
28-letter words containing g, a, n, d, e

  • a poster child for something — a person who is a good, or typical example of something; a prominent exemplar of something
  • a square peg in a round hole — If you describe someone as a square peg in a round hole, you mean that they are completely unsuitable for the job they are doing or the situation they are in.
  • a tools integration standard — (software, library)   (ATIS) An object-oriented interface to a set of services that allows the saving, accessing and managing of information in a common repository. Developed by Atherton Technology and DEC, based on an extended version of the Software BackPlane, proposed as an industry standard.
  • adaptive simulated annealing — (language)   (ASA) An algorithm for global optimisation of generic functions by Lester Ingber <[email protected]> <[email protected]>. Mailing list: <[email protected]>.
  • against your better judgment — If something is against your better judgment, you believe that it would be more sensible or better not to do it.
  • along the line/down the line — If something happens somewhere along the line or down the line, it happens during the course of a situation or activity, often at a point that cannot be exactly identified.
  • asdo implementation language — (language)   (ASDIMPL) A C-like language, run on Burroughs' mainframes in the early 1980s, and cross-compiled to x86-based embedded processors.
  • augmented transition network — (in certain schools of linguistics) a formalism, usually expressed as a diagram, having the power of a Turing machine, used as the basis of processes transforming sentences into their syntactic representations
  • automated engineering design — (language)   (AED) (Or "ALGOL Extended for Design") A systems language for the IBM 7090 and IBM 360 developed at MIT System Laboratory ca. 1965 by a team led by Douglas T. Ross (now at Softech). AED is an extension of ALGOL 60 with records ("plexes"), pointers, and dynamic allocation. DYNAMO II was written in AED, as was the first BCPL compiler. Versions: AED-0, AED-1, AED-JR.
  • be gathered to one's fathers — to die
  • biological response modifier — a therapeutic substance that is produced naturally or synthesized as a drug to stimulate the body's immune defense against disease or infection. Abbreviation: BRM.
  • bright eyed and bushy tailed — having bright eyes.
  • bright-eyed and bushy-tailed — keen, confident, and alert
  • bring a child into the world — If a woman brings a child into the world, she gives birth to it.
  • case data interchange format — (CDIF) An emerging standard for interchange of data between CASE tools.
  • channel associated signaling — in-band signalling
  • charge d'affaires ad interim — Also called chargé d'affaires ad interim. an official placed in charge of diplomatic business during the temporary absence of the ambassador or minister.
  • college of further education — an institution that provides further education
  • common intermediate language — (language)   (CIL)
  • computer-aided manufacturing — the use of specially designed computers to improve and regulate manufacturing processes; a type of automation in which computers control and monitor industrial machinery.
  • congressional medal of honor — the highest U.S. military decoration, awarded by Congress to a member of the armed forces for gallantry and bravery in combat, at the risk of life and above and beyond the call of duty.
  • dataless management services — (operating system)   (DMS)
  • datastorm technologies, inc. — (company)   The original suppliers of Procomm. Address: Columbia MO, USA.
  • democratic republic of congo — a republic in S central Africa, with a narrow strip of land along the Congo estuary leading to the Atlantic in the west: Congo Free State established in 1885, with Leopold II of Belgium as absolute monarch; became the Belgian Congo colony in 1908; gained independence in 1960, followed by civil war and the secession of Katanga (until 1963); President Mobutu Sese Seko seized power in 1965; declared a one-party state in 1978, and was overthrown by rebels in 1997. The country consists chiefly of the Congo basin, with large areas of dense tropical forest and marshes, and the Mitumba highlands reaching over 5000 m (16 000 ft) in the east. Official language: French. Religion: Christian majority, animist minority. Currency: Congolese franc. Capital: Kinshasa. Pop: 75 507 308 (2013 est). Area: 2 344 116 sq km (905 063 sq miles)
  • desktop management interface — (standard, operating system)   (DMI) A specification from the Desktop Management Task Force (DMTF) that establishes a standard framework for managing networked computers. DMI covers hardware and software, desktop systems and servers, and defines a model for filtering events and describing interfaces. DMI provides a common path for technical support, IT managers, and individual users to access information about all aspects of a computer - including processor type, installation date, attached printers and other peripherals, power sources, and maintenance history. It provides a common format for describing products to aid vendors, systems integrators, and end users in enterprise desktop management. DMI is not tied to any specific hardware, operating system, or management protocols. It is easy for vendors to adopt, mappable to existing management protocols such as Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP), and can be used on non-network computers. DMI's four components are: Management Information Format (MIF) - a text file containing information about the hardware and software on a computer. Manufacturers can create their own MIFs specific to a component. Service layer - an OS add-on that connects the management interface and the component interface and allows management and component software to access MIF files. The service layer also includes a common interface called the local agent, which is used to manage individual components. Component interface (CI) - an application program interface (API) that sends status information to the appropriate MIF file via the service layer. Commands include Get, Set, and Event. Management interface (MI) - the management software's interface to the service layer. Commands are Get, Set, and List. CI, MI, and service layer drivers are available on the Internet. Intel's LANDesk Client Manager (LDCM) is based on DMI. Version: 2.0s (as of 2000-01-19).
  • discretionary service charge — A discretionary service charge is an amount that is added to your bill in a restaurant to pay for the work of the person who comes and serves you. You can decide if you want to pay it.
  • dow jones industrial average — a stock market index based upon the current prices of thirty selected industrial stocks traded on the New York Stock Exchange
  • electronic design automation — (application)   (EDA) Software tools for the development of integrated circuits and systems. Companies selling EDA tools include Cadence, Intergraph, Mentor, Synopsys, Viewlogic. Zuken-Redac Dazix has been acquired by Intergraph.
  • emergency medical technician — paramedic
  • english as a second language — subject: English for non-native speakers
  • favourable pressure gradient — a decrease of pressure in the direction of flow
  • federal information exchange — (networking)   (FIX) One of the connection points between the American governmental internets and the Internet.
  • general packet radio service — (communications)   (GPRS) A GSM data transmission technique that transmits and receives data in packets. This contrasts with systems that set up a persistent channel. GPRS makes very efficient use of available radio spectrum, and users pay only for the volume of data sent and received. See also: packet radio.
  • give a person his or her due — to give or allow a person what is deserved or right
  • grand unified (field) theory — any of various theories postulating that the four fundamental forces in the universe (electromagnetism, gravity, the strong interaction, and the weak interaction) are actually types of a single high-energy force
  • high-level data link control — (networking)   (HDLC) A general-purpose data link control protocol defined by ISO for use on both point-to-point and multipoint (multidrop) data links. It supports full-duplex, transparent-mode operation. It is used extensively in both multipoint and computer networks. Some manufacturers and other standards bodies still use their own acronyms, e.g. IBM's SDLC (Synchronous Data Link Control), the forerunner of HDLC and ANSI's ADCCP (Advanced Data Communications Control Procedure).
  • how stupid/lucky can you get — You can say, for example, 'How lucky can you get?' or 'How stupid can you get?' to show your surprise that anyone could be as lucky or stupid as the person that you are talking about.
  • hydrolysed vegetable protein — a powder or liquid that is produced by boiling legumes or cereals in hydrochloric acid and then neutralizing with sodium hydroxide. It is used as a flavouring in some foods, such as soups and bouillon cubes
  • hydrolyzed vegetable protein — a vegetable protein broken down into amino acids and used as a food additive to enhance flavor, especially in soups, sauces, and processed meats. Abbreviation: HVP, H.V.P.
  • ieee floating point standard — (standard, mathematics)   (IEEE 754) "IEEE Standard for Binary Floating-Point Arithmetic (ANSI/IEEE Std 754-1985)" or IEC 559: "Binary floating-point arithmetic for microprocessor systems". A standard, used by many CPUs and FPUs, which defines formats for representing floating-point numbers; representations of special values (e.g. infinity, very small values, NaN); five exceptions, when they occur, and what happens when they do occur; four rounding modes; and a set of floating-point operations that will work identically on any conforming system. IEEE 754 specifies formats for representing floating-point values: single-precision (32-bit) is required, double-precision (64-bit) is optional. The standard also mentions that some implementations may include single-extended precision (80-bit) and double-extended precision (128-bit) formats.
  • in (good, poor, etc. ) taste — in a form, style, or manner showing a (good, poor, etc.) sense of beauty, excellence, fitness, propriety, etc.
  • instruction address register — (architecture)   (IAR) The IBM name for program counter. The IAR can be accessed by way of a supervisor call in supervisor state, but cannot be directly addressed in problem state.
  • integrated drive electronics — Advanced Technology Attachment
  • keep one's ear to the ground — the organ of hearing and equilibrium in vertebrates, in humans consisting of an external ear that gathers sound vibrations, a middle ear in which the vibrations resonate against the tympanic membrane, and a fluid-filled internal ear that maintains balance and that conducts the tympanic vibrations to the auditory nerve, which transmits them as impulses to the brain.
  • knowledge systems laboratory — (KSL) An artificial intelligence research laboratory within the Department of Computer Science at Stanford University. Current work focuses on knowledge representation for sharable engineering knowledge bases and systems, computational environments for modelling physical devices, architectures for adaptive intelligent systems, and expert systems for science and engineering.
  • marriage guidance counsellor — a person whose job is to give advice given to couples who have problems in their married life
  • meter-kilogram-second-ampere — of or relating to the system of units in which the meter, kilogram, second, and ampere are the principal units of length, mass, time, and electric current. Abbreviation: mksa, MKSA.
  • object data management group — (body, database)   (ODMG, previously ".. Database ..") An independent consortium that specifies universal object storage standards. ODMG's members include object-oriented database management system (ODBMS) vendors and other interested parties. They aim to increase portability of customer software across products. On 1998-04-27 ODMG changed its name from the Object Database Management Group to reflect the expansion of its efforts beyond merely setting storage standards for object databases.
  • object linking and embedding — (operating system)   (OLE) A distributed object system and protocol from Microsoft, also used on the Acorn Archimedes. OLE allows an editor to "farm out" part of a document to another editor and then reimport it. For example, a desk-top publishing system might send some text to a word processor or a picture to a bitmap editor using OLE.
  • open document management api — (text, standard)   An open standard allowing desktop applications to interface with document management systems.

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