
14-letter words containing g, i, o, v

  • grid variation — the angle, at any point on the surface of the earth, between the magnetic and true meridians passing through that point.
  • group genitive — (in English) a construction in which the genitive ending 's is added to an entire phrase, especially when added to a word other than the head of the noun phrase, as the woman who lives across the street's in That is the woman who lives across the street's cat or the people next-door's in The people next-door's house is for rent.
  • group velocity — the velocity of finite numbers of waves undergoing simple harmonic motion, equal to the phase velocity when it does not vary with the wavelengths of the waves. The group velocity of the set of waves produced in water when a stone is dropped is less than the velocity of the individual waves.
  • half sovereign — a gold coin of the United Kingdom, discontinued in 1917, equal to 10 shillings.
  • have bought it — to be killed
  • have it coming — Usually, haves. an individual or group that has wealth, social position, or other material benefits (contrasted with have-not).
  • heavy nitrogen — the stable isotope of nitrogen having a mass number of 15.
  • high explosive — a class of explosive, as TNT, in which the reaction is so rapid as to be practically instantaneous, used in shells and bombs.
  • horse vaulting — gymnastics performed on horseback
  • interrogatives — Plural form of interrogative.
  • investigations — Plural form of investigation.
  • invigoratingly — In an invigorating manner.
  • level crossing — grade crossing.
  • living history — any of various activities involving the re-enactment of historical events or the recreation of living conditions of the past
  • logic variable — (programming)   A variable in a logic programming language which is initially undefined ("unbound") but may get bound to a value or another logic variable during unification of the containing clause with the current goal. The value to which it is bound may contain other variables which may themselves be bound or unbound. For example, when unifying the clause sad(X) :- computer(X, ibmpc). with the goal sad(billgates). the variable X will become bound to the atom "billgates" yielding the new subgoal "computer(billgates, ibmpc)".
  • logistic curve — a curve, shaped like a letter S , defined as an exponential function and used to model various forms of growth.
  • longevity risk — Longevity risk is the potential risk attached to the increasing life expectancy of policyholders, which can result in higher than expected payouts for insurance companies.
  • lovingkindness — kindness or affectionate behavior resulting from or expressing love
  • meta-cognitive — higher-order thinking that enables understanding, analysis, and control of one’s cognitive processes, especially when engaged in learning.
  • misgovernaunce — misgovernment
  • moving average — one of a succession of averages of data from a time series, where each average is calculated by successively shifting the interval by the same period of time.
  • moving picture — A moving picture is a film.
  • navigation act — any of several acts of Parliament between 1651 and 1847 designed primarily to expand British trade and limit trade by British colonies with countries that were rivals of Great Britain.
  • navigation bar — (web)   (Always abbreviated "nav bar") On a website, a prominently displayed set of links to important sections of the site.
  • navigationally — in a navigational manner; from a navigational point of view
  • neurocognitive — Pertaining to cognitive functions that are linked to a particular area, pathway or network of the brain.
  • neurodivergent — Having an atypical neurological configuration.
  • non-aggressive — abstention from aggression, especially by a nation.
  • non-galvanized — to stimulate by or as if by a galvanic current.
  • non-generative — capable of producing or creating.
  • non-regressive — Biology. of, relating to, or effecting regression.
  • non-vegetarian — a person who does not eat or does not believe in eating meat, fish, fowl, or, in some cases, any food derived from animals, as eggs or cheese, but subsists on vegetables, fruits, nuts, grain, etc.
  • non-vegetative — growing or developing as or like plants; vegetating.
  • noncognitivism — the semantic meta-ethical thesis that moral judgments do not express facts and so do not have a truth value, thus excluding both naturalism and non-naturalism
  • nonlegislative — Not of a legislative character; not involved with or related to legislating.
  • nonoverlapping — Not overlapping.
  • nonprogressive — not progressive; old-fashioned
  • not having any — refusing to take part or be involved (in)
  • okavango basin — a river in SW central Africa, rising in central Angola and flowing southeast, then east as part of the border between Angola and Namibia, then southeast across the Caprivi Strip into Botswana to form a great marsh known as the Okavango Basin, Delta or Swamp. Length: about 1600 km (1000 miles)
  • outlet village — a collection of shops or outlets where manufacturers sell their own branded goods, often at discounted prices
  • outmaneuvering — Present participle of outmaneuver.
  • outmanoeuvring — Present participle of outmanoeuvre.
  • over-consuming — to destroy or expend by use; use up.
  • over-demanding — to ask for with proper authority; claim as a right: He demanded payment of the debt.
  • over-dignified — to confer honor or dignity upon; honor; ennoble.
  • over-organized — to stress formal structure, status, rules, and details excessively.
  • overaggressive — characterized by or tending toward unprovoked offensives, attacks, invasions, or the like; militantly forward or menacing: aggressive acts against a neighboring country.
  • overcommitting — Present participle of overcommit.
  • overdeveloping — Present participle of overdevelop.
  • overestimating — Present participle of overestimate.
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