
9-letter words containing g, a, y

  • parodying — a humorous or satirical imitation of a serious piece of literature or writing: his hilarious parody of Hamlet's soliloquy.
  • partygoer — a person who enjoys or frequently attends parties and celebrations.
  • passingly — in passing; in a passing manner
  • pathogeny — the production and development of disease.
  • pathology — the science or the study of the origin, nature, and course of diseases.
  • patrology — Also called patristics. the branch of theology dealing with the teachings of the church fathers.
  • pausingly — with a pause or pauses
  • pay grade — the grade of a member of the armed services established according to a scale of increasing amounts of base pay and related to but not identical with official rank.
  • paysagist — a painter of landscapes
  • pentalogy — a combination of five closely related things, esp (in medicine) closely connected symptoms or (in art) related works of art
  • phagocyte — any cell, as a macrophage, that ingests and destroys foreign particles, bacteria, and cell debris.
  • pharyngo- — pharynx
  • piggyback — on the back or shoulders: The little girl rode piggyback on her father.
  • playdough — children's modelling clay
  • playgoing — the activity of attending the theatre
  • playgroup — a group of small children, especially preschoolers, organized for play or play activities and supervised by adult volunteers.
  • plaything — a thing to play with; toy.
  • plug away — keep working on sth
  • poignancy — the state or condition of being poignant.
  • polygamic — polygamous.
  • polygonal — a figure, especially a closed plane figure, having three or more, usually straight, sides.
  • polygraph — an instrument for receiving and recording simultaneously tracings of variations in certain body activities.
  • polyphagy — an insatiable appetite
  • poyang hu — lake in N Jiangxi province, SE China: c. 1,000 sq mi (2,590 sq km)
  • prayingly — with prayer, prayerfully
  • pregnancy — the state, condition, or quality of being pregnant.
  • prognathy — having protrusive jaws; having a gnathic index over 103.
  • psychogas — a gas with a mind-altering effect
  • pterygial — an abnormal triangular mass of thickened conjunctiva extending over the cornea and interfering with vision.
  • pugnacity — inclined to quarrel or fight readily; quarrelsome; belligerent; combative.
  • purgatory — (in the belief of Roman Catholics and others) a condition or place in which the souls of those dying penitent are purified from venial sins, or undergo the temporal punishment that, after the guilt of mortal sin has been remitted, still remains to be endured by the sinner.
  • pyelogram — an x-ray produced by pyelography.
  • pygmalion — Classical Mythology. a sculptor and king of Cyprus who carved an ivory statue of a maiden and fell in love with it. It was brought to life, in response to his prayer, by Aphrodite.
  • pyongyang — a country in E Asia: formed 1948 after the division of the former country of Korea at 38° N. 50,000 sq. mi. (129,500 sq. km). Capital: Pyongyang. Compare Korea.
  • pyrograph — an object ornamented by pyrography.
  • quakingly — In a quaking fashion, especially with fear.
  • quarrying — an excavation or pit, usually open to the air, from which building stone, slate, or the like, is obtained by cutting, blasting, etc.
  • quasi-gay — of, relating to, or exhibiting sexual desire or behavior directed toward a person or persons of one's own sex; homosexual: a gay couple. Antonyms: straight.
  • rackingly — in a racking manner
  • radiology — the science dealing with x-rays or nuclear radiation, especially for medical uses.
  • railingly — in a complaining or disgruntled manner
  • raja yoga — a form of yoga chiefly concerned with controlling and using the energy of the mind by meditation
  • raspingly — harsh; grating: a rasping voice.
  • regularly — at regular times or intervals.
  • right-way — a common law or statutory right granted to a vehicle, as an airplane or boat, to proceed ahead of another.
  • rye grass — Rye grass is a type of grass that is grown for animals such as cows to eat.
  • rye-grass — any of several European grasses of the genus Lolium, as L. perenne (perennial ryegrass) grown for forage in the U.S.
  • sagittary — a centaur with a bow, as Chiron.
  • salty dog — a cocktail of gin or vodka and grapefruit juice, traditionally served in a salt-rimmed glass.
  • sand goby — a species of goby, (Pomatoschistus minutus), that lives in European sandy waters
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