
17-letter words containing g, i, o, v

  • livingstone daisy — a gardener's name for various species of Mesembryanthemum, esp M. criniflorum, grown as garden annuals (though several are perennial) for their brightly coloured showy flowers: family Aizoaceae
  • locomotive engine — a self-propelled engine driven by steam, electricity, or diesel power and used for drawing trains along railway tracks
  • longitudinal wave — a wave in which the direction of displacement is the same as the direction of propagation, as a sound wave.
  • many-valued logic — the study of logical systems in which the truth-values that a proposition may have are not restricted to two, representing only truth and falsity
  • mikhail gorbachev — Mikhail S(ergeyevich) [mi-kahyl sur-gey-uh-vich,, mi-keyl;; Russian myi-khuh-yeel syir-gye-yi-vyich] /mɪˈkaɪl sɜrˈgeɪ ə vɪtʃ,, mɪˈkeɪl;; Russian myɪ xʌˈyil syɪrˈgyɛ yɪ vyɪtʃ/ (Show IPA), born 1931, Soviet political leader: general secretary of the Communist Party 1985–91; president of the Soviet Union 1988–91; Nobel Peace Prize 1990.
  • military governor — the military officer in command of a military government.
  • mother of vinegar — mother2 .
  • naming convention — 1.   (programming)   variable naming convention. 2.   (networking)   Universal Naming Convention.
  • navigation lights — lights on an aircraft
  • navigation system — A navigation system is an instrument that determines the position of a vehicle and the route to a particular place.
  • negative polarity — the grammatical character of a word or phrase, such as ever or any, that may normally be used only in a semantically or syntactically negative or interrogative context
  • negative theology — a theological approach or tradition in which the nature of God is thought to be unknowable and is only understood through negative statements. See also apophasis (def 2).
  • neurodegenerative — Resulting in or characterized by degeneration of the nervous system, especially the neurons in the brain.
  • non-argumentative — fond of or given to argument and dispute; disputatious; contentious: The law students were an unusually argumentative group.
  • once over lightly — a hasty or superficial treatment, look, examination, etc.; once-over: The maid gave the room the once-over-lightly.
  • once-over-lightly — a hasty or superficial treatment, look, examination, etc.; once-over: The maid gave the room the once-over-lightly.
  • overhead lighting — lighting which throws light downwards by being situated on the ceiling or having a downward shade, etc
  • overnight success — sth or sb suddenly popular
  • oversquare engine — An oversquare engine is an engine which has a cylinder bore that is larger than its stroke.
  • positive eugenics — the study of or belief in the possibility of improving the qualities of the human species or a human population, especially by such means as discouraging reproduction by persons having genetic defects or presumed to have inheritable undesirable traits (negative eugenics) or encouraging reproduction by persons presumed to have inheritable desirable traits (positive eugenics)
  • positive theology — a theological approach or tradition in which the nature of God is thought to be knowable and is understood through positive statements. See also cataphasis (def 2).
  • positive thinking — an optimistic attitude
  • pre-investigation — the act or process of investigating or the condition of being investigated.
  • prerogative court — a former ecclesiastical court in England and Ireland for the trial of certain testamentary cases.
  • progressive party — a political party formed in 1912 under the leadership of Theodore Roosevelt, advocating popular control of government, direct primaries, the initiative, the referendum, woman suffrage, etc.
  • pseudo-aggressive — characterized by or tending toward unprovoked offensives, attacks, invasions, or the like; militantly forward or menacing: aggressive acts against a neighboring country.
  • revealed religion — religion based chiefly on the revelations of God to humans, especially as described in Scripture.
  • roving commission — authority or power given in a general area, without precisely defined terms of reference
  • row-level locking — (database)   A technique used in database management systems, where a row is locked for writing to prevent other users from accessing data being while it is being updated. Other techniques are table locking and MVCC.
  • saturation diving — a method of prolonged diving, using an underwater habitat to allow divers to remain in the high-pressure environment of the ocean depths long enough for their body tissues to become saturated with the inert components of the pressurized gas mixture that they breathe: when this condition is reached, the amount of time required for decompression remains the same, whether the dive lasts a day, a week, or a month.
  • sensitivity group — a group of persons participating in sensitivity training.
  • subclavian groove — either of two grooves in the first rib, one for the main artery (subclavian artery) and the other for the main vein (subclavian vein) of the arm
  • television lounge — a room in a hotel, guest house, etc where guests may watch television
  • television rights — the rights to televise something, such as a sporting event
  • thought-provoking — If something such as a book or a film is thought-provoking, it contains interesting ideas that make people think seriously.
  • travelling people — Gypsies or other itinerant people: a term used esp by such people of themselves
  • underground movie — a movie produced independently on a low budget and often using experimental techniques and avant-garde themes.
  • variable-geometry — denoting an aircraft in which the wings are hinged to give the variable aspect ratio colloquially known as a swing-wing
  • veiltail goldfish — an artificially bred, indoor variety of goldfish, usually golden or calico and of a spheroid shape, having a fully divided, drooping tail fin exceeding the body in length.
  • videoconferencing — the holding of videoconferences.
  • vila nova de gaia — a city in NW Portugal.
  • village community — an early form of community organization in which land belonged to the village, the arable land being allotted to the members or households of the community by more or less permanent arrangements and the waste or excess land remaining undivided.
  • visitation rights — the legal right granted to a divorced or separated parent to visit a child in the custody of the other parent.
  • visitors' gallery — a balcony in a building such as a parliament or court where members of the public can sit
  • voice recognition — the control of a computer system by a voice or voices that the computer has been instructed to accept
  • weeping lovegrass — any grass of the genus Eragrostis, as E. curvula (weeping lovegrass) and E. trichodes (sand lovegrass) cultivated as forage and ground cover.
  • white-winged dove — a common dove, Zenaida asiatica, of the southwestern U.S. to Chile.
  • wings of the dove — a novel (1902) by Henry James.
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