
10-letter words containing f, u

  • suckerfish — remora.
  • sucralfate — a sugar-aluminum complex, C 1 2 H 5 4 Al 1 6 O 7 5 S 8 , used for the treatment of duodenal ulcer.
  • sufferable — to undergo or feel pain or distress: The patient is still suffering.
  • sufferance — passive permission resulting from lack of interference; tolerance, especially of something wrong or illegal (usually preceded by on or by).
  • sufficient — adequate for the purpose; enough: sufficient proof; sufficient protection.
  • suffisance — a sufficiency, a sufficient or abundant quantity or supply
  • sufflation — to inflate.
  • suffragist — an advocate of the grant or extension of political suffrage, especially to women.
  • sugar loaf — resembling a sugar-loaf.
  • sugar-free — containing no sugar: a sugar-free cola.
  • sugar-loaf — resembling a sugar-loaf.
  • sulfa drug — any of a group of drugs closely related in chemical structure to sulfanilamide, having a bacteriostatic rather than a bacteriocidal effect: used in the treatment of various wounds, burns, and infections.
  • sulfanilyl — containing the sulfanilyl group.
  • sulfhydryl — mercapto.
  • sulfureous — consisting of, containing, or pertaining to sulfur.
  • sun-filled — filled with light from the sun
  • sunk fence — a wall or other barrier set in a ditch to divide lands without marring the landscape.
  • superfecta — a type of bet, especially on horse races, in which the bettor must select the first four finishers in exact order.
  • superflack — an extremely competent, successful press agent
  • superfluid — a fluid that exhibits frictionless flow, very high heat conductivity, and other unusual physical properties, helium below 2.186 K being the only known example.
  • surefooted — not likely to stumble, slip, or fall.
  • surf music — rock-'n'-roll music from California in the early 1960s, characterized by close treble harmonies and with lyrics emphasizing the exhilaration of surfing and beach life.
  • surf smelt — a smelt, Hypomesus pretiosus, inhabiting shallow waters from southern California to Alaska, and spawning in the surf.
  • surfaceman — a labourer, such as a miner, who works at the surface
  • surfactant — surface-active agent.
  • surfeiting — excess; an excessive amount: a surfeit of speechmaking.
  • surfriding — surfing.
  • survey fee — the money paid to a surveyor for an inspection of a building to determine its condition and value
  • suspectful — suspicious
  • taeniafuge — an agent or medicine for expelling tapeworms from the body.
  • taffy pull — a party at which taffy is made
  • tartuffery — behavior or character of a Tartuffe, especially hypocritical piety.
  • tax refund — rebate on overpaid tax
  • thankfully — feeling or expressing gratitude; appreciative.
  • thimbleful — the amount that a thimble will hold.
  • thoughtful — showing consideration for others; considerate.
  • three-four — designating or of a musical rhythm with three quarter notes to a measure
  • to a fault — a defect or imperfection; flaw; failing: a fault in the brakes; a fault in one's character.
  • tonguefish — any of several flatfishes of the family Cynoglossidae, having the tail tapered to a point.
  • trifarious — facing in three different directions
  • trifurcate — to divide into three forks or branches.
  • trisulfide — a sulfide containing three sulfur atoms.
  • trout farm — a lake or other enclosed area of water where trout are bred for food
  • truck farm — a farm or piece of land for the growing of vegetables and fruit for sale, especially to local or nearby markets.
  • true fruit — simple fruit.
  • trust fund — money, securities, property, etc., held in trust.
  • truthfully — telling the truth, especially habitually: a truthful person.
  • tuber fern — a tropical, erect fern, Nephrolepis cordifolia, having sharply toothed and numerously segmented fronds.
  • tuberiform — in the form of a tuber
  • tuffaceous — a fragmental rock consisting of the smaller kinds of volcanic detritus, as ash or cinder, usually more or less stratified.
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