
11-letter words containing g, i, m, a, l

  • gymnorhinal — (of a bird) having the nostrils exposed, not covered by feathers.
  • haemoglobin — (protein) alternative spelling of hemoglobin.
  • hallmarking — Present participle of hallmark.
  • hegelianism — the philosophy of Hegel and his followers, characterized by the use of the Hegelian dialectic.
  • hegemonical — having hegemony, or dominance: the ruling party's hegemonic control of all facets of society.
  • hellgramite — The aquatic larval form of the dobsonfly, having a segmented body with legs on each segment, and a head with prominent pincers, prized as fish bait.
  • hematologic — Of or relating to hematology.
  • high fulham — a die loaded at one corner either to favor a throw of 4, 5, or 6 (high fulham) or to favor a throw of 1, 2, or 3 (low fulham)
  • homolignane — (organic chemistry) Any compound derived from a lignane by adding extra carbon atoms in a ring or sidechain.
  • homological — homologous.
  • hooliganism — a ruffian or hoodlum.
  • humiliating — lowering the pride, self-respect, or dignity of a person; mortifying: Such a humiliating defeat was good for his overblown ego.
  • imaginarily — existing only in the imagination or fancy; not real; fancied: an imaginary illness; the imaginary animals in the stories of Dr. Seuss.
  • immitigable — unable to be mitigated; not to be mitigated.
  • immitigably — In an immitigable manner.
  • impanelling — Present participle of impanel.
  • implicating — Present participle of implicate.
  • impregnable — susceptible to impregnation, as an egg.
  • impregnably — In an impregnable manner; in a manner to defy attack.
  • integralism — the belief that one's religious convictions should dictate one's political and social actions.
  • kalsomining — to wash or cover with calcimine.
  • kilometrage — The total distance, in kilometres, travelled.
  • king salmon — chinook salmon.
  • lagomorphic — Shaped like a hare.
  • lamentingly — to feel or express sorrow or regret for: to lament his absence.
  • lammergeier — the largest Eurasian bird of prey, Gypaëtus barbatus, ranging in the mountains from southern Europe to China, having a wingspread of 9 to 10 feet (2.7 to 3 meters) and black feathers hanging from below the bill like a mustache.
  • lamotrigine — An anticonvulsant drug used in the treatment of epilepsy.
  • lamplighter — a person employed to light and extinguish street lamps, especially those burning gas.
  • lampshading — The practice of decorating lampshades.
  • lampworking — the method or process of producing articles made of glass tubes or rods formed or shaped while softened by the flame of a lamp or blast lamp.
  • laryngismus — Laryngospasm.
  • leading man — an actor who plays the principal male role in a motion picture or play.
  • legatissimo — to be performed as smoothly and connectedly as possible
  • legerdemain — sleight of hand.
  • legitimated — Simple past tense and past participle of legitimate.
  • legitimates — according to law; lawful: the property's legitimate owner.
  • legitimator — a person who makes something legitimate
  • ley farming — the alternation at intervals of several years of crop growing and grassland pasture
  • ligamentary — Of or relating to ligaments.
  • ligamentous — pertaining to, of the nature of, or forming a ligament.
  • light cream — sweet cream with less butterfat than heavy cream.
  • light-armed — carrying light weapons: light-armed troops.
  • little game — deceitful plan, scheme
  • loading arm — A loading arm is a flexible piping unit that loads and unloads liquids and gases.
  • logarithmic — pertaining to a logarithm or logarithms.
  • logical sum — union (def 10a).
  • logomachies — Plural form of logomachy.
  • logomachist — One who starts fights about the meaning of words.
  • longanimity — patient endurance of hardship, injuries, or offense; forbearance.
  • longanimous — Long-suffering; patient; showing self-control and restraint.
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