
18-letter words containing g, c, e

  • process scheduling — multitasking
  • procrustean string — (programming)   A fixed-length string. If a string value is too long for the allocated space, it is truncated to fit; and if it is shorter, the empty space is padded, usually with space characters. This is an allusion to Procrustes, a legendary robber of ancient Attica. He bound his victims to a bed, and if they were shorter than the bed, he stretched their limbs until they would fit; if their limbs were longer, he lopped them off.
  • production manager — a supervisor of the budget, crew and other details in the production of a film or play
  • programmer's cheer — (humour)   "Shift to the left! Shift to the right! Pop up, push down! Byte! Byte! Byte!" [Origin?]
  • progressive coding — (graphics, file format, algorithm)   (Or "interlacing") An aspect of a graphics storage format or transmission algorithm that treats bitmap image data non-sequentially in such a way that later data adds progressively greater resolution to an already full-size image. This contrasts with sequential coding. Progressive coding is useful when an image is being sent across a slow communications channel, such as the Internet, as the low-resolution image may be sufficient to allow the user to decide not to wait for the rest of the file to be received. In an interlaced GIF89 image, the pixels in a row are stored sequentially but the rows are stored in interlaced order, e.g. 0, 8, 4, 12, 2, 6, 8, 10, 14, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15. Each vertical scan adds rows in the middle of the gaps left by the previous one. Interlacing is also supported by other formats. JPEG supports a functionally similar concept known as Progressive JPEG. [How does the algorithm differ?] See also progressive/sequential coding.
  • project management — leadership of a task or programme
  • propaganda machine — the group of people, publications, etc, such as of a government, country etc, responsible for the organized dissemination of information, allegations, etc, to assist or damage the cause of a government, movement, etc
  • psychogalvanometer — a type of galvanometer for detecting and measuring psychogalvanic currents.
  • psychotechnologist — a specialist in psychotechnology
  • purchasing officer — the member of staff in an organization who is responsible for buying goods or products
  • racial segregation — social policy: separation of races
  • radio range beacon — a radio transmitter that utilizes two or more directional antennas and transmits signals differing with direction, permitting a flier receiving a signal to determine his or her approximate bearing from the transmitter without a radio compass.
  • radioactive dating — any method of determining the age of earth materials or objects of organic origin based on measurement of either short-lived radioactive elements or the amount of a long-lived radioactive element plus its decay product.
  • radiometric dating — any method of determining the age of earth materials or objects of organic origin based on measurement of either short-lived radioactive elements or the amount of a long-lived radioactive element plus its decay product.
  • reciprocating pump — A reciprocating pump is a pump which uses a backward and forward movement to move a fluid.
  • recruiting officer — a person whose job is to recruit staff, esp on behalf of the military
  • recruitment agency — company that places job candidates
  • red-light district — an area or district in a city in which many houses of prostitution are located.
  • reduction strategy — (theory)   An algorithm for deciding which redex(es) to reduce next. Different strategies have different termination properties in the presence of recursive functions or values. See string reduction, normal order reduction, applicative order reduction, parallel reduction
  • reference counting — (programming)   A garbage collection technique where each memory cell contains a count of the number of other cells which point to it. If this count reaches zero the cell is freed and its pointers to other cells are followed to decrement their counts, and so on recursively. This technique cannot cope with circular data structures. Cells in such structures refer (indirectly) to themselves and so will never have a zero reference count. This means they would never be reclaimed, even when there are no references from outside the structure.
  • reggio di calabria — a seaport in S Italy, on the Strait of Messina: almost totally destroyed by an earthquake 1908.
  • registered charity — official aid organization
  • registered company — a company which has officially registered its business
  • replacement engine — an engine used to replace or substitute an older or broken engine (in a vehicle, etc)
  • reprocessing plant — a plant where materials are treated in order to make them reusable
  • resistance fighter — someone who fights (for freedom, etc) against an invader in an occupied country, or against their government, etc, often secretly or illegally
  • resistance welding — welding utilizing pressure and heat that is generated in the pieces to be welded by resistance to an electric current.
  • restraining circle — any of three circles on the floor of a basketball court used for jump balls: other players must remain outside the circle during a jump ball
  • reverse psychology — (in nontechnical use) a method of getting another person to do what one wants by pretending not to want it or to want something else or something more.
  • reverse the charge — to make a telephone call at the recipient's expense
  • richard p. gabriel — Richard Gabriel
  • rolling resistance — The rolling resistance of a wheel or ball is its resistance to movement caused by friction between it and the surface it is rolling on.
  • roman congregation — any of the executive departments of the Curia Romana as the administration of the Roman Catholic Church.
  • running commentary — non-stop description of sth
  • sampling frequency — sample rate
  • schengen agreement — an agreement, signed in 1985 at a meeting of European leaders near Schengen, Luxembourg, but not implemented until 1995, to gradually abolish border controls within Europe; it was supplemented in 1990 by the Schengen Convention; in 1999 the agreement was incorporated into European Union law. Twenty-six countries acceded by 2015; the UK is not a signatory
  • schleswig-holstein — two contiguous duchies of Denmark that were a center of international tension in the 19th century: Prussia annexed Schleswig 1864 and Holstein 1866.
  • school-leaving age — the minimum age that children are legally allowed to leave school - in Britain and the United States, this is 16
  • scripting language — a language that is used to write scripts, or executable sections of code that automate tasks.
  • seagate technology — (company)   A major manufacturer of hard disk drives, founded in 1979 as "Shugart Technology" by Alan F. Shugart and Finis Conner. That name is on the original patents for the 5.25" hard disk drive. They changed the name to Seagate Technology soon after to avoid confusion, and also to avoid friction with Xerox, which had since purchased Alan's earlier company, Shugart Associates. Address: 920 Disc Drive, Scotts Valley, CA 95066, USA. Fax: +1 (408) 438 3320.
  • second-degree burn — a burned place or area: a burn where fire had ripped through the forest.
  • secondary diagonal — a diagonal line or plane.
  • secondary offering — the sale of a large block of outstanding stock off the floor of an exchange, usually by a major stockholder.
  • secretarial agency — a recruiting business which deals with jobs for secretaries
  • security agreement — business: contract
  • selective breeding — the raising of animals with particular genetic traits through careful choice of parents
  • self-comprehending — to understand the nature or meaning of; grasp with the mind; perceive: He did not comprehend the significance of the ambassador's remark.
  • self-deprecatingly — in a self-deprecating manner
  • self-glorification — a glorified or more splendid form of something.
  • self-gratification — the act of pleasing or satisfying oneself, especially the gratifying of one's own impulses, needs, or desires.
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