
13-letter words containing f, u

  • self-ridicule — speech or action intended to cause contemptuous laughter at a person or thing; derision.
  • self-security — freedom from danger, risk, etc.; safety.
  • semifurnished — to supply (a house, room, etc.) with necessary furniture, carpets, appliances, etc.
  • seminal fluid — the fluid component of semen, excluding the sperm.
  • sensate focus — a series of touching exercises designed to increase intimacy in a sexual relationship
  • sheriff court — (in Scotland) a court having jurisdiction to try summarily or on indictment all but the most serious crimes and to deal with most civil actions
  • sigmund freudAnna, 1895–1982, British psychoanalyst, born in Austria (daughter of Sigmund Freud).
  • silver surfer — elderly internet user
  • single-figure — relating to numbers below ten
  • skill-fulness — having or exercising skill: a skillful juggler.
  • small fortune — a large sum of money
  • snuff-dipping — the practice of absorbing nicotine by holding in one's mouth, between the cheek and the gum, a small amount of tobacco, either loose or enclosed in a sachet
  • soda fountain — a counter, as in a restaurant or drugstore, at which sodas, ice cream, light meals, etc., are served.
  • soft currency — econ: fluctuating value
  • soft shoulder — the unpaved edge of a road.
  • soixante-neuf — sixty-nine (def 4).
  • solar furnace — a furnace using sunlight concentrated by concave mirrors as the direct source of heat.
  • sound effects — any sounds artificially produced, reproduced from a recording, etc, to create a theatrical effect, such as the bringing together of two halves of a hollow coconut shell to simulate a horse's gallop; used in plays, films, etc
  • soundproofing — materials used to make something soundproof
  • soup-and-fish — a man's formal evening clothes.
  • soupfin shark — a requiem shark, Galeorhinus zyopterus, inhabiting the Pacific Ocean, valued for its fins, which are used by the Chinese in the preparation of a soup, and for its liver, which is rich in vitamin A.
  • south african — of southern Africa.
  • southern fish — the constellation Piscis Austrinus.
  • speechfulness — the state of being full of speech or expression
  • spinuliferous — relating to a spine or spines
  • splendiferous — splendid; magnificent; fine.
  • spruce sawfly — any of several sawflies of the family Diprionidae, especially Diprion hercyniae (European spruce sawfly) the larvae of which feed on the foliage of spruce.
  • spurge family — the large plant family Euphorbiaceae, characterized by herbaceous plants, shrubs, and trees having milky juice, simple alternate leaves or no leaves, usually petalless flowers often with showy bracts, and capsular fruit, and including cassava, croton, crown-of-thorns, poinsettia, snow-on-the-mountain, spurge, and the plants that produce castor oil, rubber, and tung oil.
  • staminiferous — bearing or having a stamen or stamens.
  • state funeral — a ceremonial funeral for a head of state, or other very important person
  • step function — a function that is constant on each of a finite set of subintervals of its domain, the union of the subintervals being the domain.
  • stick out for — If you stick out for something, you keep demanding it and do not accept anything different or less.
  • stoloniferous — producing or bearing stolons.
  • strombuliform — in the shape of a coil
  • stuffed derma — kishke.
  • stuffed dummy — someone who says or does nothing and is generally inanimate and characterless
  • stuffed shirt — a pompous, self-satisfied, and inflexible person.
  • stultifyingly — to make, or cause to appear, foolish or ridiculous.
  • sub-franchise — a privilege of a public nature conferred on an individual, group, or company by a government: a franchise to operate a bus system.
  • sub-reference — an act or instance of referring.
  • subjectifying — to make subjective.
  • subprefecture — the office or position of subprefect
  • suffocatingly — to kill by preventing the access of air to the blood through the lungs or analogous organs, as gills; strangle.
  • suffolk punch — a breed of draught horse with a chestnut coat and short legs
  • suffrutescent — partially or slightly woody; subshrubby.
  • sugar factory — a factory which refines sugar from organic sources into a form that can be used in cooking etc
  • sugar of lead — lead acetate.
  • sugar of milk — lactose.
  • sulfadimidine — an antibacterial sulfa drug used in human and veterinary medicine. It is effective against chlamydia, toxoplasma, and cocidia
  • sulfamerazine — a sulfa drug, C11H12N4O2S, a methyl derivative of sulfadiazine that is more rapidly absorbed
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