
14-letter words containing f, r, o, u

  • gulf of anadyr — an inlet of the Bering Sea, off the coast of NE Russia
  • gulf of mannar — the part of the Indian Ocean between SE India and the island of Sri Lanka: pearl fishing
  • hero's formula — the formula for the area of a triangle when the sides are given: for a triangle with sides a, b, and c, the area is equal to , where s is equal to one half the perimeter of the triangle.
  • hiram woodruffHiram, 1817–67, Canadian driver, trainer, and breeder of harness-racing horses.
  • hold your fire — If someone holds their fire or holds fire, they stop shooting or they wait before they start shooting.
  • honours of war — the honours granted by the victorious to the defeated, esp as of marching out with all arms and flags flying
  • house of cards — a structure or plan that is insubstantial and subject to imminent collapse, as a structure made by balancing playing cards against each other: The scheme is so overly complicated that it's likely to prove to be just another house of cards.
  • house of lords — the nonelective, upper house of the British Parliament, comprising the lords spiritual and lords temporal.
  • house of peers — former name of the Japanese House of Councilors.
  • hydrosulfurous — hyposulfurous.
  • ill-suited for — unsuitable for something
  • in sb's favour — If someone makes a judgment in your favour, they say that you are right about something.
  • inferior court — a court of limited jurisdiction
  • infopreneurial — of or relating to the manufacture or sales of electronic office or factory equipment designed to distribute information
  • inquiry office — an office or department of a business, organization, etc, which deals with inquiries or requests for information
  • interdiffusion — mutual diffusion of fluids
  • isthmus of kra — an isthmus of SW Thailand, between the Bay of Bengal and the Gulf of Thailand: the narrowest part of the Malay Peninsula. Width: about 56 km (35 miles)
  • junior officer — an officer who is not in overall command of a military unit
  • kekulé formula — the structural formula of benzene represented as a hexagonal ring with alternate single and double bonds between the carbon atoms.
  • labour of love — If you do something as a labour of love, you do it because you really want to and not because of any reward you might get for it, even though it involves hard work.
  • long-suffering — enduring injury, trouble, or provocation long and patiently.
  • maid of honour — A maid of honour is the chief bridesmaid at a wedding.
  • make a fortune — win, earn a vast amount of money
  • marvel-of-peru — the four-o'clock, Mirabilis jalapa.
  • methoxyflurane — a potent substance, C 3 H 4 Cl 2 F 2 O, used as an analgesic in minor surgical procedures and less frequently as a general anesthetic.
  • miniature golf — a game or amusement modeled on golf and played with a putter and golf ball, in which each very short, grassless “hole” constitutes an obstacle course, consisting of wooden alleys, tunnels, bridges, etc., through which the ball must be driven to hole it.
  • mixed foursome — a foursome of two teams, each comprised of a man and a woman.
  • molecular film — a film or layer one molecule thick.
  • mother-fucking — a mean, despicable, or vicious person.
  • multifactorial — having or stemming from a number of different causes or influences: Some medical researchers regard cancer as a multifactorial disease.
  • multifariously — In a multifarious manner.
  • neurofibromata — a benign neoplasm composed of the fibrous elements of a nerve.
  • newfoundlander — a native or inhabitant of Newfoundland.
  • nitrofurantoin — an antimicrobial substance, C 8 H 6 N 4 O 5 , used for the treatment of urinary tract infections.
  • non-fraudulent — characterized by, involving, or proceeding from fraud, as actions, enterprise, methods, or gains: a fraudulent scheme to evade taxes.
  • non-uniformity — the state or quality of being uniform; overall sameness, homogeneity, or regularity: uniformity of style.
  • nonfluorescent — possessing the property of fluorescence; exhibiting fluorescence.
  • nuclear fusion — fusion (def 4).
  • occluded front — a composite front formed when a cold front overtakes a warm front and forces it aloft.
  • of set purpose — with a specific end in view
  • of your dreams — If you describe someone or something as the person or thing of your dreams, you mean that you consider them to be ideal or perfect.
  • off the ground — the solid surface of the earth; firm or dry land: to fall to the ground.
  • offer document — a document sent by a person or firm making a takeover bid to the shareholders of the target company, giving details of the offer that has been made and, usually, reasons for accepting it
  • olfactory bulb — the enlarged terminal part of each olfactory lobe from which the olfactory nerve originates.
  • on firm ground — in a safe situation
  • on the surface — to all appearances
  • oral-formulaic — noting or pertaining to poetry of an earlier spoken tradition, as the Iliad, that uses formulas to aid its continued expression.
  • out from under — away from, or not in, the normal or usual place, position, state, etc.: out of alphabetical order; to go out to dinner.
  • out of control — wild, unrestrained
  • out of nowhere — unexpectedly
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