered with IANA.
  • registered post — a Post Office service by which compensation is paid for loss or damage to mail for which a registration fee has been paid
  • repeating group — (database)   Any attribute that can have multiple values associated with a single instance of some entity. For example, a book might have multiple authors. Such a "-to-many" relationship might be represented in an unnormalised relational database as multiple author columns in the book table or a single author(s) column containing a string which was a list of authors. Converting this to "first normal form" is the first step in database normalisation. Each author of the book would appear in a separate row along with the book's primary key. Later nomalisation stages would move the book-author relationship into a separate table to avoid repeating other book attibutes (e.g. title, publisher) for each author.
  • resolving power — Optics. the ability of an optical device to produce separate images of close objects.
  • rhyming couplet — a pair of lines in poetry that rhyme and usually have the same rhythm
  • rite of passage — Anthropology. a ceremony performed to facilitate or mark a person's change of status upon any of several highly important occasions, as at the onset of puberty or upon entry into marriage or into a clan.
  • rollmop herring — a herring fillet rolled, usually around onion slices, and pickled in spiced vinegar
  • roving reporter — a reporter who travels around, rather than staying in a fixed place
  • sarcoptic mange — mange caused by burrowing mites of the genus Sarcoptes.
  • scratching post — a block or post of wood, usually covered with carpeting, on which a cat can use its claws.
  • self-supporting — the supporting or maintaining of oneself or itself without reliance on outside aid.
  • semipornography — partial pornography; material that is almost pornographic
  • shooting script — a motion-picture scenario having the scenes arranged in the order in which they are to be photographed.
  • shopping arcade — a place where a number of shops are connected together under one roof
  • shopping center — a group of stores within a single architectural plan, supplying most of the basic shopping needs, especially in suburban areas.
  • shopping centre — A shopping centre is a specially built area containing a lot of different shops.
  • singapore sling — a cocktail of gin, cherry brandy, sugar, and water.
  • sneezing powder — a powder used to make people sneeze as a practical joke
  • spawning ground — a place where fish deposit their eggs for fertilization
  • spelling reform — an attempt to change the spelling of English words to make it conform more closely to pronunciation.
  • spermatogenesis — the origin and development of spermatozoa.
  • spill your guts — If someone spills their guts, they tell you everything about something secret or private.
  • sporting chance — an even or fair opportunity for a favorable outcome in an enterprise, as winning in a game of chance or in any kind of contest: They gave the less experienced players a sporting chance by handicapping the experts.
  • stamping ground — a habitual or favorite haunt.
  • starting pistol — a pistol used to give the signal to start a race
  • stomping ground — a habitual or favorite haunt.
  • supporting film — a film that accompanies the main feature film in a film programme
  • supporting role — acting: secondary part
  • suppressor grid — an electrode placed between the screen grid and anode of a valve. Its negative potential, relative to both screen and anode, prevents secondary electrons from the anode reaching the screen
  • symmetric group — the group of all permutations of a finite set.
  • synectics group — a group of people of varied background that meets to attempt creative solutions of problems through the unrestricted exercise of imagination and the correlation of disparate elements.
  • tetrasporangium — a sporangium containing four asexual spores.
  • text processing — the handling of alphabetic characters by a computer
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