
14-letter words containing g, o, d, l

  • lending policy — a set of guidelines and criteria developed by a bank and used by its employees to determine whether an applicant for a loan should be granted or refused the loan
  • light-coloured — having a light colour
  • linkage editor — linker
  • linkage-editor — a system program that combines independently compiled object modules or load modules into a single load module.
  • load balancing — (operating system, parallel)   Techniques which aim to spread tasks among the processors in a parallel processor to avoid some processors being idle while others have tasks queueing for execution. Load balancing may be performed either by heavily loaded processors (with many tasks in their queues) sending tasks to other processors; by idle processors requesting work from others; by some centralised task distribution mechanism; or some combination of these. Some systems allow tasks to be moved after they have started executing ("task migration") others do not. It is important that the overhead of executing the load balancing algorithm does not contribute significantly to the overall processing or communications load. Distributed scheduling algorithms may be static, dynamic or preemptive. Static algorithms allocate processes to processors at run time while taking no account of current network load. Dynamic algorithms are more flexible, though more computationally expensive, and give some consideration to the network load before allocating the new process to a processor. Preemptive algorithms are more expensive and flexible still, and may migrate running processes from one host to another if deemed beneficial. Research to date indicates that dynamic algorithms yield significant performance benefits, but that further (though lesser) gains may be had through the addition of process migration facilities.
  • lodgepole pine — a tall, narrow, slow-growing coniferous tree, Pinus contorta, of western North America, having egg-shaped cones that remain closed for years.
  • long drawn out — A long drawn out process or conflict lasts an unnecessarily long time or an unpleasantly long time.
  • long underwear — a close-fitting, usually knitted undergarment with legs reaching to the ankles, as a union suit, worn as protection against the cold.
  • long-drawn-out — lasting a very long time; protracted: a long-drawn-out story.
  • long-eared owl — a mottled-gray owl, Asio otus, of the Northern Hemisphere, having a long tuft on each side of the head.
  • longitudinally — of or relating to longitude or length: longitudinal measurement.
  • lovingkindness — kindness or affectionate behavior resulting from or expressing love
  • lymphoglandula — (anatomy) An alternative name for a lymph node.
  • mangold-wurzel — mangel-wurzel.
  • marsh marigold — a yellow-flowered plant, Caltha palustris, of the buttercup family, growing in marshes and meadows; cowslip.
  • medicine lodge — a structure used for various ceremonials of North American Indians.
  • medigap policy — A Medigap policy is a private extra health insurance plan in the U.S. that provides coverage for medical expenses that are not or only partially covered by Medicare.
  • methodological — a set or system of methods, principles, and rules for regulating a given discipline, as in the arts or sciences.
  • methodologists — Plural form of methodologist.
  • middle kingdom — Also called Middle Empire. the period in the history of ancient Egypt, c2000–1785 b.c., comprising the 11th to 14th dynasties. Compare New Kingdom, Old Kingdom.
  • middlesborough — a city in SE Kentucky.
  • mind uploading — (application)   The science fiction concept of copying one's mind into an artificial body or computer.
  • mindbogglingly — In a mindboggling manner; in such a way as to boggle the mind; so as to be beyond comprehension or understanding.
  • model checking — (theory, algorithm, testing)   To algorithmically check whether a program (the model) satisfies a specification. The model is usually expressed as a directed graph consisting of nodes (or vertices) and edges. A set of atomic propositions is associated with each node. The nodes represents states of a program, the edges represent possible executions which alters the state, while the atomic propositions represent the basic properties that hold at a point of execution. A specification language, usually some kind of temporal logic, is used to express properties. The problem can be expressed mathematically as: given a temporal logic formula p and a model M with initial state s, decide if M,s \models p.
  • modelling clay — mouldable substance fixed in a kiln
  • modern english — the English language since c1475.
  • modular prolog — An interpreter for SB-Prolog version 3.1 extended with ML-style modules. Runs on SPARC. Distributed under GNU General Public License.
  • mongolian fold — epicanthus.
  • monoglycerides — Plural form of monoglyceride.
  • moulding board — a board on which dough is kneaded
  • muddle through — to mix up in a confused or bungling manner; jumble.
  • multigrade oil — Multigrade oil is engine or gear oil which works well at both low and high temperatures.
  • national guard — state military forces, in part equipped, trained, and quartered by the U.S. government, and paid by the U.S. government, that become an active component of the army when called into federal service by the president in civil emergencies. Compare militia (def 2).
  • neuroradiology — the branch of radiology dealing with the central nervous system
  • neutral ground — a median strip on a highway or boulevard, especially one planted with grass.
  • non-galvanized — to stimulate by or as if by a galvanic current.
  • non-judgmental — not judged or judging on the basis of one's personal standards or opinions: They tried to adopt a nonjudgmental attitude that didn't reflect their own biases. My guidance counselor in high school was sympathetic and nonjudgmental.
  • nonhalogenated — not containing halogen
  • nonideological — Unaffiliated with or unrelated to ideology.
  • nonjudgemental — Alternative spelling of nonjudgmental.
  • odontoglossums — Plural form of odontoglossum.
  • old low german — the language of the German lowlands before c1100. Abbreviation: OLG.
  • old portuguese — the language of Portugal as spoken and written from the 14th to the middle of the 16th centuries.
  • overdeveloping — Present participle of overdevelop.
  • overhead light — a light which throws light downwards by being situated on the ceiling or having a downward shade, etc
  • overindulgence — excessive indulgence
  • overland stage — a stagecoach used in the western U.S. during the middle of the 19th century.
  • overprivileged — having too many advantages or opportunities compared to others.
  • oxford english — that form of the received pronunciation of English supposed to be typical of Oxford University and regarded by many as affected or pretentious
  • palaeopedology — the study of ancient soils
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