
26-letter words containing g, a, m, o, u

  • assembly language compiler — (language)   (ALC) An alternative name for IBM 360 assembly language. Compare BAL.
  • augmented backus-naur form — (language)   An extension of Backus-Naur Form documented in RFC 2234.
  • carnegie mellon university — (body, education)   (CMU) A university in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. School of Computer Science.
  • cherkess autonomous region — Karachai-Cherkess Autonomous Region.
  • codd's reduction algorithm — (database)   An algorithm to convert an arbitrary expression of the relational calculus to an equivalent expression of the relational algebra. This can be used as the basis of an implementation of the relational calculus.
  • coldfusion markup language — (language, web)   (CFML) A tag based markup language used to create ColdFusion web applications by embedding ColdFusion commands in HTML files.
  • columbia appletalk package — (networking)   (CAP) An implementation of Apple Computer's AppleTalk protocols for Unix 4.2BSD and its derivatives, from Columbia University. There are two different LAP delivery mechanisms for: IPTalk and Ethertalk (possibly using UAB). CAP supports the following AppleTalk protocols: AppleTalk Transaction Protocol (ATP), Name Binding Protocol (NBP), Printer Access Protocol (PAP), AppleTalk Session Protocol (ASP), AppleTalk Filing Protocol (AFP) client side. In addition, the Datagram Delivery Protocol (DDP) and Zone Information Protocol (ZIP) are partially available. The structure of the Internet Appletalk Bridge software makes it impossible to provide full DDP service. Only the Get Zone List ATP ZIP command is implemented for ZIP.
  • combined cycle gas turbine — A combined cycle gas turbine is an efficient combination of gas-fired turbine and steam turbine, used in a power plant.
  • computer aided engineering — (application)   (CAE) The use of software to help with all phases of engineering design work. Like computer aided design, but also involving the conceptual and analytical design steps and extending into Computer-Integrated Manufacturing (CIM).
  • computer graphics metafile — (graphics, file format)   (CGM) A standard file format for storage and communication of graphical information, widely used on personal computers and accepted by desktop publishing and technical illustration systems. See also: WebCGM.
  • computer-aided engineering — the use of computers to automate manufacturing processes
  • computer-assisted learning — Computer-Aided Instruction
  • computer-generated imagery — (graphics)   (CGI) Animatied graphics produced by computer and used in film or television.
  • data manipulation language — (language, database)   (DML, or Data Management Language) A language for the manipulation of data in a database by applications and/or directly by end-users. See also Data Definition Language (DDL).
  • electronic programme guide — an on-screen guide that enables viewers of digital television to select programmes using a handheld device
  • external-combustion engine — a heat engine in which the working fluid is heated in an external boiler or heat exchanger and is thus isolated from the process of fuel combustion
  • fourth generation computer — (architecture)   A computer built using Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) integrated circuits, especially a microcomputer based on a microprocesseor, or a parallel processor containing two to thousands of CPUs. VLSI made it routine to fabricate an entire CPU, main memory, or similar device with a single integrated circuit that can be mass produced at very low cost. This has resulted in new classes of machines such as personal computers, and high performance parallel processors that contains thousands of CPUs.
  • german democratic republic — a former country in central Europe: created in 1949 from the Soviet zone of occupied Germany established in 1945: reunited with West Germany in 1990. 41,827 sq. mi. (108,333 sq. km). Capital: East Berlin.
  • get (or have) the jump on — to get (or have) an earlier start than and thus have an advantage over
  • get the measure of someone — to assess the nature, character, quality, etc, of someone
  • give someone to understand — If someone is given to understand that something is the case, it is communicated to them that it is the case, usually without them being told directly.
  • grand army of the republic — an organization, founded in 1866, composed of men who served in the U.S. Army and Navy during the Civil War: its last member died in 1956. Abbreviation: G.A.R.
  • have your eye on something — If you have your eye on something, you want to have it.
  • internal combustion engine — An internal combustion engine is an engine that creates its energy by burning fuel inside itself. Most cars have internal combustion engines.
  • internal-combustion engine — an engine of one or more working cylinders in which the process of combustion takes place within the cylinders.
  • law of diminishing returns — diminishing returns (def 2).
  • master of the king's music — (in Britain when the sovereign is male) a court post dating from the reign of Charles I. It is an honorary title and normally held by an established English composer
  • mecklenburg-west pomerania — a state of NE Germany, along the Baltic coast: consists of the former state of Mecklenburg and those parts of W Pomerania not incorporated into Poland after World War II: part of East Germany until 1990. Pop: 1 732 000 (2003 est)
  • minimum-access programming — a method of programming in which latency is reduced to a minimum.
  • monday morning quarterback — a person who criticizes the actions or decisions of others after the fact, using hindsight to assess situations and specify alternative solutions.
  • mongolian hordes technique — (programming, jargon)   (Or "Chinese Army technique") Assigning a large number of inexperienced programmers to a job which would better performed by a few skilled ones. The term was first used by Dr. Fred Brooks in his book "The Mythical Man-Month", Chapter 3. According to Dr. Brooks, he had in mind the vision of the Mongol Hordes sweeping across Asia and Europe when he created the term.
  • multi-color graphics array — (hardware, graphics)   (MCGA) One of IBM's less popular hardware video display standards for use in the IBM PS/2. MCGA can display 80*25 text in monochrome, 40*25 text in 256 colours or 320*200 pixel graphics in 256 colors. It is now obsolete.
  • new business profit margin — A new business profit margin is a system used by insurers to measure the cost of and profit from writing new policies.
  • nuclear magnetic resonance — the selective absorption of electromagnetic radiation by an atomic nucleus in the presence of a strong, static, magnetic field: used in research and in medicine to monitor tissue metabolism and to distinguish between normal and abnormal cells. Abbreviation: NMR.
  • organophosphorus-compounds — Biochemistry. any of a variety of organic compounds that contain phosphorus and often have intense neurotoxic activity: originally developed as nerve gases, now widely used as insecticides and fire retardants.
  • put a bug in someone's ear — Also called true bug, hemipteran, hemipteron. a hemipterous insect.
  • quite apart from something — used to indicate that you are aware of one aspect of a situation, but that you are going to focus on another aspect
  • sangre de cristo mountains — a mountain range in S Colorado and N New Mexico: part of the Rocky Mountains. Highest peak: Blanca Peak, 4364 m (14 317 ft)
  • solemn league and covenant — an agreement (1643) between the parliaments of Scotland and England permitting the promotion of Presbyterianism in Scotland, England, and Ireland.
  • state of the union message — an annual message to Congress in which the president reports on the state of the nation and outlines a legislative program: required by the Constitution (Article II, Section 3). Abbreviation: SOTU.
  • straight from the shoulder — direct, honest, and forceful in expression; outspoken.
  • straight-from-the-shoulder — direct, honest, and forceful in expression; outspoken.
  • tabulating machine company — (company)   The company founded in 1896 by Herman Hollerith to exploit his invention of the punched card. It became part of IBM in 1924.
  • technological unemployment — unemployment caused by technological changes or new methods of production in an industry or business.
  • the single european market — the free trade policy that operates between members of the European Union
  • to call something your own — If you have something you can call your own, it belongs only to you, rather than being controlled by or shared with someone else.
  • to laugh in someone's face — If someone laughs in your face, they are openly disrespectful towards you.
  • turn something on its head — to treat or present something in a completely new and different way

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