
11-letter words containing g, a, m, y

  • gamma decay — type of radioactivity in which an unstable atomic nucleus dissipates energy by gamma emission, producing gamma rays.
  • gastrectomy — partial or total excision of the stomach.
  • gastromancy — a form of divination by interpreting words and sounds seeming to come from the stomach
  • gastrostomy — the construction of an artificial opening from the stomach through the abdominal wall, permitting intake of food or drainage of gastric contents.
  • geitonogamy — pollination of a flower by pollen from another flower on the same plant.
  • gentlemanly — like, befitting, or characteristic of a gentleman.
  • geodynamics — (used with a singular verb) the science dealing with dynamic processes or forces within the earth.
  • gerrymander — U.S. Politics. the dividing of a state, county, etc., into election districts so as to give one political party a majority in many districts while concentrating the voting strength of the other party into as few districts as possible.
  • gimcrackery — cheap, showy, useless trifles, ornaments, trinkets, etc.
  • glamorously — In a glamorous manner.
  • glamour boy — a man whose appearance or lifestyle is considered glamorous by popular standards.
  • gonadectomy — (surgery) The procedure to remove an ovary or testis.
  • gonycampsis — abnormal curvature of the knee.
  • gossypiboma — (surgery) A gauze or surgical sponge left inside a patient's body during surgery.
  • graminology — the branch of botany concerned with the study of grasses
  • granny farm — a home where old people are cared for
  • gravity dam — a dam resisting the pressure of impounded water through its own weight.
  • gray market — a market operating within the law but charging prices substantially below list prices or those fixed by an official agency.
  • gray matter — Anatomy. nerve tissue, especially of the brain and spinal cord, that contains fibers and nerve cell bodies and is dark reddish-gray. Compare white matter.
  • gray mullet — mullet1 (def 1).
  • grey market — Grey market goods are bought unofficially and then sold to customers at lower prices than usual.
  • grey matter — You can refer to your intelligence or your brains as grey matter.
  • grimacingly — With a grimace.
  • gymnanthous — achlamydeous.
  • gymnasiarch — (in ancient Greece) a magistrate who superintended the gymnasia and public games in certain cities.
  • gymnastical — Alternative form of gymnastic.
  • gymnophobia — An inordinate fear or hatred of being naked, and possibly nudity or nudists and naturists.
  • gymnorhinal — (of a bird) having the nostrils exposed, not covered by feathers.
  • gynaecomast — a man who suffers from gynaecomastia
  • gyrocompass — a navigational compass containing a gyroscope rotor, that, when adjusted for the latitude and speed of the vessel or aircraft, indicates the direction of true north along the surface of the earth or communicates this information to one or more gyro repeaters.
  • haematology — (medicine) The scientific study of blood and blood-producing organs.
  • hematophagy — The practice, of some animals, of feeding on blood.
  • higashiyama — of or relating to the period of Japanese art history, especially during the second half of the 15th century, influenced by Zen Buddhism and characterized by architectural simplicity and monochrome painting.
  • hydrargyrum — mercury.
  • hymnography — the craft of hymn composition
  • imaginarily — existing only in the imagination or fancy; not real; fancied: an imaginary illness; the imaginary animals in the stories of Dr. Seuss.
  • immitigably — In an immitigable manner.
  • impregnably — In an impregnable manner; in a manner to defy attack.
  • kymographic — Of or pertaining to a kymograph.
  • lamentingly — to feel or express sorrow or regret for: to lament his absence.
  • lammergeyer — Alternative form of lammergeier.
  • laryngismus — Laryngospasm.
  • laryngotomy — incision of the larynx.
  • ley farming — the alternation at intervals of several years of crop growing and grassland pasture
  • ligamentary — Of or relating to ligaments.
  • lognormally — in the manner of having a having a natural logarithm with normal distribution
  • longanimity — patient endurance of hardship, injuries, or offense; forbearance.
  • lymph gland — any of the glandlike masses of tissue in the lymphatic vessels containing cells that become lymphocytes.
  • lymphangial — pertaining to the lymphatic vessels.
  • macrography — examination or study of an object with the naked eye (opposed to micrography).
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