
17-letter words containing g, a, t, s

  • stolen generation — Aboriginal children removed from their families and placed in institutions or fostered by White families between 1910 and 1970
  • straight arm lift — a wrestling attack, in which a wrestler twists the opponent's arm against the joint and lifts him or her by it, often using the shoulder as a fulcrum
  • strange attractor — Physics. a stable, nonperiodic state or behavior exhibited by some dynamic systems, especially turbulent ones, that can be represented as a nonrepeating pattern in the system's phase space.
  • strange interlude — a play (1928) by Eugene O'Neill.
  • stress management — coping with psychological pressure
  • stuttgart disease — an often fatal intestinal disease in dogs, caused by any of several spirochetes of the genus Leptospira.
  • subject catalogue — a catalogue with entries arranged by subject in a classified sequence
  • substantive right — a right, as life, liberty, or property, recognized for its own sake and as part of the natural legal order of society.
  • superregeneration — regeneration in which a signal is alternately amplified and quenched at a frequency slightly above the audible range to achieve high sensitivity with a single tube.
  • supply management — business purchasing
  • swaddling clothes — cloth for wrapping around a baby
  • sweating sickness — a febrile epidemic disease that appeared in the 15th and 16th centuries: characterized by profuse sweating and frequently fatal in a few hours.
  • sweet mock orange — the syringa, Philadelphus coronarius.
  • switching station — A switching station is equipment used to tie together two or more electric circuits through switches.
  • sympathetic magic — magic predicated on the belief that one thing or event can affect another at a distance as a consequence of a sympathetic connection between them.
  • take some beating — to be difficult to improve upon
  • teachers' college — a college, usually having a four-year curriculum and granting a bachelor's degree, for training teachers for elementary and secondary schools
  • teaching hospital — a hospital associated with a medical college and offering clinical and other facilities to those in various areas of medical study, as students, interns, and residents.
  • teaching software — computer software for use in providing online education
  • telephone message — a message that is transmitted by telephone
  • terrestrial globe — the planet Earth (usually preceded by the).
  • the age of reason — the 18th century in W Europe
  • the bag of tricks — every device; everything
  • the good old days — When people refer to the good old days, they are referring to a time in the past when they think that life was better than it is now.
  • the last judgment — the occasion, after the resurrection of the dead at the end of the world, when, according to biblical tradition, God will decree the final destinies of all men according to the good and evil in their earthly lives
  • the major leagues — the two main leagues of professional baseball clubs in the U.S., the National League and the American League
  • the night's a pup — it's early yet
  • the whole shebang — The whole shebang is the whole situation or business that you are describing.
  • thomson's gazelle — a medium-sized antelope, Gazella thomsoni, abundant on the grassy steppes and dry bush of the East African plains.
  • threshing machine — a machine for removing grains and seeds from straw and chaff.
  • thuringian forest — a forested mountain region in central Germany: a resort area.
  • tibetan highlands — Tibet, Plateau of.
  • tiger swallowtail — a yellow swallowtail butterfly, Papilio glaucus, of eastern North America, having the forewings striped with black.
  • tiglath-pileser i — died 1102? b.c, king of Assyria c1115–1102?.
  • to argue the toss — If you say that someone argues the toss, you are criticizing them for continuing to argue for longer than is necessary about something that is not very important.
  • to best advantage — If something is shown to good advantage or to best advantage, it is shown in a way that reveals its best features.
  • to say nothing of — You use to say nothing of when you mention an additional thing which gives even more strength to the point you are making.
  • to steal a glance — If you steal a glance at someone or something, you look at them quickly so that nobody sees you looking.
  • topological space — a set with a collection of subsets or open sets satisfying the properties that the union of open sets is an open set, the intersection of two open sets is an open set, and the given set and the empty set are open sets.
  • trading standards — consumer organization
  • transignification — (in the Eucharist) a change in the significance of the bread and wine to symbolize the body and blood of Christ.
  • transition region — a thin and very irregular layer of the sun's atmosphere that separates the hot corona from the much cooler chromosphere.
  • transverse engine — an engine which is fitted side-to-side across the axis of a vehicle
  • trigger mechanism — a physiological or psychological process caused by a stimulus and resulting in a usually severe reaction.
  • turbinado (sugar) — a partially refined, granulated, pale-brown sugar obtained by washing raw sugar in a centrifuge until most of the molasses is removed
  • turbosupercharger — (formerly) a turbocharger.
  • ultimate strength — the quantity of the utmost tensile, compressive, or shearing stress that a given unit area of a certain material is expected to bear without failing.
  • undistinguishable — to mark off as different (often followed by from or by): He was distinguished from the other boys by his height.
  • unimaginativeness — the quality of being unimaginative
  • urogenital system — the urinary tract and reproductive organs
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