
16-letter words containing g, a, t, o, r, s

  • electromagnetism — The interaction of electric currents or fields and magnetic fields.
  • electromyographs — Plural form of electromyograph.
  • external storage — storage, as on disk or tape, supplemental to and slower than main storage, not under the direct control of the CPU and generally contained outside it: Secondary storage for this system is contained on videodisk.
  • farmington hills — a city in SE Michigan.
  • father-surrogate — a male who replaces an absent father and becomes an object of attachment.
  • fire regulations — rules intended to make sure that people and property stay safe in the event of a fire
  • first generation — 1.   (architecture)   first generation computer. 2.   (language)   first generation language.
  • first-generation — being the first generation of a family to be born in a particular country.
  • flabbergastation — (colloquial) Bewildered shock or surprise; the state or condition of being flabbergasted.
  • flight simulator — a device used in pilot and crew training that provides a cockpit environment and sensations of flight under actual conditions.
  • focused strategy — a business strategy in which an organization divests itself of all but its core activities, using the funds raised to enhance the distinctive abilities that give it an advantage over its rivals
  • four-masted brig — jackass bark (def 2).
  • gastro-resistant — A gastro-resistant tablet is designed to temporarily withstand attack by stomach acid.
  • gastroenterology — the study of the structure, functions, and diseases of digestive organs.
  • gastroesophageal — Of or relating to the stomach and to the esophagus.
  • gastrointestinal — of, relating to, or affecting the stomach and intestines.
  • general hospital — A general hospital is a hospital that does not specialize in the treatment of particular illnesses or patients.
  • general solution — a solution to a differential equation that contains arbitrary, unevaluated constants.
  • generation jones — members of the generation of people born in the Western world between the mid-1950s and the mid-1960s
  • globular cluster — a comparatively older, spherically symmetrical, compact group of up to a million old stars, held together by mutual gravitation, that are located in the galactic halo and move in giant and highly eccentric orbits around the galactic center.
  • go off the rails — If someone goes off the rails, they start to behave in a way that other people think is unacceptable or very strange, for example they start taking drugs or breaking the law.
  • go-faster stripe — a decorative line, intended to be suggestive of high speed, on the bodywork of a car
  • gold star mother — an American woman whose son or daughter has died while serving in the United States Armed Forces
  • good-heartedness — the quality of being good-hearted
  • goods in transit — articles that are in the process of being carried by vehicle from one place to another
  • grade separation — separation of the levels at which roads, railroads, paths, etc., cross one another in order to prevent conflicting rows of traffic or the possibility of accidents.
  • gram atomic mass — the quantity of an element whose weight in grams is numerically equal to the atomic weight of the element.
  • grand inquisitor — (often initial capital letters) the presiding officer of a court of inquisition.
  • graphics adaptor — (hardware, graphics)   (Or "graphics adapter", "graphics card", "video adaptor", etc.) A circuit board fitted to a computer, especially an IBM PC, containing the necessary video memory and other electronics to provide a bitmap display. Adaptors vary in the resolution (number of pixels) and number of colours they can display, and in the refresh rate they support. These parameters are also limited by the monitor to which the adaptor is connected. A number of such display standards, e.g. SVGA, have become common and different software requires or supports different sets.
  • great depression — the economic crisis and period of low business activity in the U.S. and other countries, roughly beginning with the stock-market crash in October, 1929, and continuing through most of the 1930s.
  • great soil group — according to a system of classification that originated in Russia, any of several broad groups of soils with common characteristics usually associated with particular climates and vegetation types.
  • ground substance — Also called matrix. the homogeneous substance in which the fibers and cells of connective tissue are embedded.
  • growth substance — any substance, produced naturally by a plant or manufactured commercially, that, in very low concentrations, affects plant growth; a plant hormone
  • guaranteed stock — stock for which dividends are guaranteed by a company other than the one issuing the stock.
  • gun control laws — the laws that restrict the possession and use of guns
  • gyratory crusher — A gyratory crusher is a crusher in which a cone-shaped rod rotates in a cone-shaped bowl.
  • hammer and tongs — with great vigor, determination, or vehemence: When he starts a job he goes at it hammer and tongs.
  • high/great hopes — If you have high hopes or great hopes that something will happen, you are confident that it will happen.
  • historiographies — Plural form of historiography.
  • horary astrology — a method through which the answer to a question is sought by casting and interpreting a horoscope for the precise moment one learns of an event, problem, career opportunity, etc.
  • horseshoe magnet — a horseshoe-shaped permanent magnet.
  • horsetail agaric — the shaggy-mane.
  • housing shortage — a deficiency or lack in the number of houses needed to accommodate the population of an area
  • immigration laws — regulations on incoming foreigners
  • import surcharge — a tax imposed on all imported goods, adding to any established tariffs
  • isoplastic graft — syngraft.
  • james oglethorpeJames Edward, 1696–1785, British general: founder of the colony of Georgia.
  • johnston's organ — a sense organ in the second segment of the antenna of an insect, sensitive to movements of the antenna's flagellum, as when the insect is in flight.
  • keep on a string — to have control or a hold over (someone), esp emotionally
  • knights of labor — a secret workingmen's organization formed in 1869 to defend the interests of labor.
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