
10-letter words containing f, u

  • humidified — to make humid.
  • humidifier — a device for increasing the amount of water vapor in the air of a room or building, consisting of a container for water and a vaporizer.
  • humidifies — Third-person singular simple present indicative form of humidify.
  • igniferous — (rare) Producing fire.
  • impurified — Simple past tense and past participle of impurify.
  • in lieu of — place; stead.
  • index fund — a fund, as a mutual fund or pension fund, with a portfolio that contains many of the securities listed in a major stock index in order to match the performance of the stock market generally.
  • infamously — having an extremely bad reputation: an infamous city.
  • infatuated — to inspire or possess with a foolish or unreasoning passion, as of love.
  • infatuates — Third-person singular simple present indicative form of infatuate.
  • infectious — communicable by infection, as from one person to another or from one part of the body to another: infectious diseases.
  • infibulate — to stitch together the vulva of (a girl or woman), often after a clitoridectomy, in order to prevent intercourse.
  • infinitude — infinity: divine infinitude.
  • influenced — the capacity or power of persons or things to be a compelling force on or produce effects on the actions, behavior, opinions, etc., of others: He used family influence to get the contract.
  • influencer — a person or thing that influences: The most powerful influencer of beliefs is direct experience.
  • influences — Plural form of influence.
  • influenzal — Of or relating to influenza.
  • influenzas — Plural form of influenza.
  • infrahuman — less than human; subhuman.
  • infrasound — sound with frequencies below the audible range.
  • infrequent — happening or occurring at long intervals or rarely: infrequent visits.
  • infuriated — to make furious; enrage.
  • infuriates — Third-person singular simple present indicative form of infuriate.
  • infusorial — pertaining to, containing, or consisting of infusorians: infusorial earth.
  • infusorian — any of the Infusoria.
  • infusorium — (biology) An individual of the infusoria.
  • ingrateful — Ungrateful; not grateful.
  • insightful — characterized by or displaying insight; perceptive.
  • insufflate — to blow or breathe (something) in.
  • interfluve — the land area separating adjacent stream valleys.
  • interfused — Simple past tense and past participle of interfuse.
  • irefulness — The state of being ireful; anger; fury.
  • isoflurane — a volatile, halogenated ether, C 3 H 2 ClF 5 O, used as a general anesthetic in surgery.
  • joyfulness — full of joy, as a person or one's heart; glad; delighted.
  • jump-shift — a jump bid in a suit different from the suit just bid by one's partner.
  • just folks — Usually, folks. (used with a plural verb) people in general: Folks say there wasn't much rain last summer.
  • justifying — Present participle of justify.
  • kafkaesque — of, pertaining to, characteristic of, or resembling the literary work of Franz Kafka: the Kafkaesque terror of the endless interrogations.
  • kerfluffle — Alternative spelling of kerfuffle.
  • kitesurfer — A person who kitesurfs.
  • kiwi fruit — A kiwi fruit is a fruit with a brown hairy skin and green flesh.
  • klagenfurt — a province in S Austria. 3681 sq. mi. (9535 sq. km). Capital: Klagenfurt.
  • langlaufer — a participant in cross-country skiing.
  • laniferous — wool-bearing: sheep and other laniferous animals.
  • latifundia — a great estate.
  • latifundio — a great estate of Latin America or Spain.
  • lawfulness — allowed or permitted by law; not contrary to law: a lawful enterprise.
  • lay figure — a jointed model of the human body, usually of wood, from which artists work in the absence of a living model.
  • leaf mould — Leaf mould is a substance consisting of decayed leaves that is used to improve the soil.
  • leafcutter — Alternative spelling of leaf-cutter.
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